How are recovered after medical abortion: blood, brown meager


  1. Features farmaborta
  2. Secretions after medaborta (normal)
  3. How are recovered after medical abortion?
  4. abnormal discharge
  5. meager allocation
  6. endometriosis
  7. Infections and bacteria
  8. Thrush
  9. Brown discharge after medical abortion
  10. recovery period
  11. Reviews of patients and professionals

Pharmacological abortion - the most gentle and least traumatic way to embryo extract. Consider this article which should be expected after the release of medical termination of pregnancy, in time to recognize complications as a result of the procedure.

Selection after medical abortion

Features farmaborta

This type of abortion performed in early pregnancy without surgery, using special medications.

Two types of drugs, one of which comprises mifepristone. The purpose of it is directed at relief action of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the maintenance of life and development of the fetus. Once in the body, this substance leads to the death of the embryo. The second drug causes uterine contractions and miscarriage of a dead fetus. They are available in tablet form.

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With medaborta allowed to interrupt an unwanted pregnancy only in the early stages (up to seven weeks). Farmabort has a number of contraindications, which include:

  1. Previous menstrual irregularities.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Age 18 and older than 35 years.
  4. Gynecological diseases (in particular, polyps, endometriosis, tumors).
  5. Anemia, hemophilia.
  6. Liver, kidney, adrenal insufficiency.
  7. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract inflammatory.
  8. lung disease.
  9. Cardiovascular disorders.

Secretions after medaborta (normal)

Despite the absence of surgical intervention can be seen for a long time after the release characteristic of the procedure. This is due to the growth of the fetus during pregnancy and an increase in the uterus. It begins to shrink in size due to the embryo extract, and acquiring previous forms of scraping the inner cavity.

The first few days after medaborta of bleeding are abundant. Immediately they can be in the form of dark red blood clots, will eventually become scarce and brown, and then disappear altogether. Sometimes the bleeding does not start immediately, but only after 2 days, gradually increasing the intensity.

Selection after medical abortion is accompanied by weakness, can pull the belly. To reduce the pain, doctors recommend drinking no-silos. While receiving an abort tablets often nausea and even vomiting.

How are recovered after medical abortion?

Spotting can last from several days to a month. All depends on what week of pregnancy, it was interrupted, and how the health of the woman, her age, the presence of comorbidities.

It should be noted that in contrast to surgery, such abortion is carried out using aggressive hormonal drugs that cause so strong "shake" woman's body, that being thoroughly tuned to the continuation of the pregnancy, it is still not capable of it resist.

In this connection, may occur malfunction of systems, and artificially-induced imbalance of estrogen and progesterone have each failed mother will come in individually norm. For this reason, it is impossible to give a precise answer, how many days can last of bleeding after medical abortion.

Reviews professionals and women in most point to the period from 2 to 7 days.

Sometimes, due to the procedure, followed by a decrease in the intensity of discharge, there is a slight spotting, the duration of which extends up to the onset of menstruation. first month after medical abortion may linger.

abnormal discharge

Despite the fact that medical abortion is considered to be safety first, of complications from it happens less. Although there is no exact definition, duration of discharge, characteristics approximate rules indicate for up to 7 days. If heavy bleeding lasted for more than 3 days, thus greatly stomach ache, the gasket is impregnated completely with blood for an hour or two, the rejection of the fetus was not until the end. In such a case, a cleaning uterine cavity. Learn about the duration uterine secretions after cleaning Article link.

If this feature is complemented by fever, malaise, nausea, secretions, acquire the brown, purulent yellow color and smell, and pain in the abdomen increases and gives to the side or back, then we are talking about inflammatory process. It can develop due to not completely remove dead embryo. His dead particles provoked septicemia adjacent tissues, which threatens not only health, but also the life of the woman.

Upon detection of such symptoms should see a doctor immediately.

meager allocation

Low intensity leaving blood also tells a deviation from the norm, however, in the case of discharges after mifepristone (first tablets), the sign, most likely, indicates the effect of the drug, and held abortion. The woman can observe intense mucus, yellowish secret or small scribble.


