Secretions from pessaries during pregnancy: after removing and installing the pessary as water


  1. Features of the application pessary during pregnancy
  2. Which highlight a pessary during pregnancy are the norm?
  3. What are the selection when using obstetric rings are dangerous?
  4. Reviews women and professionals

kid waiting period - the most crucial and long-awaited in the woman's life. Most pregnancies among the fairer sex takes place without pathologies, and the body cope with everything myself, but sometimes there are situations when he needs help from the outside. For example, the threat of premature birth often women set pessary. The practice of introducing into the body of this device is relatively young and is accompanied by a multitude of issues. What is it, and what to highlight pessary during pregnancy can be, this article will answer.

Discharge with a pessary in pregnancy

Features of the application pessary during pregnancy

The use of a pessary used in obstetrics and gynecology is not so long ago. However, this practice is quite successful and is gaining speed. Pessary - a so-called "ring of midwifery," which is installed at the entrance of the cervix in order to redistribute the fruit of pressure on it. Typically, this device is used for too short cervix, its weakness and the threat of premature disclosure, increasing its tone, or to facilitate the gestation of two fruits. The main indication for the use of such is cervical incompetence.

instagram viewer

Settable device is a ring of plastic and silicone with a completely smooth surface, which are introduced and placed within quite easily and painlessly. Carry out this procedure after 20 weeks gestation baby, and removed - on the expiration of 38 weeks. Then, in the main, generic activity begins within a week.

Which highlight a pessary during pregnancy are the norm?

It is obvious that such a thing is for the body to a foreign body, so the selection after the installation pessary well founded. Sex glands in response to the invasion of "alien" bodies begin their active work, allocating excessive amounts of mucous secretion in order to protect from foreign organisms. Normally when pessaries allocation must be transparent, mild enough not have an unpleasant smell and have a uniform consistency lipkovatuyu.

transparent mucus
transparent mucus
Allocation as a protein
As protein

Sometimes it can be observed brown discharge during pregnancy, Neobilnye or smearing. This happens when the doctors diagnosed pessary messy and damaged small vials. In this case, the mucus will be insignificant, odorless and homogeneous texture.

brownish allocation
Sukrovichnye allocation

If such events continue for several days and did not slow down the pace, it may indicate mucosal damage, injury of the genitals as a consequence of improper introduction of this device.

Abundant as spotting a reason for immediate treatment for medical assistance.

Do not be scared if you find release after the removal of the pessary. This may be a natural discharge of mucus plug, which precedes the onset of labor process. Or is it a discharge of mucus that has accumulated during his stay inside the device.

What are the selection when using obstetric rings are dangerous?

It is worth noting, that in itself is placing a ring on the cervix contribute to the exacerbation of certain infectious diseases, fungal or bacterial diseases. So, if before its introduction there was a problem such as yeast or bacterial blight, the amount allocated manifestations will certainly increase, and the disease will be felt.

If the discharge after pessary brownish, or a bit of blood and stretches the abdomen, it may indicate the fruit fading or the threat of termination of pregnancy. In this case you should immediately consult a specialist.

bloody mucus
bloody mucus
Brown slime
Brown slime

Liquid white discharge with an unpleasant odor curdled may be a manifestation of candidiasis. In such a case the ring is removed to complete relief from yeast.

cheesy discharge
Photos secret thrush
Secret thrush

If the mucus is characterized by yellow or green hues and odors - it may indicate infection, bacterial or viral diseases. In such cases, often the device is removed, complete treatment is carried out and then the disease has expert after diagnosis decides to install it again or not.

Purulent vaginitis when
Festering with vaginitis

Watery discharge at later date - mucous fluid in large quantities without color due podtekayuschimi waters breakthrough placenta that has a great threat to the unborn child and the mother. In this case, you need to immediately contact a doctor.

Smearing cream selection
smearing cream

Reviews women and professionals

Recently, more and more professionals have resorted to the use of a pessary, if it is found uterine tone, cervical weakness, or to maintain it at a twin pregnancy. This method is safe, easy enough to implement and shows good results (78% of full-term pregnancy successfully with the threat of miscarriage).

Experts say that the appearance of discharge - a natural process that accompanies the placement of obstetric ring as body at this point starts to produce more sexual secretions to create a barrier in response to the foreign body. In some cases, together with the placement of devices, doctors prescribe the drug "Utrozhestan" to remove uterine tone.

Together with specialists positive feedback is allowed and the patient. Equaling the western the female, our compatriots in comparison with the year 2014 (Start propagation application pessary CIS) have resorted to this method is 3.5 times more often. Since accommodation is mainly happening at 20 weeks, then by this time diagnostics and analyzes and put all the diseases are cured. Accordingly, the pathological secretions using obstetric ring face few.

Treat carefully to your body during pregnancy and stay healthy!

  • Oct 18, 2019
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