Allocation after uterine curettage: how many days after cleaning should go bloody, yellow


  1. When is scraping?
  2. abortive cleaning
  3. Allocation after dilatation and curettage of the uterus
  4. How many days are selected after curettage abortion?
  5. Cleaning at 11-12 weeks of gestation
  6. missed abortion
  7. signs of pathology
  8. Lack secretions after surgery
  9. Menstruation
  10. Scarce and abundant selection
  11. Yellow discharge with odor and without
  12. rehabilitation period
  13. Briefly about the main

uterine cavity cleaning is carried out for a number of reasons, in particular, for the termination of pregnancy. Like any surgery, it is accompanied by bleeding. What normally should be release after curettage, and that equates to pathology is described in this article.

Allocation after curettage

When is scraping?

Inner tissue in the uterus is a slimy layer, called the endometrium. For some reason sometimes this fabric should be cleaned completely or partially. Such manipulations performed surgically special medical instruments (see. Photo). This process refers to the surgery, and therefore has all the postoperative symptoms and carries a heavy load on the body.

instagram viewer

Scraping perform therapeutic and diagnostic functions and is used in such cases:

  1. Thinning (hypoplasia), or endometrial thickening (hyperplasia).
  2. The presence or suspicion of a malignant or benign tumor, polyps, fibroids, uterine (read about isolated after removal of uterine fibroids link).
  3. Inflammatory processes uterine tissues.
  4. Endometritis, endometriosis.
  5. Cervical Pathology.
  6. Menstrual irregularities.
  7. Fading of the embryo.
  8. Abortion.
  9. Completion of abortion due to unsuccessful farmaborta or vacuum aspiration, when the fetus was not recovered completely.
  10. Often endometrial ablation particles is performed to separate hysteroscopy and dilatation and curettage (WFD). By means of it establish gynecological or cervical mucous endocervical pathology.
  11. It is used as a biopsy - remove tissue particles for research on the subject of atypical cells.

In the article, the link you can find out what day of the cycle, remove the endometrial polyp.

abortive cleaning

Abortifacient scraping in the case of abortion used in the timing of 10-12 weeks and is considered the least secure method. It is carried out in two stages. First, dilation involves expanding the cervical canal surgical tools or special preparations (less effectively). The second stage, curettage - cleaning chamber and the walls of the womb using curette - operative medical spoon. Process painful because performed under general anesthesia in the absence of contraindications.

Cleaning missed abortion is carried out in the same way, if the fetus stopped and stayed in the womb, and if miscarriage took part. ABOUT secretions after curettage missed abortion, Read the article here.

It happens that farmabort or vacuum aspiration did not provide a complete abortion. The remaining particles of the embryo must be removed to avoid sepsis adjacent tissues. This process is performed by using cleaning.

Allocation after dilatation and curettage of the uterus

Hysteroscopy conducted to diagnose, accompanied by slight bloody secretions or brown, more like scribble.

brown dischargebrown discharge

The first day or two may be a little sip stomach. If the purpose of manipulation has been handling the inflammatory focus, the bleeding lasts from several days to a week, depending on what area of ​​tissue has been exposed.

Discharge of blood after WFD scant, often passes per day, if the patient is in compliance with the rules poslemanipulyatsionnogo period.

Learn when menstrual cycle after hysteroscopyBy clicking on the link.

How many days are selected after curettage abortion?

The nature and duration of precipitates after scraping the uterine cavity depends on the purpose for which it is conducted. When it comes to secretions after abortion curettage, is taken into account, was carried out on what term the process of how the pregnancy, patient age, comorbidities and competence the doctors.

Cleaning at 11-12 weeks of gestation

If abortion was made on this term, the first days of bleeding are abundant, sometimes even in the form of dark clots.

allocation clotsAllocation clotted

This is explained by the increase in the uterus. In such a case it is increased up to 10-12 cm, and the neck is prepared for a maximum closure. Because scraping at this point is equal to a full-fledged operation, and leaves little open wound of large size, in which blood loss - a normal phenomenon. Isolation due to uterine curettage related to its reduction to its previous size, which is accompanied by pain and spasms.

Further, the bleeding becomes scarce sukrovichnymi acquiring first bright red, then pink.

