After inspecting the gynecologist spotting: after taking a smear in pregnancy


  1. Causes of discharge after gynecological examination
  2. Selection after viewing the gynecologist during pregnancy
  3. What if started bleeding after taking the smear?
  4. Why else may appear bloody or brown discharge after gynecological examination

Each adult woman should be aware of the need for regular visits to the antenatal clinic. After all, it is extremely important to prevent the development of latent gynecological diseases that can harm the reproductive function of women in the future. When there was a long-awaited pregnancy, consult a gynecologist even more important event. However, some women have after the examination of the gynecologist spotting that can naturally receptive to excite a woman in this position. What accounts for such unusual consequences of examination and what to do in such cases - will understand in this article.

Allocation after stroke

Causes of discharge after gynecological examination

Visits to such experts involves a certain manipulation in the vaginal area. The appearance of bleeding after a medical examination may be the result of:

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  • careless use of tools: they are used to inspect the inside of the vagina, and its mucosa, as well as the surface of the cervix is ​​very sensitive and easily damaged;
  • patient behavior: vagina voltage or fidgeting during manipulations facilitate the mucosal tissue injury;
  • swab - this is a necessary procedure for determining the state of health of the genital organs, it includes a fence with mucosal cells special resembling a brush or a small tool brush. During her of the fabric may be slightly damaged and the cause after attending gynecologist smearing bloody discharge;
  • onset of menstruation: committed inside the vaginal manipulation may provoke its attack ahead of time, as the result may initially appear brownish secret.

The above factors are usually not harm health. The normal discharge after the examination of the gynecologist will bother a maximum of one or two days. If after this symptom was not the time, you need to ask for help. It also happens that after the gynecologist, or rather, his actions, there are abdominal pain, burning and itching in the intimate place without discharge.

If the discomfort does not go after a couple of days, then you need to visit the hospital. Perhaps, during the examination by a doctor has been brought infection.

One can not exclude the probability that the future will be a pathological secretion only coincided with the date of the inspection and the reason for its occurrence is not to visit the doctor. We recommend that you examine the information about what can be allocation of pregnancyAnd what they mean in our article here.

Selection after viewing the gynecologist during pregnancy

During childbearing frequency of any action in the vaginal area is greatly reduced. Especially carefully should treat them in the early stages, when there is the highest risk of miscarriage. Because of this, any manipulation of the doctor is trying to carry out no earlier than 8 weeks. At the same time there is the possibility of visiting the mucus blood particles or brown spotting.

Allocation after inspection gynecologist during pregnancy may be triggered by:

  • trauma to the mucous tissues: while carrying the child to the genitals large surges the amount of blood that makes the vagina and cervix is ​​especially sensitive to touch medical instruments;
  • discharge of mucus plug, which coincided with the reception at the gynecologist: typically 38 week doctor It offers to be examined on a chair to look at the cervix ready for generic activities;
  • trauma of internal genital organs - this phenomenon is dangerous and requires prompt medical attention;
  • abruption or placenta previa - it is typical for pregnant women who have problems with the pregnancy. In this examination becomes a catalyst such negative processes.

Brown discharge during pregnancy after the inspection, especially in late pregnancy (38-40 weeks), should not cause alarm, unless they are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms (inflammation, itching and etc.). Often spotting after the inspection on 40 weeks of pregnancy are the forerunners of childbirth. They may also appear brown highlight women before delivery, Are signs of the same phenomenon.

Carefully to relate to the situation when such a symptom appears during the second trimester. If in the early stages of pregnancy, it can be the result of any hormonal changes or the implantation of the ovum, the later will be evidence of a possible pathological condition.

In any case, all unusual signs during childbearing should promptly report observes you gynecologist. He will tell you if the body is ready to give birth.

What if started bleeding after taking the smear?

As already mentioned above, gynecological manipulations can pinch vaginal mucosa. As a result, any girl can appear spotting after swabbing. Observed with the discomfort should go alone in the next two days. During this period, it is desirable to refrain from strenuous activity and sexual intercourse. It is better to try to get plenty of rest.

If after inspection there were copiousAccompanied by severe pain in the abdomen or vagina, burning, fever, shortness of breath, rapid pulse and other uncharacteristic symptoms, you should immediately go to a doctor's appointment. Emergency medical help is required if the bleeding is not stopping, lasts more than an hour.

Particular attention his condition should be given to pregnant women, since the threat can be observed not only to their health, but also for the health of the child. If such a symptom was triggered by a failure on the hormonal background, it is necessary to promptly begin appropriate therapy. When the timely detection of health problems of pregnant women can avoid many negative consequences for the fetus, including abortion.

Thus, any separation appeared after the stroke require proper and timely diagnosis. Watch for their texture, color and length. Try not to confuse the profuse bleeding from the beginning of menstruation. If the time to them is far, then immediately call an ambulance. Otherwise, you will lose large amounts of blood.

Why else may appear bloody or brown discharge after gynecological examination

Gynecological examination, it is probably not the primary cause of the discharge, but only as a catalyst for symptoms of a disease.

Thus, bleeding occurs as a symptom of these diseases and events:

  • cervical erosion: there were isolated after inspection of the cervix is ​​quite frequent, if there is erosion in the epithelium. The damaged portion of the sheath may bleed periodically and without directly touching it, medical intervention only contributes to this;
  • Endometriosis: In addition to discharge is characterized by pain in the abdomen;
  • myoma: similar neoplasm periodically bleeding that may occur immediately after reception of a gynecologist;
  • tumor: doctors manipulation can provoke bloody mucus;
  • endometrial hyperplasia: in this disease mucosa thickens, and, as a result, its particles during touch deviate, causing smearing mucus;
  • polyps in the cervical canal: traumatized if any touch, which causes a characteristic daub;
  • infection: provoke the development of inflammation in the mucous membrane of the vagina, making it susceptible to mechanical stress.

This is just a small list of diseases that can be detected by examination results. For accurate diagnosis of the patient's condition requires a complete history of all symptoms. Therefore, it is important that the woman at the reception told her about all the disturbing symptoms.

Another possible cause when there are brown discharge after the examination, - a miscarriage. This happens when a woman is unaware of her pregnancy, and a medical examination for a very short time.

Find out what features have allocation after miscarriage.

Actions gynecologist can cause involuntary termination of pregnancy.
Any uncharacteristic signs of a healthy woman should be diagnosed by a qualified technician. If it is known that no diseases of the genital organs are not available, and selection after viewing still appear frequently, you may need to change doctors to more accurately. Take care of your health and do not miss scheduled visits to the gynecologist.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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