Abundant and growing pain with bleeding arise due to the development of endometriosis, since the internal tissue of the uterus, the endometrium, the first to suffer during the rejection of the fetus.

Infections and bacteria

Hormonal changes and chemical attack preparations medaborta give a huge load on the body, significantly reducing its resistance, immunity and incapacitate metabolism. At this point, when the sex organs are open wound, they are particularly vulnerable to the attack of pathogens. Imbalance mucous and vaginal microflora. In its structure begin to dominate opportunistic bacteria that are there in everyday life in moderation. When they received reinforcements from outside, to avoid the development of the inflammatory process in the background of bacteria, infections and viruses can not be.

If allocating acquired unpleasant odor or rancid fishThey became yellow, gray, off-white, in the lining of the vagina feel itching and burning, that is, the likelihood of developing bacterial vaginosis. He often occurs when surgical and medical intervention in the reproductive system.


Blood and mucus a whitish curd consistency and sour smell indicates Candida development. This fungal disease is sexually transmitted, as well as a consequence of stress on the body, including medication. Most often Thrush occurs because of antibiotics.

Brown discharge after medical abortion

Now as a result of abortion using tablets appears bleeding resembling heavy menstruation. After some time (about 5-7 days), it is replaced by brown discharge. This type of secretion should not frighten a woman, as he is of the same origin, but due with a decrease in discharge rate, blood is now time to roll up and out of the vagina in such color.

Maroon and brown discharge suggest restoring the uterus unless they are accompanied by other signs.

When a woman notices changes in color and secret becomes brown-yellow, brown-green tint, It has white lumps should inform the gynecologist, because we are talking about one of the pathologies described above.

recovery period

On how the rehabilitation, it depends directly on the duration of discharge after farmaborta. After all, 70% of complications occur due to incorrect patient relationship to his weakened body, which has undergone a powerful stress.

If you follow the simple rules of the tablet after the termination of pregnancy, you can have a few days to discover the lack of emissions and improvement of health.

  1. After the release of the ovum is not delayed more than 3 day visit to the doctor and ultrasound to make sure the final rejection of the fetus.
  2. Avoid physical and emotional stress.
  3. The first 2-3 days of bed rest follow.
  4. Give up alcohol, sauna, solarium and swimming pool.
  5. Do not take a bath, wash in the shower water is not higher than 37 C.
  6. Do not eat for several days hot drink.
  7. Eliminate at least 2 weeks sex life.
  8. Tempted quality intimate hygiene, without colors or flavors, maintain acid-base and water balance of the mucous.
  9. Drink restorative drugs.
  10. It is advisable to consult your doctor to restore hormonal levels.

Reviews of patients and professionals

CommentAlina, 26 years old: "It turned out that I was 2 times in my life had to resort to abortion drugs. From the first time I was bleeding about a week and 2 days plentifully, even with clots, and the second time there were three days. Most likely, it was because the last time I did a period of 3 weeks. I realized how many are selected after abortion tablets depends on the duration of pregnancy. Even after the end of bleeding and spotting felt discomfort in the vagina in the form of dry. "

DoctorInna V., an obstetrician-gynecologist: "The nature and duration of discharge after farmaborta depends on many factors, in particular on the period for which he was held. The first weeks of pregnancy, the uterus increased slightly, but because after the abortion she is reduced fairly quickly and less painfully. Dryness may occur due to hormonal imbalance due to the influence of chemical components hormone in the body. These changes primarily affect the genital organs of women on both external and internal, especially on mucous. "

The forums are often found discussing the fairer sex how safe medabort. On the one hand, the absence of surgery plays an important role in its benefits, on the other - the hormonal surge can sometimes cause much more harm to the body. However, all women agree on the use of contraception and a competent avoidance of unwanted pregnancies. Be attentive to their health.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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