Allocation of pregnancy: the second or third trimester, 13-14-15-38-39-40 week in late pregnancy


  1. Bright genital discharge
  2. Under the influence of progesterone
  3. Formation of mucus plug
  4. Under the influence of estrogen
  5. Allergy
  6. Candidiasis
  7. Brown secretion: the norm or pathology?
  8. missed abortion
  9. Cervical erosion
  10. Blood on underwear What does it mean?
  11. Ectopic pregnancy
  12. molar pregnancy
  13. placental abruption
  14. Yellow allocation at gestation
  15. Infection
  16. Leakage of amniotic fluid
  17. Purulent green secret: the causes and dangers

The emergence of a new life leads to global changes in the maternal organism: hormonal rebuilt background, body contours become more flowing lines, and the emotional state of the woman is completely different from former. Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is also different at different stages of gestation. And that is the secretion of the sex glands often becomes an indicator of well-being mother and her unborn baby.

In this article we will talk about what separation are in pregnancy, to determine the version of the rules and signs of a potential threat. To understand the essence of the issue in more depth, we consider the problem in the context of the life stories of ordinary women.

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Allocation of pregnancy

Bright genital discharge

CommentOlga, 25 years old: "Vaginal discharge 22 week became watery, appeared itching, burning and redness of the labia. For whatever reason, may appear such allocation of pregnancy in the second trimester? Tests when registering are clean. "

CommentAnna, 26 years old: "I look forward to her first child. The whole period very closely for Health. At the thirty-sixth week was to go longer translucent slime. Constantly it is necessary to change daily linings. What does this mean?"

As can be seen from the above stories, white discharge in pregnant women may be completely different consistence and associated symptoms.

First of all, it should be remembered that the change in the secretion of the sex glands - the process of natural and logical, because the fundamental changes taking place in the female body.

Under the influence of progesterone

8-10 weeks secretion is usually more dense, creamy. The reason to this lies in the active development of progesterone - one of the main hormones "interesting situation."

normal leucorrhea
normal leucorrhea
white discharge
white discharge

Formation of mucus plug

From the tenth to the thirteenth week secretion can become more fluid and will have a pronounced slimy character. It is also normal for the initial stage of gestation. The period up to the fourteenth week obstetric marked such an important event as the formation of mucous plugs - reliable protection of the future baby from infections and other adverse external factors.

Allocating white mucous
white mucous
Separation light with mucus
Blonde with mucus

Under the influence of estrogen

After 14 weeks, "comes into play" estrogen under the influence of which the whites become more transparent and abundant. Always worth remembering about the individual characteristics of the organism. In a particular case, the nature of the secretion may vary. But the general trend is continuing. What should be the highlight of pregnancy in this period? Natural whites should have a lighter shade (from transparent to white-yellow). And do not present symptoms such as irritation, itching, redness, swelling, pain upon contact with mucous excretion.

Allocation with mucus


If these symptoms occur, such allocation is not considered normal. Sometimes the cause may lie in an allergic reaction to some personal care items (hygiene agent, detergent, synthetic cloth underwear, flavoring component daily napkins). Even if previously such a reaction does not occur, then with the birth of a new life situation could dramatically change.


When the itching and redness are complemented by a secret in the form of grains of curd with the sour smell, then we are talking about the fungal infection. This disease is called in common "thrush", and in the medical environment - candidiasis. The disease can occur at any stage, delivering their women manifestations increased inconvenience. Cause of the disease may be to reduce the immune defense or imbalance of the vaginal microflora.

Allocation for thrush
cheesy discharge

See more photos discharge for thrush link.

Fungal isolation during pregnancy require that the treatment in the third trimester as at the moment of delivery may occur infection baby. That's why curdled secretion at 9 months - an occasion for a detailed conversation with your doctor about anti-fungal Vaginal before approaching childbirth.

Common cause profuse watery whiter on any weeks of pregnancy is bacterial vaginosis.

Brown secretion: the norm or pathology?

