Is it possible to build the eyelashes during menstruation


  1. When you can not do capacity
  2. Capacity cilia during menstruation
  3. Reasons for loss of eyelashes extensions during menstruation
  4. hormones
  5. tears
  6. Sebaceous glands
  7. Leather
  8. view of women
  9. The right time for the procedure

Sparse or short lashes easily transformed after extension. This procedure has the rules for and contraindications. The following information will help women understand whether it is possible to increase the eyelashes during menstruation, and when it is best to make appointments with a specialist.

Eyelash during menstruation

When you can not do capacity

The following contraindications that should be cause for rejection of the procedure:

  • diabetes;
  • allergic reactions to the adhesive in the past;
  • skin rash in the working area;
  • Increased tearfulness;
  • psoriasis;
  • colds;
  • demadekoz;
  • tuberculosis;
  • childbearing;
  • severe hair loss;
  • syphilis;
  • psycho-emotional instability.

Such health problems can not hide from the master. Otherwise, the studio is not responsible for the condition of the client and the quality of the result. It should advance to consult with a specialist. The decision could help build trial.

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Read also about how, whether it is possible to increase the nails during menstruationBy clicking on the link.

Capacity cilia during menstruation

Master or trichologist respond immediately why during normal menstruation is impossible to build lashes. Main reasons:

  • the risk of allergic reactions;
  • insecure material;
  • short-lived effect.

Increasing the eyelashes during menstruation, a woman may experience unexpected consequences is already on the next day: a strong loss of not only new, but also their hair.

If you plan well do eyebrow tattooing during menstruation, We recommend to refrain from this procedure these days. The reasons for the ban read in one of our articles.

Reasons for loss of eyelashes extensions during menstruation

The quality of the procedure can influence: the hormone surge, lacrimation, increased sebum secretion, skin reactions.

Eyelash extensions during the current month is not advisable, as the result of the resistance will not please.


Before menses and they are marked during hormonal fluctuations. Because of this, the lashes fall out more than in another period of months. To this should also add additional burden posed by the build-up.
This heaviness of the eyelids accelerates the loss of their own hair. With minimum loss of eyelashes will look unnatural, in extreme cases, the eyes remain completely unprotected. Then also not ruled out a problem with the growth of their own cilia.


Due to the occurrence of menstrual blood of women notice an unstable emotionally. Hence the sharp reaction to any event that may cause bad moods and emotions. To build cilia are the most dangerous factor in tears.

Increased tearfulness creates unfavorable conditions for the wizard. But the excess moisture is hampered not only by experts, but also client. Because each tear will inevitably interact with the adhesive. Therefore, the capacity is reduced strength and increased the likelihood of allergies.

Sebaceous glands

In the opinion it is oily skin usually acts as the cause of bad or poor durability of the increased hair on eyelids. A specialist in the beauty salon before the procedure required to conduct all necessary manipulations to remove sebum from the working surface.

But in the critical days of the sebaceous glands produce more secretions than in the middle of the female cycle. Therefore created a negative impact on the material with which the hairs are attached.


It is not necessary to increase to clients eyelashes sensitive epidermis. But at the time of the rejection of the endometrium of the uterus almost any woman begins to notice that the skin began to react differently to the hygiene, cosmetics.

The same situation is with glue. A special mixture in ordinary days often easy to apply without any consequences. But even with the monthly winner of the ideal of the epidermis can become a victim of allergic reactions such as itching, burning and irritation.

These effects are expected and a woman which decided to spend depilation. Therefore, the question arises as to whether it is possible to do shugaring during menstruation a method of hair removal. Learn more about the procedure in the days of regulation here.

view of women

Reviews Eyelash during menstruation rarely contain negative information. Problems often arise after the procedure for those girls who before that had problems with the skin, or simply hit a bad master.

But much of the conventional wisdom was that the build-up on the background of menstruation is fraught with less resistant result. Cilia do not fall immediately, but have to visit a beauty studio for a week before they are due.

In rare reviews found information on severe allergic reactions and subsequent poor growth of their own hairs on the eyelids.

We recommend that you read about, whether it is possible to visit a solarium during menstruation and what negative consequences are possible after sunburn.

The right time for the procedure

The best time for building - the middle of the cycle. And worth the wait 2 or 3 days after a month, and only then to go to a specialist.

Still, do not assign the procedure shortly before the critical days. When unstable menstrual cycle due to hormonal treatment generally contraindicated failure. If a woman is pre-recorded, and suddenly began bleeding, you should tell all the experts. Master understands the situation and appoint a more suitable date.

Eyelash during menstruation is fraught with a lot of consequences. Negative changes will affect the quality and longevity of results, as well as the status of women. The risk of side effects is minimal, but not worth the risk to health and beauty.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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