Can I swim with a tampon into the sea, the pool, the water park at monthly


  1. All the pros and cons of swimming during menstruation
  2. Forbidden for swimming
  3. Selection of tampons
  4. Terms of Use swab while swimming

Regular practice of swimming enhance muscle tone and have a beneficial effect on human health. Such a pleasant experience for women may darken only one - menstruation. When really want to go to the water park or the swimming pool, there is a legitimate question: Is it possible to swim with a tampon? This hygienic means very convenient for various sensitive situations, and, in particular, for this. In order not to harm the health of this, you need only take into account some of the recommendations and rules.

Swim with a tampon

Follow the link to find out whether it is possible to sunbathe during menstruation.

All the pros and cons of swimming during menstruation

With teenage girls know that you can not swim during menstruation or in the bathroom, either in the pool or in the lake. Such a ban is associated with the vulnerability of the genital organs during this period to all sorts of infections. During menstruation the cervix is ​​slightly open, what gives access to the internal reproductive system various microorganisms. Therefore, swimming, especially in freshwater, is fraught with gynecological diseases.

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Tampons in this case, become a kind of barrier to the penetration of water. It must, however, take into account that such products do not have an antibacterial effect and are not able to resist infections. In the water, they quickly soak and cease to retain fluid, so bath time should be limited.

ordinary gasket in this situation - not an option. They do something that does not block access of water to the vagina, but also does not relieve you of the release of blood that will look quite aesthetically pleasing, especially in a public place. So if no way to wait out "these days", you can swim with a tampon, and only with him.

If you are interested in, whether it is possible to swim in the sea during menstruation, the situation is a little different than with a pond. The difference is that the salt water - not the most beneficial environment for the life of bacteria. It's a lot to reduce the risk of infection and allows the water treatment with the tampon during menstruation.

The main advantages of swimming during menstruation is relaxing effect that water has on the human body. This activity can help a woman reduce spasms in the abdomen and lift your mood.

See also, whether it is possible to have sex with a tampon inside.

Forbidden for swimming

Of course, at the critical days and do better to abandon this type of holiday. But if this is not possible, it is best to swim with a tampon, which, however, in certain situations also becomes output. For example, strictly forbidden in the water if:

  • allocating too intense (in the early days);
  • cramping in the lower abdomen accompanied by general malaise and nausea;
  • in the genital area there is an inflammatory process (burning, itching, redness, swelling, rash, etc.);
  • you have any gynecological disease, which does not recommend the use of said absorbent article.

In addition to this it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. So, if each menstrual cycle accompanied by a strong malaise and chronic pain, it is best to take a walk along the beach and swim in the sea or go to the pool with a swab. And about the ponds is better to completely forget for a couple of days.

Read in one of our articles, whether to withdraw the swab inside the uterus.

Selection of tampons

  • Before you go swimming, you must determine the appropriate size of the used products. This can be done only on the individual reasons, based on our own experience. Preference in this case, better to give a product with the best absorbent properties. This will allow to slightly increase the time spent in the water and delay the disintegration of the material.
  • It should be immediately reserved by the whole package, because the time of their use in water decreases substantially. Prepare to be that the replacement will be required often.
  • If you previously did not use this means of personal hygiene, better to start with the smallest size in two or three drops. Since it is necessary to begin a virgin, so as not to give myself too much discomfort.
  • It is advisable to use a proven brand, the effectiveness of which you have already experienced. Very well, if even once swam with them.
  • Excellent reviews are characterized by a model with an applicator. They are easy to use and quick to take the necessary place in the vagina.
  • Before you start walking in the pool during the month, you can try to swim in their own bathtubs. This practice will allow to test the product for strength and resolve, What better tampons to be in water.

To date, it has not yet been invented special sponges for bathing, so pick your favorite.

Terms of Use swab while swimming

Decide is it possible to go swimming in the pool at the monthly with a swab, it is necessary to get acquainted with a number of rules for the use of hygienic facilities.

  • Under ordinary conditions of change should occur every 2-4 hours. Bathing significantly accelerates the replacement procedure.
  • It must be remembered about the risks of infection and without the swab in the water and can not go at all.
  • The introduction of the product must take place according to the instructions, which are in each package. It is important at this point to observe all the rules of personal hygiene: undercut, wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Possible residence time in the water with the tampon 20 minutes is considered. Over a longer period the material is too razmoknet and give access to the bacteria unprotected womb. The product itself will then increase to a maximum, which can cause discomfort.
  • After water procedures should immediately go in and remove the used hygienic means to prevent the course of reproduction of microorganisms. Before the new setting of the pool or the sea you must enter a new tampon. To preserve the health of the recommendations of doctors are allowed 2-3 such sessions. If, however, you will have enough, then take a dip once and go take a shower.
  • In order to avoid embarrassment during water treatment, it is better to give preference to dark swimsuit;
  • String of the tampon is also desirable to fill the vagina to avoid the rapid water soaking;
  • If we talk about a place for swimming, it is better to swim in the pool or in the sea (in both cases, the water is disinfected).

Learn the link how to insert a tampon Tampax.

When deciding for yourself whether you can swim with a tampon, should take into account all of the above tips, advice and warnings. In addition, it is desirable to be screened for the presence of gynecological diseases, in order to avoid the negative consequences of such a voyage.

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 36
  • 142