CommentMarina, 27 years old: "I Write forced unclear situation. A more accurate allocation to 23 weeks. They are brown in color, uniform and intense. Hurt anything, it would seem, does not hurt, but I feel weakness throughout the body. And if the baby has calmed down - a couple of days did not feel his perturbations. I get scared. "

CommentKristina, 18 years old: "I learned that the" position ". One can not understand how this is possible? After all, there was no delay! Monthly arrived on time. However, it was quite a bit and only 2 days. But there were! If it had not started vomiting, I have a whole month would not have known what I was in for a surprise! "

CommentAlina, 30 years old: "The early period of pregnancy went smoothly - no problems and complications, but the allocation to 30 weeks all turned on its head. I stumbled on the stairs and fell on its side. After that I saw the laundry a few small drops of brown. Almost spent on conservation. But now again went isolation of a light brown color. What is their cause? "

Brown discharge can sometimes be absolutely safe. An example is the so-called implantation bleeding, when in 9-10 days after fertilization, the fertilized egg is embedded in the uterine wall.

Look at the photo Select with embryo implantation in one of our articles on the link.

Also, a small amount of brown secretion can be observed at the beginning of the period, in those days, when previously the woman went monthly. In this case, the culprit abnormal phenomena can be considered hormonal instability.

highlight daub
Light red selection
Light red

One of the pathological causes a brown or red-brown vaginal secretions in the first third period could become binding ectopic gestational sac, which is extremely dangerous to health and even life women. View photos discharge at an ectopic pregnancy. Brown secret in this case may precede the development of active bleeding. Parallel dark secret pain may be present in the area where localized presumably fertilized egg, and general malaise.

Brown allocation always indicate any violations in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Most often, they are either the first signal or a warning about the threat of miscarriage, or the start of the no less dangerous conditions such as placental abruption. In the first case, a woman may feel pulling or cramping abdominal pain and back pain, weakness, malaise and pressure fluctuations, and the second being often deteriorating at an early stage is not observed at all.

missed abortion

Another quite tragic reason that are dark brown discharge - fading of fetal development. The gradual peeling membranes and causes such secretion. At the same time it can be felt nagging pain in the lower abdomen and sacral area.

Cervical erosion

May cause brownish secretion and erosive lesions of the cervix. In this case, it becomes quite fluid secretion, and their number will increase after sexual contact or gynecological examination. As the size of the uterus growth, especially in the 3 trimester of pregnancy, areas affected by erosion are starting to bleed more. You will be interesting to see the photo discharge of cervical erosion pregnancy. Go to the article here.

Blood on underwear What does it mean?

CommentYana, 23 years old: "For whatever reason, may appear bloody discharge on the ninth month of pregnancy? Prior to delivery about 20 days. In the evening abruptly fell ill and began to stone the stomach, and then noticed blood stains on underwear. I feel normal, but somehow disturbing? Should I run to the doctor tomorrow, or could still do? "

CommentPolina, 27 years: "There was blood on the 27th week. Not to say that a lot, but saturated color. The rest is nothing, but if you start to move actively, then begins to bleed. 'M on vacation. I would not want to interrupt because of frivolous vacation. What can mean such a vaginal discharge during pregnancy? "

CommentOlga, 23 years old: "I have now are the fourteenth week of obstetrics. Suddenly she began to bleed with bubbles. Never seen! As the foam! It was not vomiting due to food taste, but even many of the odors. Sometimes three times had to go out of the tram on the way to work - such nausea. There are constant sleepiness and weakness. What is this strange isolation? "

The secretion of bloody character - almost always a danger. It does not matter, in the fifth week, obstetric or woman is the twenty-seventh. At each period has its own dangers.

An exception can only be a bloody secretion at the time of implantation of the ovum, but in such a, the amount of blood is so small that you can call him bleeding with a huge stretch.

In all other cases, the presence of blood will signal that the well-being of the expectant mother and her baby is at risk.

