The causes of bleeding in the middle of the cycle: blood between periods, and intermenstrual pain in the abdomen


  1. Physiological causes of rejection of bloody secretion
  2. Juvenile bleeding
  3. Ovulation
  4. coitus
  5. oral contraception
  6. climacteric
  7. puerperium
  8. Intrauterine device
  9. Pathological causes of rejection of bloody secretion
  10. endometritis
  11. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  12. Cervical erosion
  13. Pregnancy
  14. Tumors and neoplasms
  15. Hormonal disorders

The menstrual cycle "is accompanied by" each of the fairer sex after puberty and before menopause and indicates a potential for procreation and reproductive health agencies system. Based on the characteristics of the allocated secretion both during menstruation and in the intermenstrual period, specialists can create a "picture" of the disease or common female reproductive organs. But what if one of the quality indicators, whether it is color, texture, smell or volume, we have moved beyond the usual individual physiological norm? What is the reason such a phenomenon? Why are rejected by spotting mid-cycle? When you need to see a gynecologist?

Spotting mid-cycle

Physiological causes of rejection of bloody secretion

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Gynecologists say that the rejection of discharge, containing blood, in the middle of the cycle is not always indicative of the presence of pathological processes that affect the genitals. Depending on the external factors that affect the body, and physiological characteristics of women, this phenomenon may be perfectly normal and does not require medical intervention. Gynecology identifies a number of conditions in which brown spotting, released in the middle of a cycle, not a threat to health.

Learn about why there are spotting a week before menstruation.

Juvenile bleeding

The advent of the first month - menarche indicates puberty girls and the final stage in the formation of the reproductive system. This period is characterized by the absence of well-defined, the monthly cycle of critical days.

Gynecologists say that the formation of a temporary periodization can last up to six months. In this interval, the appearance of red precipitates in mid-cycle is intended physiological norm and does not require reference to specialist. But observe uncharacteristic secretions mixed with blood longer than the period demonstrates the need for referral to a specialist.

The root cause of juvenile bleeding may lurk in an imbalance of hormones FSH and LH.


Under the ovulation period is understood a woman's cycle, during which formed the egg leaves the follicle. In this case, intermenstrual bleeding may be caused by several factors:

  1. Sharp hormonal surge. Such a phenomenon does not mean the presence of pathology. Experts say that the increase in estrogen levels during ovulation refers to the physiological norm. Hormones stabilize yourself a few days after the completion of the menstrual period.
  2. Injury to the endometrium during the movement of the ovum, or attach it to the surface of the uterus.

These phenomena lie in the physiological norm only in the absence of accompanying discomforts and stability in the periodization of the calendar cycle.

Doctors say that the normal secretion during ovulation should be different:

  1. Scarcity. Allocation in the period of the menstrual cycle should be barely visible and have the anointing character.
  2. Lack of odor. Please note that the ovulation secretion should not have sharp sickly smell. Mucous fluid released during this period, has a light, slightly perceptible smell of iron.
  3. Absence of unpleasant sensations. During ovulation rejection of bloody secretions should not be accompanied by pain encircling, exciting abdomen and lower back, burning during urination, or itching in the groin area.

If described spotting during ovulation intense or accompanied by a sharp pain, you must consult your doctor immediately!

Such symptoms may indicate a violation of the reproductive organs or the beginning of uterine bleeding.


The appearance of bleeding not during the calendar month, and after sexual intercourse in any phase of the cycle may be indicative of excessive the intensity of sex or vaginal lung damage associated with improper for a woman to pose or oversized sexual dignity partner.

Some women have noted the emergence of ichor after sexual intercourse because of insufficient moisture genitals during coitus. Such secretion must be rejected without serious consequences, and visually resemble ichor.

The average time interval, allowing the presence of non-pathological nature daub is not more than 3 days after intercourse.

The process of exclusion secretions caused by the emergence of micro-traumas in the genitals during sex, most often, is completed independently and does not require medical intervention. But if a woman has noticed an increase in rejects bloody secretion or presence of clots in it, you need to see a specialist. In this case, it could be a rupture of a blood vessel in the tissue of the endometrium.

oral contraception

Bloody discharge from the middle of the cycle may be the answer to a woman's body to change or introduction of a new means of oral contraception. Experts say that if the spotting or appears Meager start monthly during reception contraceptives for three months after you start taking a drug, it is not a side effect and it is physiological. the presence precipitates upon receipt of contraceptive tablets for a long time and in large quantities throughout all phases of the cycle indicates the need to stop the use of the contraceptive.

