Discharge from the breast before menstruation: Can be allocated colostrum with pressure


  1. Characteristics of infants selections
  2. during pregnancy
  3. galactorrhea
  4. physiological causes
  5. Abnormal discharge from the breast
  6. Briefly about the main

Some women approaching menstruation and pregnancy in the absence of notice discharge from the breast. It applies whether the sign of the norm? Experts believe that the allocation of the breast before menstruation may be physiological or pathological signs. When you should not worry, and when to refer to mammologist mentioned in this article.

Discharge from the breast before menstruation

Characteristics of infants selections

Before monthly allocation from mammary glands can occur for various reasons related both to the physiological state of the body, and with the pathology.

Normally lactation - process related to pregnancy and breastfeeding. Women are often concerned about whether the colostrum may be released before menstruation, and whether it is a pathology? Such cases are common, and only 15% of the time they mean disease. Often become the basis for such a physiological condition or disorder in the body.

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Discharge from the nipple may denote before menstruation and after, during menstruation and ovulation. The appearance of secretions from the breast during the month due to the work of hormones responsible for lactation, which stimulates the mammary glands to produce a secret. Depending on factors such symptom appearance isolation are white, yellowish, mixed with blood, as colostrum, in different quantities and with different concentrations, with and without smell.

Patients interested in whether colostrum stand before menstruation when pressing on the chest, or it happens spontaneously. It all depends on the work of the mammary glands, the concentration of prolactin in the body and the factors that triggered this symptom.

conventionally reasons allocation of colostrum and milk secretion can be divided into pathological and non-pathological. A similar phenomenon occurs in the period of gestation, with galactorrhea and some pathologies.

during pregnancy

In the case of lactation milk production due to the natural function of the woman's infant feeding. He starts with the beginning of pregnancy and continues for some time after the cessation of feeding. This mechanism is regulated by hormones such as estrogen, insulin, triiodothyronine, cortisol, growth hormone, oxytocin, and most important in the chain - prolactin. Many of these substances are produced and regulated by the pituitary gland. Since its conception, it triggers enhanced prolactin responsible for the formation of milk and colostrum, however often expectant mother observes at emergence discharge from the breasts during pregnancy. Especially noticeable sign before delivery.

But even at the very early stages of possible designation of a few drops of milk from the breast as a the moment of conception in the female body is a sharp hormonal changes and run mechanism lactation. If the expectant mother does not know about his interesting position, it can detect the allocation of clear liquid from the breast before the expected menstruation. It is not always the same term pregnancy tests give accurate results. Because a woman is watching at Dairy secret before the expected menstruation, unaware held conception.

In the first trimester of independent milk production is not observed, it can only be seen after clicking on the nipple. In the third trimester of this phenomenon often occurs spontaneously in a few drops of colostrum is thick.

similar release can occur after abortion or miscarriage, because some time the mammary glands can secrete a secret because of the long recovery hormonal levels.


Galactorrhea is not a disease and is designated as a condition of the breast when they are due to various factors produced milk. Violation may occur in the milk ducts and glands, and have a deeper origin - at the level of the brain.

Such lactation without pregnancy is able to denote before menstruation or during them, and disappear without accompanied by discomfort and other symptoms, and may be delayed for a long period and be painful. In the first case discharge from the breasts acceptable, but the second - do not leave unattended. With the described features should contact mammologist.

