Colostrum during pregnancy to term what stands out: on a week starts to separate Colostrum


  1. Colostrum - What is it?
  2. At what stage of pregnancy there is colostrum?
  3. What if there was a colostrum during pregnancy?
  4. Allocation of colostrum: the rate and signs of pathology
  5. What not to do with the appearance of colostrum?
  6. conventional error

In anticipation of the baby expectant mother very carefully watching their health, and any discharge can cause feelings of anxiety and fear for the unborn child. Chest pregnant woman prepares for lactation, and in the first place is changing its shape. Mammary glands are gradually filled with colostrum from the moment of conception, which can be gradually released at certain stages before delivery. Many women are asking: "What is the colostrum during pregnancy and at what period they come from?" In this article you will find answers to these questions, as well as learn some hygiene measures requires the allocation of colostrum at pregnancy.

Allocation of colostrum during pregnancy

Colostrum - What is it?

In fact colostrum - the milk is immature, rich essential bacteria for the newborn. Otherwise his name - colostrum. It consists of the protein albumin to help the crumbs to adapt to the environment, it is easily absorbed by the body and digestive system prepares to take a heavy meal. In addition to a number of useful features it includes antibodies that protect the newborn against infection.

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Lining for the chest

At what stage of pregnancy there is colostrum?

The question of when it begins to stand out colostrum during pregnancy, the future mother care and may be cause for concern.

On what term colostrum is allocated in the normal course of pregnancy? The norm is the emergence of a clear fluid from his chest after the sixteenth week of pregnancy. But the emergence of a secret at an earlier stage or just after birth will be considered as the individual characteristics of the organism. Early release of colostrum during pregnancy may well be a variant of the norm.

Typically allocated colostrum after birth for several days, the average of its total amount is 30 ml. It is exactly as long as necessary crumbs. Do not worry that the baby will be hungry - it's very nutritious substance that will provide a child with all the necessary. The milk is then excreted.

Production of colostrum can stimulate breast massage or drinking warm tea.

What if there was a colostrum during pregnancy?

If you notice the damp patches on the bra, it will have to adapt and adopt a series of measures. Stick to these guidelines:

  • Flush breasts warm water without soap, 2 times a day;
  • Buy special pads in the pharmacy. They will provide the required level of hygiene and hide this intimate moment from others;
  • Change favorite lacy underwear on a bodice made of natural materials with a supporting effect. It is worth paying attention to the bra for breastfeeding - it takes into account all the necessary criteria;
  • Use special products for nipple care no matter at what stage of pregnancy you are at. This helps to eliminate dry and prevents the formation of cracks.
allocation of colostrum

Allocation of colostrum: the rate and signs of pathology

Pregnant women should not scare allocation yellowish translucent fluid in small amounts - all this testifies to the fact that in the body there is a change in hormone levels. This process does not cause pain and discomfort.

If momlochnyh released from the gland secretion on pressure It has a viscous consistency, but it is transparent or translucent, it is no cause for concern. But as soon as the expectant mother noticed in colostrum or bloody pus impurity, or felt a sharp unpleasant smell - it is an occasion for an unscheduled visit to a gynecologist. In addition, the patient may notice the asymmetry of the breasts. Most often, these symptoms indicate the occurrence of inflammation in the chest.

What not to do with the appearance of colostrum?

  1. It is strongly advised to avoid massaging the breast to 38 weeks of pregnancy. This will lead to the development of hormone oxytocin and premature birth.
  2. Should abandon the hot tubs or baths throughout the whole period of pregnancy. Fever adversely affect both the condition of the woman, and the baby.
  3. Some inexperienced girls try during pregnancy make sure that they have enough milk. By analogy with breastfeeding, they begin to express colostrum. In no case do not repeat the mistakes of others - this will lead to premature uterine contractions and miscarriage.

Midwives recommend a gentle massage of the breast and the nipple halo only after 38 weeks of pregnancy like women giving birth, and for those who are preparing to become a mother for the first time. These procedures make it possible to prepare the breast for feeding and to avoid the appearance of cracks on the nipples.


conventional error

In people colostrum allocation associated with different events and make conclusions regarding their presence or absence. Such assessments are not always true. Here are some of the most common misconceptions:

  1. "In the observation of a few drops on the bra lady should immediately consult a doctor - because she is pregnant." Unfortunately, this is not the case. In fact, the fair sex could be in the position, but it is an isolated case;
  2. "If a lot of secrets - and then the milk will not be less." It is not absolutely no connection between these processes is not. The amount of milk depends on the characteristics of the female body. For adequate lactation is necessary to often put the baby to the breast, follow the diet and drink plenty of fluids;
  3. "If colostrum is released, then delivery will begin in the near future." It is believed that the apparent separation of colostrum appear shortly before delivery. But this is nothing more than the experience of the majority of girls and another myth.
  4. "Colostrum is not allocated - then there were problems." The secret is always released just in some cases its allocated amount is so small that the woman simply does not notice.
  • Oct 18, 2019
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