Special attention is given drugs for emergency contraception, such as postinor, eskapel or Ginepriston. Such medications are not only able to provoke bleeding from the uterus in the middle of the cycle, but also to make adjustments to the formed cyclical menstruation. After eskapel and Postinora month go not regularly occur long delays. Many women at a reception of emergency contraception noted mild pain in the abdomen and pulling sensation in the lower back. The use of these contraceptives is allowed only under the supervision of a gynecologist! Read more about spotting after Postinor and about brown discharge after eskapel.


Premenopausal and menopause itself, characterized by the appearance of bloody discharge after menstruation. It is worth noting that some women noted daub and before menstruation. This spotting is scarce in nature and is rejected with concomitant symptoms. These include:

  • increase sweating;
  • fatigue;
  • sharp change of psycho-emotional state.

The average age of menopause and menopause is 40-45 years.

It is worth noting that the spotting in the period of the cycle should be painless and little abundant. Increase of occurrence of rejects and secretion her pronounced scarlet hue may indicate the presence of cancer. The designation of such symptoms require immediate treatment to the gynecologist!

To eliminate the discomfort caused by menopause and menopause, a specialist can advise a woman hormone. Medicines of this range will not only reduce the "impact" caused by hormonal changes in the body, but also to neutralize the associated symptoms.


Regardless of the mode of delivery, whether natural childbirth or Caesarean section, a woman's body suffers a serious stress. Particularly acute is the effect on the sexual organs and the hormonal background. Gynecologists say that menstrual cycle after birthIn fact, re-formed as before menarche.

Many women who are recovering from labor, noted the appearance of dark discharge between periods. The secretion of this species is quite physiological. The reason for its appearance, in addition to the "setting up" cyclic menstrual cycle, may be breastfeeding or estrogen surges. Number brown secretion rejects in intermenstrual postrodovoy period should not be large. Visually, it resembles Blutwurst sanies present in the clusters of white mucus.

It should be understood that the increase continuously rejects precipitates in given period may be a symptom of uterine or vaginal bleeding. Diagnosis at such symptoms is a serious cause for treatment to a gynecologist. Solving this problem, in most cases, it is carried out surgically and cleaning means itself.

Intrauterine device

Experts say that the establishment of the means of contraception, most often, can cause bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle. This phenomenon is due to trauma to the mucous membrane of reproductive organs. Allocation of this kind should be small and their duration does not exceed a few days after the introduction of the spiral.

It is worth remembering that if the secretion does not diminish, but on the contrary, increases in volume and accompanied by uncomfortable sensations in the genital area, you should consult a doctor. In this case, it is advisable to remove the contraceptive and podbrat drug analogue.

Pathological causes of rejection of bloody secretion

Spotting between periods do not always lie in the plane of the physiological norm. A significant role in determining the root causes of what is happening play accompanying rejection of the symptoms and the nature of the secretion throughout menstruatsionnogo cycle.

Gynecologists argue that there are a number of features in combination with any of which the appearance of blood inclusions is considered as a symptom of a pathology. These include:

  • blood or brown dark discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • itching in the groin;
  • a burning sensation during urination;
  • constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • acute pain in "inguinal triangle";
  • abrupt figures in analyzes hormone levels;
  • fever;
  • voldyrikov reddish appearance in the groin;
  • progress in the menstrual cycle.

It is worth noting that in pathological changes in the reproductive system, can get sick "neighboring" bodies, such as the rectum.

Cause intermenstrual bleeding, weighed down by the above-mentioned symptoms may be a number of pathologies. Let us examine them in detail.


The disease is characterized by a strong inflammatory processes in the tissues of the endometrium. Experts say that a similar phenomenon may occur due to complications derived from the process of abortion. In the early stages of the disease symptoms include a sharp increase in body temperature and a constant nagging pain in the abdomen.

Chronic endometritis stage appears intermenstrual bleeding. Sometimes they are identified in the mid-cycle, but more often smearing secretions from scent in women occur after a month.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Very often the cause of bleeding between periods are infectious diseases transmitted from partner to partner during intercourse. Regardless of the type of bacteriological infection, brown secretion throughout the entire cycle is accompanied by characteristic discomfort. These include:

  1. Rejects the presence of a substance characteristic sickening odor associated with many women the scent of rotten fish.
  2. The appearance of severe itching in the groin area.
  3. The presence of blisters or pimples on the labia.
  4. The presence of rejects secretions yellow-green or rotten clots;
  5. Increased body temperature.
  6. Separation of blood after intercourse.
  7. A burning sensation during urination.