Most often Galactorrhea occurs because of hormonal and other irregularities, but also frequent cases of pathologies.

physiological causes

  1. Hormonal imbalance. It occurs due to improper lifestyle, stress, emotional and physical stress during the period menopause and the frequent receiving hormonal contraceptive medicines and emergency contraception.
  2. Medications that have a negative impact on the state of the milk ducts and glands. These include drugs for the cardiovascular system, antidepressants, tranquilizers.
  3. Injury. Any damage to tissues, nerves, vessels capable of provoking breast milk secretion selection of nipples.
  4. Disturbances in the pituitary gland. It is this part of the brain responsible for the synthesis of many hormones, so the slightest deviation in its work It affects the whole body, including on the development of prolactin-producing breast milk.
  5. The imbalance in the endocrine system and thyroid disorder work often lead to galaktoree. Given the maximal concentration of estrogen in combination with this reason, discharge from the chest before menses are more likely to appear.
  6. Excessive use of herbs to stimulate lactation, such as anise, fennel, dill, cumin, if breaches in the pituitary gland, capable of producing launch lactation without pregnancy.
  7. Reinforced nipple stimulation during intercourse with great excitement, echoing one of the above reasons can designate secretions from the breast.
  8. Kidney failure leads to the accumulation and excessive number of prolactin in the body, since it is the kidneys are responsible for disposal of this hormone.

In these situations, there is separation of white or yellow liquid or, more often, thick consistency as colostrum, without impurities and odors.

When the blood secretions revealed, they look like pus, it is accompanied by chest pain, noticeable deterioration of general condition, talking about pathological symptoms.

Abnormal discharge from the breast

There are cases when the nipple may go abnormal liquid transparent, white, yellow, green, sometimes with bloody impurities. At the same time there is pain in the chest, irregular menstruation, seal tissue.

It's obvious signs of illness, and in such cases should immediately consult your doctor.

Similar symptoms indicate an inflammatory or infectious process in the thoracic region, the development of benign and malignant neoplasms and tumors.

Among the most common problems are the following:

  1. Mastitis - inflammation of the mammary glands. According to the statistics - the most common disease, striking women's breasts. It is divided into several categories: lactation, postpartum (associated with breastfeeding) and cystic fibrosis (which has no connection with feeding and pregnancy). Pathology of lactation is there because of injuries, surgeries, overuse of hormones, frequent exposure, presence of chronic foci of infection. To seal symptoms include chest, engorgement, character selection purulent secretions from the nipple, malaise, fever. When strong immunity the body is able to cope with mastitis, without much difficulty, we just need time to get the proper treatment. While ignoring the disease there is a possibility of severe consequences in the form of an abscess surrounding tissue.
  2. Fibroadenoma - a common benign breast tumor. The most common factors leading to illness, are hormonal disorders. Often the disease is asymptomatic for a long time, but in the acute phase with pressure on the nipple A negligible amount of colorless liquid.
  3. Ectasia (widening) of milk ducts also referred to white and yellow discharge from the breast. The shape of the nipple is able to change with the areola area, there is itching, burning and other discomfort in this area.
  4. Intraductal papilloma - another type of tumor in the mammary glands. Accompanied by copious white, yellow, green and brown, the duration and the number of which varies from a few drops to protracted severe pathological trickles liquid. Breast can match the locally under pressure.
  5. Breast cancer - the most dangerous pathology. Alleged causes of cancer are numerous: the impact of hormones; unhealthy lifestyle; radiation exposure; heredity; tumors degeneration; lack of labor; frequent abortions. In the initial stages of the disease is asymptomatic, but with time takes the form of subcutaneous seals. In the later stages are observed sukrovichnye allocation, Weakness, malaise. Such tumors are removed surgically.

Briefly about the main

Discharge from the breast - a fairly common symptom is referred to as before menstruation, and at any other time. This feature is not only connected with pregnancy and during breast feeding the baby, but also arises for a number of reasons, mainly related to hormonal and elevated levels of prolactin in the body - the hormone responsible for the synthesis of milk.

There are also diseases whose symptoms are a discharge from the breast. Therefore, the question whether a pregnancy without stand colostrum, experts give a positive response, but the Council is required to make a diagnosis of the phenomenon.

Any change that occurred with the breast should be brought to the doctor's knowledge.

The chest should be independently inspected each month for changes as a mandatory prevention. As well as a necessary condition in a woman's life should be a regular visit to the doctor, mammalogy, as many breast disease are asymptomatic.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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