Ectopic pregnancy

If the woman has spotting in the first trimester (approximately 6-13 weeks), accompanied by intense pain and deterioration of general condition, this blood loss can be triggered by an ectopic pregnancy.

molar pregnancy

Another rare but probable cause of bleeding in the first three months of life - molar pregnancy. The characteristic features of the dangerous status are early acute toxicosis, malaise, and, correspondingly, bloody secret foam resembling in structure.

foaming blood
foaming blood

Molar pregnancy - a dangerous pathology that can trigger the development of cancer process, so the appearance of suspicious symptoms should immediately seek medical attention.

placental abruption

Placental abruption - a common cause, which causes blood allocation at birth abortion. In most cases, the woman has no pain, and blood appears in moments of physical stress, and disappears at rest. Sometimes a woman first notices in their bright red or pink marks on the linen, which, according to the progression of disease, can sharply replaced by profuse bleeding. Detachment can lead to serious consequences, up to death of the fetus, so at the slightest suspicion should be called "ambulance".

Bright red separation
Bright red

Mucus and blood with clots - typical signs of missed ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage began.

In all these processes there abnormal pain and malaise. Aptly named the cause of bleeding can only gynecologist after proper examination.

Yellow allocation at gestation

CommentNatalia, 32 years old: "Dedicated to the 38 week acquired the rich yellow color. I read reviews of the girls on the forums, but I could not understand what was happening to me. There are painful pulling character to the right. This is dangerous?"

CommentIrina, 22 years old: "I am now thirty-fourth week. Allocation yellowish, fairly liquid, it is sometimes easy to itch. Has handed over analyzes, has made US - all good. The doctor said not to panic and ordered Linex to support the microflora. Special changes after the course has not noticed. What to do? Is normal allocation can be so? "

Normal discharge during pregnancy light yellow can be considered only if their number is moderate, and discomfort in the intimate area is missing.

The reason for their appearance can be fluctuations in hormone levels. At the beginning of gestation, such secretion is able to accompany the period of the implantation of the ovum in the endometrium is the uterine cavity.

The bright yellow discharge
Light yellow
Normal light yellow discharge
Normal light yellow


If a vaginal secretion has a peculiar odor, causing swelling of the large and small lips, itching of the vulva and painful bladder during emptying, it probably blame accession infectious exciter. For example, a similar pattern can be observed during infection with chlamydia, gonorrhea or trichomoniasis. Gardenelez - another opportunistic provocateur dark yellow secretions from the vagina.

Bright yellow discharge
Bright yellow
Copious yellow discharge
abundant yellow

Leakage of amniotic fluid

The bright yellowish discharge in late pregnancy can be quite podtekayuschimi amniotic fluid. Thus, for example, yellowish discharge odorless 40 week gestation period - a sure sign that you should not hesitate to visit the hospital - the kid in a hurry to be born. Similar separation in the second trimester is much more insidious. It is without the slightest hesitation to ask for help of a doctor - a high risk of preterm labor beginning.

yellow discharge
water extraction
water extraction

Purulent green secret: the causes and dangers

CommentVioletta, 24 years old: "I'm waiting for a second child. Is it normal green discharge at 14 weeks? They are not very strong, but their smell I alarming - the smell of spoiled fish. As indicated by a color secretions during pregnancy and that awful smell? "

CommentJulia, 22 years old: "There are strange isolation liquid 41 week. They have a dark green color. The doctor insists on hospitalization, said the need to encourage births. But I am an opponent of stimulation. I want my child born on their own, without the use of harmful drugs. However, the look of separation, I am concerned. Whether these symptoms are normal in the last week of the term? "

green discharge
Pus lemon
Purulent (lemon)
Green-yellow discharge

Green discharge during pregnancy is not considered the norm. They may occur as the first term, and in the middle, and the last month of pregnancy. However causes them, in each case may be different.

Pus in the first trimester, as well as in the second, often explained by the active reproduction of pathogenic organisms, which appeared as a result of sexually transmitted infections. In most cases the presence of such secretions diagnosed "coleitis", which cause various microorganisms (Chlamydia, gonococcus, Streptococcus) or "cervicitis" due to inflammation localized in the neck uterus.

Sometimes provoke secretion with a greenish tinge may be an imbalance of vaginal microflora. In both cases the secretion is often supplemented with an unpleasant odor, irritation of the mucous membrane, itching.

Greenish discharge in late pregnancy, especially if labor delayed, may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid, meconium-stained. Perenashivanie fraught with the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus. If labor has not started before 42 weeks, hesitate no longer. It is necessary to cause birth by artificial means, or resort to the delivery by Caesarean section.

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