Progesterone monthly injections to call


  1. Progesterone and menstrual cycle
  2. Progesterone at a delay of menstruation
  3. The scheme of the injection
  4. Contraindications and side effects
  5. Reviews of patients and professionals

Progesterone - a female hormone, the lack of which leads to many kinds of menstrual disorders. Often synthetic analogues of this substance is introduced artificially into the organism to correct hormonal levels and the absence of menstruation. How soon will come monthly progesterone after the form in which it should be used, and other details such therapy to find out in this article.

Progesterone for call monthly

Progesterone and menstrual cycle

This hormone is a key, which, together with estrogen regulates female cycle. The moment of ovulation occurs yield mature ovum from the follicle, and then starts to operate progesterone most active.
It prepares, activates and increases the secretory function of the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium for the adoption of a fertilized egg (in the case of conception). And it attaches to cervical mucus such properties that contribute to the transport and conservation has entered into the vagina male seed.

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If conception took place, progesterone creates all favorable conditions for the development of the fetus and the pregnancy success: reducing the contractile function uterine muscle, the immune function of the time of implantation, so that he is not torn yet strange fruit for him, prevents uterine bleeding.

That is why the balance of hormones is so important for the normal functioning of the female reproductive system.

Given this important role of progesterone drugs with its content is prescribed in the following situations:

  1. Amenorrhea, which implies the absence of menstruation for several months (cycles).
  2. Hypomenstrual syndrome, which include oligomenorrhea (critical days of duration of less than 3 days), gipomenoreya (meager, smearing bleeding), and spanio- opsomenoreya (rare monthly).
  3. Lack of ovulation. There are situations where the endometrium is updated, and the egg is not matured and does not come out.
  4. Intermenstrual bleeding (dysfunction cycle).
  5. Painful periods.
  6. Preservation and maintenance of pregnancy.
  7. In the complex therapy for the treatment of infertility.

In such specialists Abuse carry out diagnostics on the progesterone content and prescribe corrective hormonal therapy. This substance is produced in the form of pills and injections. The latter have the advantage that the effect of them is coming a lot faster, and the total hormone concentration is achieved within 6 hours.

See also, how to call monthly onion skinsBy clicking on the link.

Progesterone at a delay of menstruation

Comments about injections of progesterone at a delay of menstruation, which is left to the women's and the patient's medical sites, and experts say about the effectiveness of this tool in 89% of cases of use. This is due to the fact that the basic active substance is a synthetic analogue of injectable progesterone, which recreates its maximum effect when ingested.

This component contained in an oil solution (refined olive, peach, almond oil), which can be seen in the instruction. For different situations apply different concentrations of progesterone: 1 - percentage, 2 and 2.5.

To avoid overdose and adverse reactions, should first take a blood test on the contents of the main hormones, to exclude possible contraindications and receive consultation and the appointment of the desired concentration and duration injections.

Injections of progesterone to help bring monthly as soon as possible, if the delay is due to certain physiological conditions of the female body or hormonal imbalances, there will come into force these reasons:

  1. Trauma-informed.
  2. Endocrinological disorders.
  3. Physical exercise.
  4. Wrong way of life.
  5. Low or excessive body weight.
  6. Incorrectly matched hormonal contraceptives or abuse.

When the first and the minimum delay menstruation do not panic and immediately resort to such drugs. The first thing to do a pregnancy test. When it is omitted, it should wait for up to 5 days, as can be the cause of the above factors. If monthly will not begin after this period, then there should contact your doctor immediately: using analyzes it determine the cause, the concentration of sex hormones, and in the case of unbalance designate therapy which adjusts hormones.

The scheme of the injection

For each situation, and the body's progesterone injections of different therapies. It should not attempt to use this tool, since the slightest violation of the level of this hormone in the body can lead to serious and sometimes irreversible consequences.

Reviews professionals and instructions indicate that the call for monthly injections of progesterone used in such schemes:

  1. Standard. The course of treatment is 7 days. The concentration of the solution is determined by the doctor by assigning 1 injection once a day. This scheme is used in many cases, in the absence of a serious hormonal and other disorders of the reproductive system.
  2. At the minimum prescribed progesterone deficiency of 1-percent solution of 1 times a day for 4-5 days.
  3. When serious imbalance hormone injections must be done within 7-10 days once a day.
  4. At correctly picked a course of injections of progesterone after its cancellation periods may occur after only 2 days. Feedback from those who caused the monthly this way, talking about average periods of 2-5 days.

When an unstable cycle in addition gynecologists often credited Vitamin E for regular monthly.

Contraindications and side effects

Together with high efficiency similar synthetic analog progestin has several contraindications, which include:

  • Abnormalities in liver function, hepatitis.
  • Venous thrombosis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Neoplasms of uncertain etymology in the reproductive system, mammary glands.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Migraine.
  • Problems with the respiratory system, epilepsy.
  • Depression.

There is also a number of side effects that can cause injections of progesterone:

  • fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • Nausea, vomiting caused by disturbance of liver function.
  • Frequent use of medication can affect the increase in body weight.
  • Spotting from the vagina.
  • Headaches, dizziness.
  • Discomfort in the mammary glands.

In the event of one of these problems need to stop stabbing the drug and consult a physician to adjust the treatment regimen, or cancel it.

Sometimes you can avoid hormone therapy and refer to traditional medicine. Learn how to take a decoction of herbs to induce menses Article link ..

Reviews of patients and professionals

The effectiveness and speed of action of progesterone injections at a delay of the planned monthly there are many reviews on all kinds of gynecological Internet resources.

Comment Anna, 32 years old: "Before giving birth, I did not know the problems with the cycle, and then after his son's birth I became delays occur. I waited 3 series and started to give medical advice. My gynecologist has appointed me a few analyzes that have established a critical low levels of the hormone progesterone. I was assigned this injection drug inducing menses scheme 7 days for one shot. First, I receive them the day before the proposed date of the onset of critical days, and they went on the third day of injections. I took one course. For the past six months, I do not see the problem. "

Comment Polina, 44 years old: "I want to share an interesting discovery. I often hear about the delay due to hormonal disorders. I was with the first menstruation disturbed pains in its first days. After moving to another country, I have two series did not come on time monthly. I went to the doctor and after the diagnosis has received the expected response of the lack of progesterone. I wanted to quickly get everything back to normal, because I asked injections of this hormone, which read a lot, but how much and how to prick - Adjusted doctor. Send monthly 5 days after a five-day treatment. Out and pain. For the third year I do not know the problems. "

Comment Progesterone injections - productive therapy for call menstruation and other menstrual irregularities correction. To get the desired effect, it is important to determine the course of application and concentration of the solution. Make it can only be a specialist with the help of blood tests for hormone levels, after eliminate contraindications, and will take into account all the features of your body.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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