Dental stone is a hardened plaque made up of epithelial cells, mineral salts, food debris, bacteria and natural mucus that, adhering to the total mass, are attached to the teeth, becoming denser and darker with time. Most often, it is formed where it is difficult to clean the teeth with food or a toothbrush. You can remove tartar in dental clinics and at home.
- Causes of
- Occurrence
- Why remove
- How to clean in dentistry
- How to remove at home
- Pastes
- Irrigator
- Dentry
- Brushes
- With Hydrogen Peroxide
- Folk remedies
- Prevention
Reasons for
Scalingmany factors can provoke:
- insufficient oral hygiene - irregular brushing of teeth, improperly selected brush stiffness, choice of paste that does not possess wellGOVERNMENTAL cleaning properties;
- incorrect bite - crowding of teeth promotes accumulation of plaque;
- violation of water-salt metabolism - excessive viscosity of saliva reduces the cleaning of teeth, the presence in the saliva of excess amounts of minerals contributes to the early solidification of the plaque;
- incorrect distribution of the load on the jaw - a habit to engage in chewing food only one side;
- prevalence in the diet of soft food - there is not enough mechanical cleaning of teeth;
- presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- drinking tea and coffee, carbonated drinks and sweets;
- lack of vitamins and trace elements;
- smoking and drinking alcohol;
- treatment with antibiotics;
- hereditary predisposition.
The types and symptoms of
The initial stages of the appearance of tartar resemble the onset of caries, the difference is that the stone does not appear on the chewing surface of the teeth - forming a yellow or brown rim around the tooth's neck, it extends into the parodontal pocket and the crown. Depending on the appearance, the following are distinguished:
- supragingival tartar - well visible on the crown of the tooth, has a clayey consistency, easily separated by dental instruments;
- subgingival - located at the root of the tooth under the gum, firm and dense to the touch, it can be detected only when the gum is dissected.
In addition to the appearance of dark spots, the presence of tartar may indicate:
- bad breath;
- bleeding when brushing teeth;
- redness or bluish color of the gums;
- itching and pain in the gums( at the stages of inflammation).
Why remove
Ignoring the problem of tartar can have negative consequences:
- unaesthetic appearance - dark spots on the teeth are noticeable visually;
- smell from the mouth - prevents normal communication with people;
- gingival inflammation( gingivitis, periodontitis) - toxins released by microorganisms trigger inflammation, which can lead to mobility and tooth loss;
- caries - hydrochloric acid, produced by microbes when digesting food residues, destroys the enamel of the tooth, causing its decay;
- diseases of the oral mucosa - erosion, ulcers, necrosis of mucosal sites, stomatitis;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases - toxins are absorbed into the blood, carried throughout the body and affect the functioning of systems and internal organs.
How to clean in dentistry
Removing dental deposits is carried out in several stages:
- removal of supra- and subgingival calculi;
- polishing the surface of the crowns and roots of the teeth - performed with rubber heads and a special paste, helps to scrape off the remains of the stones, as well as eliminate roughness, which helps to fix the plaque on the tooth surface;
- treatment with preparations containing fluoride - is necessary to prevent hyperesthesia( excessive sensitivity) of teeth after cleaning.
To remove scurvy, dentists use several methods:
- Ultrasonic cleaning - occurs due to vibrating waves that form on the enamel surface strong vortices, crushing stone. The method is good because there is no physical contact between the ultrasound scaler attachment and the tooth, which helps to avoid additional trauma to the teeth and mucosa. Before applying the method it is important to make sure that the patient does not have any contraindications to it( serious cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, oncology).
- Laser removal - uses the same principle of action as ultrasound. The expensiveness of the equipment makes this method less common.
- The chemical method involves softening the tartar with special substances to facilitate its removal. The disadvantage of the method is that it can damage the enamel and provoke tooth disease in the future. It is used in limited order, mainly with the mobility of teeth.
- Air-abrasive removal or Air Flow method - treatment of teeth with a solution of abrasive substances under pressure. Used as a supplement after ultrasonic cleaning or at the initial stages of the formation of stones. The method is effective for eliminating pigmentation, hard-to-reach plaque, with its help polishing and bleaching of enamel.
- Mechanical removal of stone involves the use of special dental instruments( hooks).Due to painful sensations and trauma, the technology is considered obsolete.
- In the presence of gum diseases, anti-inflammatory therapy is additionally carried out, in case of caries it is necessary to fill the teeth.
Howremove at home
Supragingival tartar can be removed at home using a variety of instruments.
to contents ^pastes When choosing a toothpaste to remove plaque and stones, you need to pay attention to its composition:
- The RDA level indicates the amount of abrasive particles and their size. For cleaning from hard plaque should be selected from 100 units, with sensitive enamel - no higher than 25.
- Fluoride and fluorides are necessary for strengthening enamel, but at too high doses can be toxic to the body. The optimal number is from 0.1 to 0.6%.
