Yellow discharge during pregnancy: pale yellow, yellowish in the second or third trimester


  1. Causes of yellow discharge
  2. In the first trimester
  3. In the second trimester
  4. In the third trimester
  5. Yellowish discharge in different shades
  6. Light yellow discharge odorless
  7. Hazardous shades of yellow discharge during pregnancy
  8. Prevention of abnormal discharge

A pregnant woman must carefully monitor their health, because we are talking not only about her, but about the future baby. But do not be frightened every time the appearance of a stranger to you earlier symptom. In particular, those considered to be yellow discharge during pregnancy.

It must be remembered that after conception are so-called leucorrhea varies depending on trimester presence gynecological diseases, etc. To understand the nature of their appearance, you need to familiarize yourself with all possible reasons.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

Causes of yellow discharge

Correctly diagnose at this or that disease is not possible without the appropriate tests, but uncharacteristic symptoms may be time to notice and ask for advice. Better at this point to be prepared and know the likely causes of the phenomenon.

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As a rule, white, yellow discharge during pregnancy, not disturbing any other way can be considered normal. But if in addition they observed pain, burning, irritation of the mucous membrane or skin, weakness, dizziness, temperature and other negative signs, then you can begin to suspect at some pathology. There are a number of possible factors for the occurrence of such:

  • decrease in the immune defense functions;
  • failure to comply with rules of personal hygiene;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • underlying disease, the progression of which often begins during pregnancy.

At the beginning and at the later stages of the causes of yellowish discharge may vary. This topic is heated discussions on women's forums, so try to answer the most urgent questions of network users.

In the first trimester

Comment"Hello everybody. I wanted to know yellowish or beige daub - it is normal for pregnancy? I just 7 weeks, the doctor was not. Diseases like no no "

The appearance of a yellow shade of sexual secretions on this term can be associated with both normal and pathological conditions.

Yellow mucus during pregnancy in early pregnancy talk about the development of progesterone. This activates the production of hormone secretion, which might cause entering particles into the mucus epithelial or mucosal congestion, start laying. The totality of these components gives a yellow or beige color.

As the inflammatory processes that can cause thick yellow discharge, can be called thrush, coleitis, bacterial vaginosis, cervicitis, and genital infections. Greater complexity of treatment in this period is a limitation in the list of permissible drugs. Many are only allowed to 12 weeks.

In the second trimester

Comment"There are some yellow discharge at 12 weeks of gestation. The next day, beginning to smear brown. Abdomen slightly sips. What could it be?"

Comment"Girls, help. I now have 14 weeks. Allocation went some liquid, they are not very much, but dailies have to lay down. Maybe someone knows where they might have come from? "

Allocation in the second trimester of pregnancy become more liquid consistency and are usually abundant. This phenomenon is also related to hormonal changes in the body, only now it is due to estrogen. In this case, any change in the nature of whiter should be alerted. As pathological conditions appear the same diseases which are peculiar to the first trimester.

Totally unacceptable considered brownish secretion in this period of pregnancy! If you notice similar symptoms, you must apply to the consultation.

Thus, liquid yellow discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, no itching, inflammation, pain and other negative symptoms - not a cause for alarm.

In the third trimester

Comment"Tell me somebody what allocation by 33 weeks of pregnancy is considered normal?"

Comment"Hello to all. Maybe those who have yellowish discharge at 36 weeks pregnant? This may extend the mucus plug? "

Yellow allocation of pregnancy in the third trimester considered natural if become a little more plentiful. They should be odorless, unexplained clusters and inclusions. There is no reason for concern, if there are no other signs. However, tell the gynecologist still need, as some diseases in the early stages occur almost asymptomatic.

Along with the other points listed in pathologies, yellow discharge in the third trimester may occur due to:

  • Leakage of amniotic fluid - a phenomenon in which fetal membrane integrity is violated. It is considered dangerous up to 37 weeks, when the baby is not yet donoshen;
  • Chorioamnionitis - internal contamination of membranes or infection of the amniotic fluid. This state is defined directly based on the results of the stroke, since it is found increased number of leukocytes. Among other things, there is a high temperature.

