Black isolation: after, rather than during the month of the vagina, on the first day, at the end of month


  1. characteristic features
  2. physiological causes
  3. Why are spotting the black instead of monthly?
  4. when menstruation
  5. After a month and before them
  6. During pregnancy and after childbirth
  7. abnormal discharge

Character allocated secretion in women - the main indicator of the state of her sexual and general health. Deviations from the usual features are often wary of the fairer sex, because it can mean as the norm and pathology. As indicated by the black isolation and in what cases it is necessary to visit a gynecologist, this article will answer.

Black isolation of women

characteristic features

The term "black" is conditional and collective character. This includes dark brown, brown, dark bloody discharge.

black selection
black selection
Allocation dark brown
Dark brown
highlight daub
blood clots
blood clots

They are thin, thick, lean, abundant, homogeneous and as clots. Physiological - have no peculiar smell, pathological - unpleasant smell. They are based contain mucous secretion, which is released by glands organs of the reproductive system, as well as the blood that appears, depending on the place of origin and the factors that caused the symptom.

instagram viewer
Brown and red highlight
Black and red
brown discharge
black selection
black selection
brown discharge

Separation black and the reasons depend on the particular physiological condition or disease. In the first case, they are caused by the period of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, hormonal, anatomical structure of genital surgeries and diseases, the age, that is It is normal. Second - they act as a symptom of a pathological process, pose a health risk. Upon detection of the black discharge from the vagina in women should consult a doctor for diagnosis and determine their etymology.

find out why during the month are brown dischargeBy clicking on the link.

physiological causes

This symptom is typical even the girls who do not have a sexual life. The appearance of dark mucus is sometimes observed before the first menstruation - menarche, and for a year thereafter. This is explained by formation of hormonal and vibration levels of estrogen and progesterone affect the color and quality of monthly mucin therebetween.

Such a feature can be seen on the grounds of violation of the hormonal balance. Often with contraceptives containing hormones or HRT give such a response in the first few months of use. Cancellation of these funds also causes black spotting.

During menopause symptom refers to normal before the onset of menopause, and provided that it is accompanied by pain in the abdomen.

After surgery and gynecological procedures allowed this phenomenon. The duration of discharge in the case of a few days, then they get a red, brown or pink.

The duration of bleeding depends on the type of operation: abortion, cleaning, scraping the uterine cavity, removing neoplasms and so forth.

There are also more common causes of a number of physiological, are discussed below.

Why are spotting the black instead of monthly?

Similar features inseparably linked to the menstrual cycle and are indicated at any stage.

This phenomenon is explained by the following factors:

  1. Menstrual dysfunction due to the hormonal failure.
  2. Improperly selected hormonal contraceptives.
  3. Endocrinological diseases.
  4. Black and brown secretions in the middle of the cycle It may be referred to the pregnancy, namely the moment of conception. The fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall, and that, in response to a foreign body is still for her, A negligible amount of blood, which is due to sudden hormonal changes becomes dark shade. This is acceptable on the first day after fertilization.
  5. Sometimes dark brown discharge instead of monthly pregnancy occur on the day that was to begin menses. At this point, the risk of miscarriage is highest, because the body has not yet been reconstructed under the new state, respectively, the body is programmed for exfoliation of the endometrium. That is, in the early stages of a small black spotting possible only if it lasts 1-2 days and is accompanied by a painful and uncomfortable sensations.
  6. Black allocation instead of menses with clots can often mean the pathologic processes: endometriosis, endometritis, salpingitis, cervical erosion, inflammation of the ovaries, polyps, benign tumors, cancer. These diseases are also being felt pain in the abdomen, flank, which goes to the waist, weakness, malaise.

when menstruation

The appearance of black precipitates during menstruation is typical of many women in their prime. Do not be scared: so rejected the inner layer of the uterus. Color endometrium varies from light pink to black. He can stand in a small amount during menstruation and discharge with large clotsWho, coming out of the vagina, creating a sense of what falls from the crotch piece of jelly. Many patients are afraid of this situation, but it is quite acceptable, depending on the characteristics and condition of the body.

Per day uterus can provide up to 60 ml of blood. If blood clots and is displayed clearly more critical days are painful and are longer than the due date, you should contact your gynecologist. Many women's diseases manifest similar symptoms is during menstruation.

Such pathology is baffle into the uterine cavity - adhesions resulting from mechanical damage to the epithelium, retards blood, and therefore are very dark discharge during menstruation.

Sudden weight loss, severe emotional shock can affect the flow of blood, blood becomes thick and dark.

After a month and before them

Black release after a month allowed for 3 days, indicating that the normal cleansing of the uterus. In the case where the black spotting persists longer, it indicates the presence of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or polyps.

Black isolation before menstruation are normal if they are marked not earlier than one day before their start. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle changes hormone levels, which is manifested premenstrual blood secret. When black appear allocation before menstruation can occur a change or shift of the menstrual cycle due to frequent reception of hormones or of emergency contraception.

Reduced blood clotting is often a prerequisite for the allocation of clots of dark color, especially after menses.

Often dark mucus may appear because of anatomical abnormalities of the female organs. Saddle or two-horned shape of the uterus leads to a stagnation of blood in her, that appears black discharge in women after menstruation.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

As previously noted, the conception and unaccrued menstruation suggests a possible secret black blood during pregnancy.

Dark highlight sometimes appear in early pregnancy (first month), and it testifies to an ectopic pregnancy. It is accompanied by a drawing pains in the abdomen radiating to the side, weakness, fever. The secretion may be a black daub clots bleeding. But this is not menstruatsionnye selection. Monthly and ectopic pregnancy are not compatible, and marks on clothes - it is the result of tissue damage due to the growth of the embryo in the wrong place. This pregnancy requires immediate interruption.

This feature is sometimes a miscarriage. Fading fruit notes similar to the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy.

After delivery, the uterus cleaning allocation last up to a month, and it occurs in the form of lochia. This blood removal, and in the early days of post-natal process, it is a black clots, gradually brightening and turning into moderate bleeding, and then - to daub.

Then set the menstrual cycle throughout the period of lactation, and finally he returned only after the end of lactation. Because nursing mother sometimes says at this phenomenon, which lasts 1-2 days and is complemented by uncomfortable sensations.

abnormal discharge

When excluded physiological reasons, and accompanied by separation of other pathological features, it is - the result of the disease. In this case, you should consult a doctor who has to make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

By co-morbid symptoms include:

  • a nagging pain in the abdomen, flank and back pain, cramps;
  • very strong or prolonged bleeding, a large loss of blood;
  • unpleasant smell of onions, Rancid fish, pus, cottage cheese;
  • fever, chills;
  • malaise, weakness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • painful urination;
  • itching, burning.

Most often, this feature is characteristic inflammation, infections and benign tumors. Treatment is prescribed depending on the disease.

Separation black women - a natural process that occurs on the background of physiological changes in the body. But sometimes it means serious trouble in the reproductive system. Therefore, if this phenomenon is not typical for you, when it is detected it is necessary to consult a doctor, so as not to run the disease.

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 49
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