The eye is a very important and extremely fragile organ. Serious burdens associated with the daily use of various techniques, the polluted atmosphere of cities, the unexplained diseases often manifest themselves in the form of unpleasant sensations, discomfort and itching.
If it seems that some foreign body has entered the eye, but in reality there is nothing under the eyelids, or the field of view seems to be twitching with a film that does not go out, you have to think about whether everything is all right.
In some cases, such symptoms become harbingers of more formidable problems.
- 1. Why does the foreign body feel in the eye?
- 2. Traditional
- treatment 3. Folk remedies
- 4. Prevention measures
- 5. Useful video
Why does the foreign body appear in the eye?
The cornea is permeated with nerve endings that react sensitively to the slightest damage to its delicate surface.
Response - itching, lacrimation, pain, photophobia. It is aimed at getting rid of the irritant as soon as possible.
And if it really is a mote that has fallen under the eyelid, it will either be washed with tears, or taken out by a strong discomfort owner of the eye.
But in the same way the eye reacts to other stimuli. Often happens so, that there is no foreign body, despite the fact that the sensations are the same.
The reason for this may be:
- Microgerms of the cornea, which very often occur with inept use of contact lenses.
- Dry eye disease due to the fact that a person( most often working at a computer for a long time) blinks too seldom, and the mucous eye dries up. It also dries up in a very hot climate, when the air is not saturated enough with moisture.
- Glaucoma - increased intraocular pressure. With this disease, the photosensitivity is especially pronounced.
- Blepharitis, keratitis and conjunctivitis of bacterial, viral and allergic origin are one of the most common causes of sensation of the speck in the eye, which arises as the first symptom.
- Hyperthyroidism.
- Barley and haljazion - an inflammation of sebaceous glands of the century.
It is not always imaginary foreign body that causes pain and irritation. Sometimes it is just constantly in the field of vision in the form of a mote, a film or a translucent "worm".
This is the result of dotted cataracts, degeneration of the vitreous, and opacification of the cornea.
It is possible that in fact anything in the eye is horrible. We look first aid, which should be provided in this case:
Traditional treatment of
Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of discomfort. When the mucous eye dries out in the dry air of the apartments, unpleasant symptoms will be removed by a nebulizer or a simple air humidifier, no special therapy is required here.
To eliminate the itching and a sense of interference under the eyelids, corneal microdamages with contact lenses and dry eye diseases use droplet drops, antibacterial ointments and drops to prevent secondary infection, anti-inflammatory drugs.
Inflammatory diseases of the eyes and eyelids are also treated with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral agents, depending on what caused them.
Many drugs are useless and even harmful if used against microorganisms that can not be combated: antibiotics are powerless for herpetic conjunctivitis, and fungal lesions do not react to drugs that do not have antimycotic action.
Therefore, you should not use all the drops and ointments that come to hand, first you need to at least roughly determine the diagnosis.
Allergic conjunctivitis is quickly and effectively removed by antihistamines and contact with the allergen.
But glaucoma, cataracts, vitreous degeneration require serious and prolonged treatment, which may well result in failure or urgent surgery.
Surgical intervention for cataracts is as follows:
Folk remedies
In addition to antibiotics, remedies for allergies, douches and a scalpel surgeon, there are softer and affordable folk remedies.
They will not help in all cases, but with conjunctivitis, blepharitis, barley and some other diseases, they will easily replace drugs from the pharmacy.
What will remove the painful symptoms, when in the eye as if a speck, but in fact it is not?
First of all, these are baths and washing with decoctions of plants that have anti-inflammatory properties and destroy pathogenic microbes, such as:
- chamomile;
- linden;
- eyes;
- yarrow;
- is the root of barberry.
Decoctions of the same plants are suitable for compresses to the sore eyes. But more often as a compress use cotton or gauze, moistened not in tender herbal extracts, but in hard brewed black tea.
Perfectly destroys pathogenic germs by washing the eyes with a solution of colloidal silver.
Replace it with water from a silver container, or simply brewed in a bowl, at the bottom of which lies a silver spoon. The same action has a weak solution of baking soda.
With chiliase and barley, traditional medicine offers warming with a warm egg and ingestion of fresh tansy inflorescences.
Traditional medicine does not help to cope with such serious diseases as glaucoma and cataracts, but they make it possible to alleviate the condition and slow down the development of the disease together with prescribed medications.
Aloe vera juice in the form of eye drops lowers the pressure of the mouth, removing the cause of constant irritation, like drops from diluted honey.
Also in the case of increased intraocular pressure and clouding of the lens, tea from the leaves of blueberries and decoction of nettle are useful.
Prevention measures
Prevent any problem easier than to fight it later. And eye health is something that should be taken as seriously as possible. To avoid the occurrence of problems leading to discomfort, discomfort and lacrimation, you must:
- regularly( at least once a year) visit the oculist, even if there are no complaints;
- wear high-quality contact lenses, suitable for the diameter and curvature, wear them carefully, observe hygiene and do not forget them in the eyes for a long time;
- when working at a computer to take breaks and eye gymnastics.
Observance of these simple tips will reduce to almost zero the likelihood of eye diseases.
Useful video
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