Reusable pads in the critical days (reviews)


  1. Features of the structure and types
  2. Terms of Use reusable pads in the critical days
  3. Reviews

During the menstrual cycle, a woman especially need reliable hygiene. The most popular among them are today considered disposable pads and tampons. However, these products may not suit all. This is especially true of the fair sex with sensitive skin prone to irritation and allergic reactions to hygiene. Here come to the aid reusable pads in the critical days, the existence of which most women do not even realize.

reusable gasket

Features of the structure and types

Before the invention of disposable hygiene products commonly used materials such as gauze, cotton wool, cloth, i.e. something that is always at hand. It is not necessary reusable products once associated with improvised means. Their repeated use due to the organic composition of the materials used and the possibility of washing. Such a purchase could save you from having to spend money for the next 5-10 years - when used correctly, of course.

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organic cotton, silk or bamboo is commonly used for the manufacture of reusable gaskets. Some companies also include in the polyester, which increases the moisture resistance of products. Form they the same as those familiar to us disposable models, but the choice of colors is much wider. There is a product of classic colors (white, beige, black) and have interesting color prints.

Gaskets are also equipped with wings for fixing, but they do not stick to the adhesive base, and via special buttons. The latter, by the way, can in addition adjust the width of the product under the desired type of underwear.

Popular bamboo pads consist of the following layers:

  1. external - breathable waterproof polyester;
  2. intermediate - absorbent microfiber;
  3. internal - 100% bamboo.

The structure is similar in principle all known brands. The materials used are soft enough to come into contact with the delicate skin than avoid irritation, even after depilation. Skin while wearing constantly breathing, which provides good ventilation and eliminates unpleasant odors.

Also produces reusable feminine pads on every day. They are smaller and a little thinner, but otherwise repeat their counterparts in the menstrual period. This product is very strong in its structure and is fully breathable, so you can use it even during the treatment of thrush. You can not be afraid of exacerbations of the disease, as is the case with disposable dailies. Find out, than you can replace the gasket in her absence, by clicking on the link.

Also very popular gaskets reusable menstrual cup. Find the link, what is it and what are the criteria for choosing this product.

Terms of Use reusable pads in the critical days

Most women are wary of this type of goods reusable because of possible leakage, regular washings, etc. However, no inconvenience in fact, they do not bring. You are protected against leakage waterproof layer, which is necessarily used in the manufacture of, and wash itself practically does not differ from the usual glove. It is only necessary to follow certain recommendations.

Before use, all items must be initially washed. If you purchased pads daily, then it can be done along with other things. If they are used in the critical days, it should initially be soaked in cold water, and then in the machine at a temperature no higher than 60 ° C apart from the rest of things.

Dried product in any convenient way. The only rule in the dryer can be dried only cotton products. By following these simple rules, you can achieve a fairly long use. Disposable products is only enough for a few days monthly, and the price is not much less reusable. The latter can be used every month for several years.

Read about the unusual Chinese Medicated PadsThe existence of which the majority of women still does not know.


Most reviews of the women who used the reusable sanitary pads, positive. Basically marked qualities such as by using dry, lack of irritation and allergies, use in the production of natural and breathable material, of course, big savings funds. Buying disposable pads every month, you are sure to give a time of 100-200 rubles. Buy a reusable pad can be from 180 rubles per piece. Reserve is better to have 5-6 pieces. Thus, for some periods the amount is fully paid off.

Negative reviews are mostly limited to the need for regular washing and perhaps not hygienic goods, which, however, most people are completely refute. Try this remedy or not - your decision.

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 7
  • 126