Yellow discharge during early pregnancy: light yellow, yellow-brown, odorless in the first trimester to 5-6, 7-12 weeks


  1. Causes of yellow color selections in the early stages
  2. When the yellow discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy are the norm?
  3. Hazardous yellowish discharge during pregnancy
  4. Candidiasis
  5. vaginosis
  6. vaginitis
  7. cervicitis
  8. salpingitis
  9. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Isolation of sexual secretions from the vagina - it is a normal process for the female body. Another question takes its color, character and accompanying symptoms. The pregnant woman's body this natural process can become more intense, as a rule, is considered the norm. However, in some cases, changed selection at early pregnancy They talk about pathology. Below, we shall understand, what may indicate yellow discharge in early pregnancy, how to recognize the pathologies and when to address urgently to the doctor.

In the 1st trimester many uncharacteristic symptoms cause expectant mothers panic. This is reflected in the endless requests on the forums. In this article we will try to answer the most exciting questions.

Yellow discharge in early pregnancy

Read our article about whether yellow discharge before menstruation testify held conception.

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Causes of yellow color selections in the early stages

Comment"Girls need help. I noticed a yellow discharge at 9 weeks of pregnancy. Just recently, a gynecologist at the first examination, it feels good. The results of smears do not know. No pain, no itching, etc. Maybe someone is it? "

Comment"Hello. He went 7 weeks of pregnancy from the last menstrual period. Registration has not yet become. There was a daub of a yellow color. How could she take and what to do? "

Comment"Tell me, somebody had yellow discharge at 10 weeks pregnant? If so, what the doctor says, or not treated? "

The emergence of different mucus consistency, color and smell of pregnancy in the first trimester often affects hormonal changes. This phenomenon contributes to changes in the course of various processes. In this case, the sexual secret can be different in nature, depending on the state health, nutrition, the presence of any disease and other individual characteristics of the particular body.

The reason may also be a stressful situation or overvoltage, which are so characteristic of the ladies in the state. Allocation in the first trimester of pregnancy characterized by transparent, whitish or yellowish tint, lack of odor and other unpleasant symptoms. During this period, the genitals are undergoing significant changes, which subsequently help in pregnancy and child protection. So, for example, begins to form a mucus plug, which serves as a barrier to the fetus. It may cause a small amount of light or yellow mucus odorless.

Yellowish discharge during pregnancy can signal as a normal course, and pathology. Diagnosis affects a number of additional features, test results and inspection. Separately it is necessary to understand the symptoms characteristic of the normal course of pregnancy and for the pathological condition.

When the yellow discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy are the norm?

Comment"Hello. Maybe someone knows what is normal may be selection for 5 weeks pregnant? "

Comment"Just yesterday, there were yellow discharge at 8 weeks of gestation. Today was at the gynecologist. She said that this is normal, but the results are no smears. Most certainly I do not bother, but still worried. Help Board... "

Comment"Hello. I have a yellow discharge at 12 weeks of gestation. Last three days. It appeared when bought new dailies. I wear them immediately stopped, but remained daub. You need to run to the doctor or take place itself? "

At this time many women are concerned about the appearance of colorless watery discharge. Typically, this is the result of effects on the progesterone hormone which begins after conception produced in an increased amount. Often, such a thin mucus becomes whitish or yellowish color, which also applies to normal. However, keep in mind that the presence of light yellow discharge in early pregnancy should not accompanied by irritation, uncharacteristic odor and other negative traits peculiar infectious processes.

For non-hazardous to the fetus state should also refer allergic reactions. During childbearing women are most susceptible to this phenomenon. The irritation can cause even those hygiene products, which are constantly used before conception. Allergies can manifest as abundant yellow mucus. It is often observed inflammation, redness in the area of ​​the external genitalia. The first thing to do in this situation - is to avoid contact with the allergen. As it may make a gel for intimate hygiene, soap, panty liners, etc.

In his new position, it is recommended to avoid using any perfumed hygiene products. In addition to allergies, they can also cause thrush, which is difficult to treat in this period.

