Gaskets discriminant (Discreet) daily: forms, photos, prices


  1. Discreet assortment of panty liners with photos
  2. product Benefits
  3. Multiple purchase options
  4. Multimoulds
  5. disadvantages
  6. The lack of individual packaging
  7. allergy risk
  8. Probability thrush
  9. Creating a "greenhouse effect"
  10. Where to buy and how much are laying the discriminant?

Often, the packaging manufacturer of personal hygiene indicates little useful information, and the situation with the panty liner discriminant (Discreet) is no exception. Therefore, women are starting their own searching, evaluating reviews. We have gathered all the important information about the product, the company's offer and other useful facts are based on the opinions of real buyers.

Daily laying discriminant

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Discreet assortment of panty liners with photos

Discreet brand owned by well-known manufacturers Procter & Gamble, was credited for the level of quality and diversity of supply. But in a situation with a panty liner until the end of the final list of assets is not clear. The fact that production is organized in each country in its own way, so the packaging design and the nuances of the number of proposals sometimes differ. We collected the popular names that are on the official website of the manufacturer:

instagram viewer

  • Normal;
  • Deo Irresistible Multiform;
  • Spring Breeze;
  • Summer Fresh;
  • Water Lily;
  • Air.
Discreet Normal
Deo Irresistible Multiform
Irresistible Multiform
Discreet Spring Breeze
Spring Breeze
Discreet Summer Fresh
Summer Fresh
Discreet Water Lily
Water Lily
Discreet Air

For convenience, we describe panty liners discriminant with photos, and all of these names can be bought from any online store or supermarket in your city.

product Benefits

The most obvious advantages of Discreet panty liners are the following characteristics:

A pluslace design;

A plusadaptive form;

A plusexcellent quality of the composition;

A plusno glue on panties after application;

A plusconvenient packaging with protection;

A pluseliminate odors;

A plusaverage price;

A plusbasic range of 6 variants;

A plusthin surface;

A plussturdy mounting;

A plusimperceptibly;

A plussoft outer layer.

Most of the benefits are self-explanatory, so only some of them will be described in more detail.

Multiple purchase options

The range of brand products for women's intimate hygiene each day is presented in two versions - 20 and 60 pieces. If one studies the reviews, it becomes clear that buying a large package is much more profitable. But women are more convenient to carry a miniature box that easily fits even into the smallest handbag.

In recent years, are increasingly found a package containing 100 dailies this brand. This offer applies to shares and purchase in this version allows you to save a good idea.


Virtually the entire range of Discreet, except Normal, can be used with different types of underwear:

  • usual shorts;
  • thong;
  • shorts.

Adaptation to the shape of the wings is provided with special, which can serve additional fastening member or an absorbent zone. This is possible thanks to the unique technology: the main and an adhesive layer covers the whole surface of the gasket.


Each means of personal hygiene has its weaknesses, and this brand is no exception. Just note that the defects were evaluated based on feedback from real women who use this facility. Therefore, the following disadvantages are not absolute:

MinusDisintegrating capable (thin);

Minusnot excluded allergy by spacers;

Minussometimes there is a "greenhouse effect";

Minusin rare cases, it provokes candidiasis.

The following will describe the most serious and dangerous means cons.

The lack of individual packaging

Laying well protected from dust and other elements in the total box, but it is not recommended to store them separately. It turns out that it is extremely desirable to wear dailies in a bag and take them all together uncomfortable. In studying this issue we focus on the shape of the gasket. Indeed, their absorbent layer is unprotected, so there is a possibility of surface contamination, if stored properly dailies.

allergy risk

Each manufacturer of personal hygiene assures his audience of buyers that its products tested by dermatologists, therefore completely safe to use. But among the reviews often there are cases where women have suffered from allergies and irritation after using discriminant dailies.

Blame the presence of flavorings, and their presence is not always indicated by the manufacturer. We hear promises of effective elimination of odors, but we forget that by this phrase is often a part of hidden substance which causes irritation.

Here you need to find a way out of the situation, so the owners of sensitive skin should choose options with «no perfume» the inscription:

  • Discreet Air Multiform.
  • Discreet Normal.

Other women use scented ezhednevki possible, but also carefully, not forgetting to take into account the reaction of the organism.

Probability thrush

Some people do not like the presence of odor, and some women customers complained of the presence of fragrances in the facility, but However, not all women support the view that there is a thrush from panty liners Discreet. And here we can not agree, because this disease is marked by several factors of development, from reduced immunity to poor hygiene.

It must be remembered that any panty liners, doctors are advised to use with caution, giving the skin a chance to just relax. In studying the reviews have found only one case where it is the gynecologist advised to replace the mark or completely stop using so many dailies.

Creating a "greenhouse effect"

All products discriminant guarantees freshness up to 12 hours, but breathable layer is only for Discreet Air Multiform. All other names are not endowed with such characteristics, but on some sites found information that all the seals "breathe", but it is not.

That is why women may feel some discomfort in the perineum when using discriminant dailies, especially in hot weather or during increased physical activity. Suggested in this case to select a product solely to the presence of breathable layer to avoid disrupting the microflora and the likelihood of pathogenic microbial proliferation.

Where to buy and how much are laying the discriminant?

Production is mid-range. The main feature - is the cost of communication with the characteristics and novelty goods. Note that the first figure is for 20 pieces, and the second - 60.

  • Normal - 52 p. 139 and p.
  • Deo Irresistible Multiform - 55 p. 145 and p.
  • Spring Breeze - 48 p. 132 and p.
  • Summer Fresh - 52 p. 146 and p.
  • Water Lily - 55 p. 155 and p.
  • Air - 47 p. 160 and p.

A detailed study of the cost we found out that there is no such as the economy. Therefore, we can safely take to the convenience of two or three small packages, so no problems wearing laying in the bag together, rather than each individually, or dust on their surface guaranteed.

Concluding, we note that discriminant pads for daily purposes are not suitable for all women. However, it is a popular and recognized brand, has more fans than disgruntled shoppers. The main criterion for selection are all well: the number of drops, the shape of the product and the presence or absence of flavor.

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 83
  • 144