Discharge from the breast during pregnancy: in the early stages, yellow, transparent in the second trimester


  1. Causes of discharge from the breasts during pregnancy
  2. What you need to know about colostrum?
  3. Proper care of breasts during discharge
  4. Dangerous discharge from the breast

Changes in the mammary glands - this is the most common symptom of pregnancy. It begins with their increase in volume, increasing the sensitivity, darkening halos and speeches venous mesh. Gradually appear allocation from the breast during pregnancy. You need to understand whether or not to be frightened, seeing exudates or, still, this phenomenon has the character of the natural order.

Discharge from the breasts during pregnancy

Causes of discharge from the breasts during pregnancy

Mammary glands are endowed with physiologically milky channels responsible for the allocation of any liquid. They work throughout life. periodically required for the normal functioning to get rid of accumulated inside the substance, which can happen even in the body of a woman is not pregnant. Read about the causes discharge from the breast before menstruation link.

Clear discharge from the breast in early pregnancy are considered a natural phenomenon for this period.

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In some cases, they may even indicate the occurrence of such before you did the test. Such a process is directly linked to hormonal changes in the body. It also affects the functioning of the mammary glands, which before the birth must have time to prepare for lactation.

There are a number of factors affecting the production of fluid from the breast during early pregnancy.

  • Any physical impact. separation frequently observed with pressure, massage or stimulation during intercourse.
  • Also encourage such a process can be hot water treatments (bath, shower), agitation and hot drinks.

Toward the middle of the childbearing period begins to stand out not transparent yellowish liquid. It is called colostrum. This is evidence of active preparation for the body to develop a full milk, which stimulates contractions of the uterus invisible.

Similar processes in the second trimester or later should not be accompanied by severe pain. When this is considered normal if the same breast skin begins to itch a little. As a rule, the result of breast enlargement. skin elasticity old enough, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks. At this time, it is recommended to buy special funds intended to care for the breast.


What you need to know about colostrum?

Opaque yellow discharge from the breast during pregnancy is called colostrum. This liquid has a sweet taste and a watery texture. In large quantities it appears immediately after birth and is the first full-fledged food for the baby.

Colostrum is allocated approximately 19 weeks. Closer closer to the cherished day, the woman begins to notice it more often. If you like this happens - do not worry. It is an individual process. The amount of liquid may be so small that not every woman to notice him at all.

For more information on this subject can be found in our article here. It will describe in more detail about on what the term stands colostrum during pregnancy.

Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy, first have a thick consistency, but closer to the childbirth become more liquid and white. Colostrum is quite a large amount of nutrients, high calorie and balanced composition. It is responsible for the formation of the hormone prolactin, which stimulates the production of later breast milk. The liberated during gestation liquid thus prepares the body for expectant mother feeding.

Hygiene breast

Proper care of breasts during discharge

If you have any discharge from the breasts during pregnancy, you should think about some of the rules of care and hygiene.

The first step is to pick up a comfortable underwear. Bra should be adjusted in size for a good supporting properties and regulates clasp. Wearing this article of clothing should not cause discomfort. It is important for the normal functioning of the breast.

In the case where the allocation of pregnancy the breasts become more abundant, should get special inserts for the breast that can now be found in all stores and pharmacies. Do not neglect using them as Skopje bra colostrum may create a favorable environment for bacteria that can cause infection completely milk ducts. And the aroma of sour milk, which is sure to appear after some time, very few people have to taste.

Work out toilet breast at least twice a day. Optionally for this purpose to use special gels, etc. facilities. Can simply rinse with warm water or "wash" wet wipes for personal hygiene. Conventional flavored for these purposes it is better not to use, in fact, as well as soap. These items are dry skin, and in this period the breast is necessary to humidify the contrary in order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks.

Even when the discharge from the breasts of pregnant women are plentiful, do not try to decant them. Such manipulations have a stimulating effect and increase milk production. Body so inherent that this process runs frequent uterine contractions that lead to enhanced development of oxytocin - a hormone that stimulates the generic activities. This, in turn, can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

Do not worry if isolation fluid from the nipple cause you a slight tingling, burning and other discomfort. Similar phenomena are temporary and suggest the preparation of the thoracic duct to the period of lactation. Just use any means to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. They are, as a rule, relieve irritation and eliminate itching.

Discharge from the breasts

Dangerous discharge from the breast

Discharge from the nipples are not always natural. It is necessary to be attentive to the cases where there are any uncharacteristic symptoms. As such, it can be considered the following phenomena:

  • Thick allocation with blood from single breast - is evidence of inflammation or benign tumor in one of the milk ducts. Diagnosis of the disease occurs via ultrasound, and the treatment comprises removing inflamed duct;
  • Thick and sticky discharge greenish or brownish color - evidence of ectasia the milk ducts. Recent in such diseases have properties to expand and become inflamed. In this case, prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy, therapeutic compress and, in the case of infection, antibiotics. When carrying out an operation complications;
  • Purulent discharge during pregnancy may be the result of injury to the chest or the improper care of her. The method of treatment is chosen depending on the doctor find the cause;
  • Intense yellow discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy are often a symptom of mastitis - a good-quality seals, which can be caused by a malfunction in the hormonal background. After birth, most often the disease is itself, as the hormones return to normal;
  • Liquid mixed with blood - one of the most dangerous symptoms, which are usually caused by a rare Paget's disease or cancer of the nipple. Symptom deformation is also accompanied by a visual form of the nipple and halo. For diagnostic biopsy.

On their own discharge from the breast - it is quite normal for the body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, the stand-out of the substance of the breast is best taken for granted and try to adapt to the new rules of hygiene. But the absence of discharge, in turn, is not considered a disease. Simply each person has an individual body structure and features of the functioning of individual systems.

It should be remembered that the liquid released from the nipple should not bring serious discomfort. Otherwise, we can talk about any pathological state. In such cases, you need time to inform your gynecologist. He will send you to a full examination.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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