The first trimester is considered to be a transition period for the female body, in which the latter adapts to his new position. Therefore, carefully watch the reaction to the new hygiene and observe the discharge character. Normally, they do not bring more discomfort, in addition to the need to use panty liners. Observe the rules of hygiene, and try to eat right.

Hazardous yellowish discharge during pregnancy

Comment"Girls, help. First started yellow discharge on the 7th week of pregnancy. Now they are closer to beige. Some tingling in my stomach and a little pull. This is dangerous?"

Comment"Hello. Yellow discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy can indicate an infection? Yesterday was a little itchy, but today did not feel anything "

Comment"I have a question. After the PA appeared lightbrown discharge at 11 weeks of gestation, Before there were yellowish couple of days, but nothing hurts. This is normal, or not run in the consultation? "

With the version of the rules we have already dealt with. As it turned out, not so much. Therefore, discovering yellow discharge during early pregnancy should be carefully observe the reaction of the organism. If there are any additional signs should alert the mother-and force seek emergency medical attention.

Among these signs emit irritation, pain directly in the area of ​​the genitals, abdomen or during urination, malodor, admixture of blood or pus in the mucus foamy consistency, profusion, fever, weakness, dizziness etc.

About pathology also shows dark secret. So, when a bloody, brownish and especially greenish discharge should immediately go to the gynecologist. He will diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment based on test results.

Among the factors that can cause a yellowish discharge of pathological character, are the following:


Candidiasis (thrush in use) - a disease that is common in pregnant women due to hormonal disruptions and dysbiosis.

in their disease symptoms rather easily diagnosed. For thrush considered characteristic white curdled allocating having sour smell. Due to the different characteristics of the organism, the tint may vary up to yellow. On additional characteristics discharge for thrush, Read the article here. Additionally, with candidiasis may occur itching in the vagina, and pain during sexual intercourse, but this is optional. To identify possible disease with a conventional smear. Treatment in this case is assigned, as a rule, local (candles and tablets in the vagina). Formulations for oral administration are usually contraindicated in pregnant women.


It is a bacterial disease that can occur due to violations of the vaginal microflora.

He may be inherent symptoms like thrush, but mucus becomes a white-gray color with an unpleasant odor of fish. As the disease progresses, the color and character of the mucus changes. They may become yellow-green, very thick and stringy. these symptoms can not be detected. It is important in this case the time to begin treatment as advanced disease require aggressive treatment that is contraindicated during pregnancy and especially during the first trimester.


Vaginitis - another type of inflammatory process.

The disease is characterized by irritation of the vaginal mucosa, itching and burning inside and soreness during intercourse.


This is a disease in which inflamed cervix.

As symptoms are observed yellow, green, gray, white and even orange highlight during pregnancy. Such uncharacteristic shades mucus appear depending on the causative agent. Cervicitis the initial stage proceeds substantially asymptomatic, but can subsequently lead to more frequent urination, pain during this process and burning.


Salpingitis - inflammation in the fallopian tubes.

The characteristic symptom of the disease - a bright yellow spotting, fever and nagging pains in the abdomen.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

This is the most dangerous thing for a pregnant woman.

purulent or frothy women during pregnancy often show any infection. They have unconventional hue: dark yellow, green, brown, and others. Such diseases are often accompanied also in other negative characteristics (odor, pain, fever, etc.).

As can be seen, many diseases have similar symptoms. In no case can not be engaged at the time of carrying a child to self-medicate. Even some national recipes at this time are strictly prohibited, as they can have a negative impact on the health of the fetus. Therefore, noticing at yellow, or even more, brown discharge during pregnancy, You should immediately consult your doctor.

Quite often it happens that pregnancy will only encourage long-existing disease. That is why gynecologists recommend to pass the corresponding examinations before conception. If any dangerous diseases have been discovered at an early period, then we can go even abortion. Such may be due not only to the risk of infection of the fetus, but also impossible to draw appropriate therapy.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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