Directly to the end of the term of yellowish mucus usually suggests that extends the mucus plug, which is considered as an early forerunner of the birth.

Yellowish discharge in different shades

True specific color and character of the mucus can help in the diagnosis of a disease process. Transparent or colored, liquid or thick discharge during pregnancy - signs of very different diseases, or, conversely, normal pregnancy.

Light yellow discharge odorless

It is pale yellow discharge during pregnancy that do not cause discomfort to the women, are the norm. As above mentioned, they appear in a natural way due to the processes observed after conception. In particular, the production of progesterone and the formation of mucus plug.

If the mucus becomes white-yellow color and becomes abundant, it is often the result of an allergic reaction. A similar phenomenon is almost always accompanied by irritation of the skin or mucous membranes of the external genitalia. In this case, you need to quickly identify and eliminate the allergen contact with the skin. Most often allergy appears on scented panty liners, feminine hygiene gels or other products for skin care. In this case, while carrying a child, it can occur even at those things which were previously freely used.

Hazardous shades of yellow discharge during pregnancy

Often, in addition to the yellow hue sexual secret and has some additional, or after the yellow color gradually moved to a completely different. In such cases it is necessary to speak more frequently about any inflammatory or infectious process.

Let us examine what has the character of a secret is sexual and what he can testify.

  • Bright yellow or orange highlight during pregnancy - this is one of the most obvious symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes. It is possible and bacterial infection.
  • Yellow-green hue is a result of some of the genito-urinary diseases. If, however, at the same time there is a characteristic smell of fish, then you need an urgent examination for infections, particularly gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. These diseases also cause foaming or purulent discharge during pregnancy. In this case, you can not put off a visit to the clinic.
  • In some cases, the same shade can talk about different phenomena, both normal and pathological. The only difference is the period for which he has appeared. For example, yellow-brown discharge during pregnancy in the first few weeks are perceived by experts normally, as is most often talk about the implantation of the ovum or small injuries to the mucosa due to high sensitivity. Later this sign may indicate even the threat of miscarriage, but you should talk about it, when he does not go for a long time or is accompanied by other negative symptoms.
  • On a dark yellow discharge during pregnancy should also pay special attention to. They may be the result of effect on the organism of bacterial infections (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, gonococcus, Escherichia coli). It often happens that these bacteria have already been pre-pregnancy body, but activity was shown just after conception.
  • White and yellow cheesy discharge during pregnancy often are a sign of the activity of the fungus genus Candida. This organism is a causative agent of common diseases such as thrush. Pregnant women are quite susceptible to it due to the weakening of immunity, dysbiosis, metabolic disorders, and others.

Each uncharacteristic tone peculiar to any gynecological diseases, has a number of additional symptoms. To see a doctor should give details of his condition - it will facilitate the diagnostic process.

Prevention of abnormal discharge

Increased attention to their own health is not harmed even any man. In an interesting position the woman should pay attention to this aspect even more readily. Certainly better than before conception for a complete examination, which will exclude the existence of any hidden diseases of the sexual sphere. In the following will only observe quite usual preventive measures:

  1. Observe good personal hygiene. In this case, you need to know when to stop. Sometimes too frequent washing away with special hygiene products cause dysbiosis vagina, and this, in turn, can launch other pathological processes (eg, thrush).
  2. Carefully selected hygiene products. Preferably in this period to give preference to hypoallergenic subjects (ezhednevki without fragrances and dyes, unflavored gels for personal hygiene, etc.).
  3. Wearing underwear made from natural fabrics. Synthetic products do not allow the skin to breathe, than to create a favorable environment for microorganisms.
  4. Correct and balanced feeding. Pregnancy - a time when most of the nutrients used for normal fetal development. Lack of vitamins and minerals can seriously undermine the health of the expectant mother.
  5. Do not overdo it with exercise and time to rest. Proper rest and sleep will not only give strength, but also enhance human immunity.

It follows from the foregoing that the pregnancy may be yellow discharge and under normal and pathological conditions. Correct diagnosis comprise aspects such as color, texture and discharge associated symptoms. In any case, it is better to consult a gynecologist about the appearance of uncharacteristic mucus.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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