Brown discharge with clots: how to treat allocation at monthly clots, spotting, heavy


  1. What creates the separation from blood clots during menstruation
  2. When allocating go instead of monthly
  3. Hormonal disbalance
  4. Low hemoglobin level
  5. Low weight
  6. Symptom before menstruation
  7. How do the contraceptive
  8. Bleeding in the postoperative period and after an abortion
  9. Pregnancy and childbirth
  10. Menopause
  11. Congenital uterine pathology
  12. endometriosis
  13. polyps

Changing the consistency of vaginal discharge is always wary of the fair sex, because it means it can not only for the natural processes in the body of a woman, but also a violation of the reproductive system organs. What do the brown discharge with clots, and when in the presence of the symptoms should see a doctor, tell this article.

Brown discharge with clots

What creates the separation from blood clots during menstruation

Blood clots during menstruation - a normal phenomenon. Their presence is due to rejection inner lining of the uterus, which goes pieces. The symptom is not a violation, since the endometrium under the influence of hormones and rejected out gradually, and the blood is retained in the genital tract and is displayed as a thick cluster dark slime.

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At the beginning of menstruation the uterus secrete mucus brownish color, then the mucous layer begins to be displayed in full force, and place abundant bright red menstrual flow, which alternate with bloody clots of dark brown or brown. At the final stage regulator observed monthly brown, due to the fact that hemoglobin contained in the blood is destroyed, reaching the vagina. When the output of a small amount of blood, it gets brown hue and is denoted as a daub. These changes relate to the norm. Sometimes endometrium it rejected as a heavy period without thick slices. This is also a variant of the norm.

The appearance of discharge with large clots can occur not only during menstruation, but also:

  • after childbirth;
  • upon receipt of hormonal medicines and planned and emergency contraception; as a result of surgery or abortion.

Sometimes described isolation act symptom genitals diseases. Often this phenomenon is not accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, unpleasant odor and lasts only a few days.

When allocating go instead of monthly

The appearance of brown discharge with clots instead of monthly to a violation of the menstrual cycle. The phenomenon suggests an imbalance in the body for several reasons.

Hormonal disbalance

Violation occurs due to overuse or misuse gormonosoderzhaschih preparations due endocrinological diseases, and sometimes as a result of the stresses transferred. Such changes affect the women reproductive system, causing the cycle to fail. Changes occur in the composition of the blood changes its clotting. Endometrial atrophy may occur, which is designated during menstruation spotting instead scheduled monthly.

Low hemoglobin level

Violation caused by a deficiency of iron and red blood cells. Anemia affects even the production of sex hormones. With a low blood hemoglobin becomes thinner, so in addition to the described feature exists a strong risk of blood loss.

Low weight

With insufficient mass, body activates an emergency mode and releases a lean amount of blood that takes the form of brown spotting.
A weakened immune system. After illness, injury, surgery, receiving strong medicine, especially antibiotics, the body concentrates on maintaining the protective function. Against the background of reduced immunity periods may be delayed or held in the form of brown discharge with clots.

Symptom before menstruation

brown and pink discharge before menstruation permissible for one to two days prior to menstruation and is due to increased levels of progesterone, which stimulates rejection swollen endometrium. If the process started much earlier, the phenomenon points to pathology. Follow the link to find out exactly which violations may be associated with the emergence of brown discharge before menstruation.

How do the contraceptive

Designation too heavy discharge during menses with clots suggests an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. This is a consequence of disruption can hormonal drugs.

In most cases, when using hormonal contraceptives in the first three months observed intermenstrual bleeding, often with clots.

Installation IUD also causes symptoms such as tool bars the way to the removal of blood, which is stopping, folds and acquires such a form. This consistency fluid levels and causes the fertilized egg, which failed to gain a foothold in the uterus due to the Navy.

There are a number of drugs that stimulate the beginning of the month, which can cause the described phenomena. The fair sex use them as emergency contraception. Since these tablets have a large dose of hormones, experts do not recommend to use them more than once in six months.

Bleeding in the postoperative period and after an abortion

When medical abortion uses a combination of drugs: first - it kills the fetus, and the second causes contraction of the uterus, which it rejects. The process itself is characterized by the expulsion of the ovum discharge with dark clots. First, they are abundant, causing severe pain, then go into the brown spotting. The scope and duration of spotting depends on whether the procedure was carried out on what term.

After vacuum aspiration, scraping and cleaning the discharge with bloody chunks can also go a few days. Specify how many are selected after abortionSee the article here. The uterus, cutting to the former size, pushing the remnants of membranes and fetal material. Brown discharge are allowed after such manipulations operating up to a week.

If, after the medical intervention are observed brownish discharge with clots and pus, it is necessary to go to the doctor, as it comes to the inflammatory process.

Pregnancy and childbirth

During pregnancy brown discharge are only valid in the period of conception, when the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. This phenomenon is a one-time and short-term. Upon detection of blood clots in the second, the third trimester of gestation it is a violation of the integrity of the endometrium, which threatens abortion, or ectopic pregnancy indicates.

Even a few drops of blood or slight brown spotting during this period should be the occasion for an urgent visit to the gynecologist. In the "interesting situation" it is normal only transparent, white or yellowish discharge on pants without pain and discomfort.

After delivery, a few days out of the vagina strong allocation like a heavy menstrual period with clots. It lochia - postnatal discharge. They contain amniotic tissue, which is under intense uterine contractions goes along with the blood. Later bleeding becomes moderate, gradually acquiring a brown color. In the article, the link can be found, as last selection after cesarean section.


With fading reproductive function starts to change hormones, and as a result, an insufficient amount of estrogen produced. During the pre-menopausal woman's life changes begin: delayed menses, and closer to menopause may disappear altogether, in place of designated pieces of brown discharge with blood.

It is worth noting that in postmenopausal women is a symptom of the disease process in the genitals.

Congenital uterine pathology

Sometimes there are abnormalities in the structure and location of the uterus. Possible both congenital and acquired defects due to an illness, stress, pregnancy and operations. There are various types of anomalies:

  1. Horned or two-horned uterus.
  2. Saddle and arched shape body.
  3. Doubling of uterus.

During deformation of the main body of the female endometrium, torn, delayed and not displayed properly, which explains the appearance of dark bleeding clots. For this reason, monthly starting with a delay, and can go in a similar form.


The pathology is characterized by excessive proliferation of the inner uterine cavity mucous membranes. appearance brown discharge in endometriosis Not unusual. The disease has an effect secretion with slices and an unpleasant smell for a few days before menstruation or after menstruation.


Polyp - benign tumor, represented by outgrowth of the mucous layer of the uterus. In the presence of this pathology blood begins to stand out as a bunch as during menstruation, and a few days after them. However, dark discharge after menstruation may also indicate endometritis.

It is not necessary to assume the presence of a disease or pathology on the basis of the information contained in this article. Finding menstrual discharge clots or secretion from clotted blood of non-regulator before all, should see a gynecologist, to establish the true causes of the phenomenon and to obtain timely treatment.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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