For successful treatment of diseases, sexually transmitted infections requires a parallel partner therapy.

The course of treatment, often involves two stages. The first is the antibiotic effect, and the second - maintenance therapy. After a course of treatment appointments must be strictly follow the doctor's instructions and be seen by a specialist during the entire treatment period. Daylight infectious diseases in the chronic stage fraught not only acquired infertility but also fatal.

Cervical erosion

The disease is characterized by the appearance of scar formations and ulcerative in the cavities of the reproductive system. Experts say that the erosion refers to a disease with mild symptoms.

In the early stages, there is a woman on the disease can only learn during the inspection on the gynecological chair. Moreover, the erosion development proceeds rather slowly, and the disease may not manifest itself for many years.

Not revealed erosion, passed in the chronic stage, may be the cause of brown discharge between periods. One of the complications that accompany this disease is the development of acquired infertility.


A positive test, reporting the ensuing pregnancy, not only brings a lot of positive emotions, but also a lot of anxiety and fear associated with the experiences of the health of the fetus and the pregnant woman. Over the next nine months, you need to carefully monitor the health of women and the generation, indicates the status of the fetus and the reproductive system.

Alarming symptoms indicative of deviations during pregnancy are mucus with blood appearing in the calendar cycle. The reasons they may be varied. Gynecologists allow secretion of the presence of blood in the conventional cycle at an early gestational period.

This phenomenon may indicate the attachment of fertilized ova to the uterine wall or hormonal changes, characteristic for the perinatal period.

Systematic exclusion mucous with the blood, which can continuously stand for several days, Depending on the length, they are symptoms of missed abortion, premature detachment of the placenta or abortion. Learn the characteristics of vaginal discharge after miscarriage link.

Experts recommend a timely pass inspection and receive supportive care agents to fetus development was organic.

When the disturbing symptoms, accompanied by the secretion of blood and pain in the lower abdomen as the first, and in the last months of pregnancy, you should immediately contact to watching woman gynecologist!

Tumors and neoplasms

Discharge of blood between periods and failures in the calendar menstrual cycle may indicate the presence of tumors in the female reproductive system organs.

Based on statistics, experts say that the most common causes that provoke the occurrence of tumors is hormonal imbalance during menopause or complications obtained abortion process.

One of the most common types of tumors are polyps. To diagnose the disease is very easy in the early stages, only a series of examinations is enough.

Read the article at the link on how to avoid the operation and Do polyp can come up with a monthly.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the tumors do not have a pronounced symptoms at an early stage. Women who experience with this pathology can identify several signs indicating the presence of tumor:

  1. Constant feeling of fatigue.
  2. Discomfort during the emptying of the stomach.
  3. Blood secretion at any time during the cycle.
  4. Low hemoglobin.
  5. Change in menstrual cycle calendar.

When the above symptoms in women, burdened anointing of bleeding, especially in menopause, you should immediately contact the experts!

Hormonal disorders

Reasons intermenstrual spotting may lurk in hormonal imbalance, occurs against a background of thyroid dysfunction or disorder in the adrenal glands. In this case, smearing secretion may be at mid-cycle bleeding or "shift" in the calendar menstruation.

Women are faced with this disease, claim that a violation of hormonal background to menstruation may at any time, but always before the onset of critical days begins to whine bottom stomach.

The reasons that trigger processes that lead to hormonal disorders, are extremely diverse. But, from the crowd, released some of the most common:

  1. eating disorders.
  2. Physical exercise.
  3. Changing climatic zones.
  4. The presence of stressful situations.
  5. The absence of the regime of the day.

Hormonal disruptions occur "spontaneously", but without the proper treatment of such pathology can cause irreparable harm to the female body. To control the level of hormones necessary to pass the relevant tests at least once every few months.

Mucous intermenstrual bleeding, in most cases, are of physiological norm. But, there are aggravating symptoms could indicate a possible disease process, affecting the reproductive system. you need to see a specialist immediately to diagnose the disease and pass a series of tests to help make the correct history and to find out the root cause of what is happening!

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