BloodIsolation during implantation of the ovum photo

Discomfort disappears for 2-3 hours, and themselves in total isolation can last about 10 days. If these symptoms for a long time does not pass, you should see a specialist.

missed abortion

The same evolution was observed, and after the scraping of missed abortion. If fetal death was discovered in time and the process is not complicated by sepsis, the allocation after cleaning the uterus pass after 7-10 days. If an incomplete miscarriage occurred in the second trimester of pregnancy, the blood may be 2-3 weeks. A few days after the operation is completed profuse blood loss, other days - ichor.

This is only a general description of the uterine discharge after cleaning. How much they are going and what should be, determine the individual characteristics of the organism. A healthy and young women of reproductive age tissue regeneration and rehabilitation period is much faster. Diagnostic and therapeutic curettage in menopausal passes complicated.

Symptomatology is defined and hormonal background, which in any intervention in sexual activity system, as well as after pregnancy, begins to change dramatically, that could provoke any pathology and disease.

signs of pathology

If uterine bleeding does not stop after 14 days after the curettage, the amount of blood does not become less and illustrates a growing pains, and the gasket is filled for 1-2 hours, then the complication or pathology.

Lack secretions after surgery

The forum is very frequent discussion about why there is no discharge after curettage or they stop the next day, and cramping are sometimes accompanied by fever. In this case, we can talk about Hematometra - accumulation of blood clots in the uterus, cervical canal which has already closed, and their expulsion impossible. These clots are literally bursting with genital organ, causing sudden spasms. They can trigger sepsis adjacent tissues.

Therefore, if after scraping or brushing missed abortion there is no discharge, consult a doctor immediately for re-inspection and evacuation bleeding concentration. Lack of medical intervention in this situation leads to serious consequences. Should reflect, if blood loss was insignificant and lasted only one day, and continue to deliver the pain uncomfortable.


If the discharge after curettage of the endometrium lasts more than ten days and are not accompanied by pain, cramps, fever, they are pink, red or bleeding, you should assume the start monthly. That is, the rehabilitation period was successful, the menstrual cycle is resumed.

Scarce and abundant selection

Another situation is if the bleeding is heavy, then scarce, last for more than a specified time period, periodically pulls the stomach pain is given in the side, back, at the same time felt chills and malaise. These symptoms may indicate a hormonal imbalance, erosion, inefficient removal of endometriosis, polyps and neoplasms even different etymology.

Common ailment after curettage, in particular, abortion is endometritis, uterine inflammation. It develops as a result of getting an infection during the cleaning process, and poor antiseptic treatment, as well as due to non-compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period. It is also important that as a result of surgery, the body and the immune system is weakened women, its resistance is low, and because the uterus is subject to smooth attack pathogens organisms. Thus develop and inflammation.

Allocation can be both abundant and as ichor, transparent mucous bloody streaks, white and wearing a purulent character. They are accompanied by an unpleasant odor, pulling abdominal pain and fever.

The presence of such symptoms require immediate medical attention and emergency treatment.

Yellow discharge with odor and without

Bright yellow discharge after the procedure indicates the beginning of infection and inflammation.

Bright yellow dischargeDark orange selection

If a woman does not feel yet unpleasant odor discharge or pain, it does not mean the welfare of the flow of uterine recovery. In this case, you need to see a gynecologist for further treatment.

If, however, a slight yellowish tint resulting in a gradual reduction of the intensity of secretion is no reason to worry.

Smelling discharge can and because of inflammation on the background of infectious diseases. For example, bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis (thrush). Their symptoms are complemented by uncomfortable sensations in the vaginal area: itching, burning. Bleeding after brushing followed by yellow, gray or white mucus. These diseases are transmitted as sexually and develop against violations of the composition of microflora, which is inherent in the postoperative period in women.

rehabilitation period

In order not to run into complications after surgery, it is important to observe the following rules:

  1. Stick to bed rest for at least 10 days.
  2. Do not lift anything heavy, avoid physical exertion, stress and hypothermia.
  3. Avoid intake of alcohol.
  4. Take all of the anti-inflammatory and restorative drugs that are assigned to you doctor.
  5. Give up sex life for a while.
  6. Often tempted to change pads and natural remedies for a special intimate hygiene.
  7. Do not delay ultrasound assigned to you again, in time to prevent complications.

Briefly about the main

Reviews of Women and the opinion of experts confirm that the release after the procedure - a mandatory thing. The normal discharge after curettage of the uterus lasts up to 10 days if the cleaning was carried out with the purpose of termination of pregnancy, and up to 5 - for the diagnosis or treatment. These figures are individual. It is important to be able to distinguish normal from disease and observe the rules of the postoperative period. Be healthy!

  • Oct 18, 2019
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