- SLS( sodium lauryl sulfate) is a foaming agent. It is harmful and should be absent in quality pastes.
- Triclosan is an antibiotic designed to destroy the pathogenic microflora, but killing and beneficial bacteria, disrupting the acid balance in the oral cavity.
- Calcium carbonate is an abrasive agent that can neutralize the action of fluorides.
The principle of this device is to feed powerful pulsating water jets that clean the interdental space and massage the gums, improving blood circulation. Irrigator is also effective in the care of dentures and crowns, during the correction of bite bracket systems. It can also be used by children, adjusting the pressure of water.
to contents ^Tooth thread
Floss( dental floss) helps to remove food debris and plaque from the interdental spaces, where the brush often fails. It is advisable to use the thread after each meal, but at least before bedtime.
to contents ^Brushes
Dental calculus is formed most often on the inside of the front lower teeth and on the outside of the chewing teeth of the upper jaw. Particular attention should be given to thorough cleaning of these places.
There are several types of toothbrushes:
- conventional( for mechanical use);
- electrical;
- interdental.
The choice of a conventional toothbrush should be handled responsibly, paying attention to the following parameters:
- length of the cleaning head - the value should not exceed 25-30 millimeters, this makes it easy to reach hard-to-reach places;
- shape of the cleaning head - rounded, without sharp edges, the form helps to avoid gum injuries;
- brush bristles - it is desirable to use a multi-beam brush where the villi are assembled into a variety of individual bundles with rounded ends;
- stiff bristles - most people have brushes with medium stiffness, but if there are problems with teeth, for example, periodontitis, a doctor's consultation is needed;
- material of bristles - it is desirable to choose artificial fibers, they do not have unpleasant properties of natural bristles to be absorbed by moisture, creating a medium for the multiplication of bacteria, and to break, forming sharp edges damaging the gums, leading to their atrophy;
- design of the handle - the brush should fit comfortably in the hand, for children it is preferable to choose brushes with thicker handles than for adults.
Proper maintenance of the brush is important:
- thorough rinsing after cleaning in running water - to eliminate residues of pasta, food and bacteria;
- drying after use - in a humid environment, microorganisms multiply rapidly;
- brush replacement for a new one at least once every 2-3 months.
Interdental toothbrushes in shape resemble brushes for washing bottles, only much smaller. Effective when cleaning dentures, as well as dental gaps, which have increased due to age-related changes or due to atrophy of gum tissues caused by periodontitis.
With hydrogen peroxide
There are several ways to remove tartar with the use of hydrogen peroxide:
- lotion - cotton swab dipped in a 3% peroxide solution, apply to the teeth for 2-3 minutes, then clean the softened plaque with a brushwithout paste;
- mask - in 1 teaspoon baking soda add 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide and 5 drops of lemon juice, apply the mixture on the teeth for 2 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water;
- polishing - mix baking soda with peroxide in a 3: 1 ratio, apply on a cotton swab and rub your teeth for 1-2 minutes, rinse.
To avoid thinning of the enamel, procedures using hydrogen peroxide should be performed no more than once a week.
to the table of contents ^Folk remedies
There are many recipes for removing tartar at home:
- Mix 1 head of black radish, grated, with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, thoroughly chew the mixture, do not need to swallow. Radish juice softens the deposits on the teeth, and the lemon strengthens its effect.
- Oil rinses - 1 dessert spoonful of oil( sunflower, olive, linseed, sesame) to take in the mouth and keep for 10-15 minutes, from time to time moving around the oral cavity, then spit it out. The procedure should be performed daily on an empty stomach.
- Apply 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil to the brush, squeeze out the paste from above, brush your teeth as usual. Apply once a day. In addition to disinfection of the oral cavity, the recipe promotes tooth whitening.
- Dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey in 1 glass of warm boiled water, use to rinse before going to bed for two months.
- Bark of walnut branches with water, boil for 15-20 minutes, strain and cool. After each meal, keep the broth in your mouth for about 5 minutes, periodically doing a gently rolling motion.
- Pour 2 tablespoons of dried field horsetail 1 cup of boiling water, cover and wrap, after an hour drain. Rinse your mouth in the morning and evening.
- In the container with table salt immerse the water-soaked toothbrush so that the grains of it are stuck on the bristles. To treat the teeth in the places where the stone is deposited in circular motions for 3 minutes. The first 2 weeks to perform the procedure daily, then gradually reduce the frequency. Dentists do not recommend this method because of possible injuries to the gums and tooth enamel.
Prevention of
To prevent the appearance of calculus, you should follow some recommendations:
- brush your teeth after each meal, at least 2 times a day, before bedtime - always;
- with a tendency to form stones to rinse the mouth with an antiseptic before going to bed;
- change toothbrush every 2 months, keep it clean;
- to stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
- use hard foods - solid apples, pumpkin, carrots, corn;
- visit the dentist every six months.