Allergy to pads: irritation, itching in the intimate area (treatment)


  1. The causes of disease
  2. Symptoms of allergic reactions
  3. Diagnosis of allergy
  4. Treatment of allergy pads
  5. Eliminate the cause of such reaction
  6. Wash the skin with the use of special means of personal hygiene.
  7. Apply to the affected areas antihistamine ointment.
  8. Secure in the next 24 hours, the skin in the groin area from any irritant effect.
  9. prevention
  10. How to avoid reactions to hygiene?
  11. Alternative disinfectants for monthly

Women's nature requires monthly use of such means of personal hygiene, as gaskets. The variety of products and the use in its production of plastics led to the development in the individual members of the fairer sex of an allergic reaction. As it flows, what is dangerous allergic to pads and whether it is possible to prevent its occurrence - this can be found later in this article.

Allergy to pads

The causes of disease

The skin in the genital area is the most delicate and susceptible to the influence of negative factors. This indicates the need for continued compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. In pursuit of purity of this area women are beginning to consistently use pads, even after the end of menstruation. For these purposes it was invented so-called dailies. And they, and the usual hygiene during menstruation today are made from non-natural fabrics.

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Most often, allergic symptoms are observed in conjunction with the skin:

  • dyes;
  • flavors;
  • adhesive backing.

Immediately it should make a reservation, that the addition of the first two components is more characteristic of panty liners. Their use helps to hide the unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge, if any. Allergic to the glue that allows you to attach the gasket to the laundry, there is much less, because this part of the least contact with the skin. However, in some cases, minimal impact is enough for the emergence of specific allergic reactions. Some women use reusable padsIf negative effects on the skin caused by the flavoring agents or adhesives.

Incorrect to say that the market there are no natural disposable hygiene products. There are products with recycled cotton surface, but they are chosen much less, since such seals quickly lose their shape and crumple. Synthetically, on the contrary, well retain moisture and protect clothing. But the irritation of the linings of this type occurs more often. Find out, What better pads link.

If you are interested, can develop an allergic reaction to the product without colorings or flavorings, the answer is unequivocal - yes. The reason for this phenomenon is the greenhouse effect, which is created in the genital area due to the use of dense materials. Medium formed as a result, it is favorable for the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Their effect on the skin can cause itching and inflammation and epithelial damage will be very sensitive to potential allergens. Find out how damage can cause panty liners.

Symptoms of allergic reactions

Symptoms of an allergy to any type of gasket is shown about the same:

  • edema or inflammation in the area of ​​contact with the skin care product;
  • itching and redness in the vaginal area;
  • appearance of small rash intimal area;
  • pain in contact with skin;
  • selection as thrush;
  • dryness of vaginal mucosa.

These symptoms usually occur immediately after exposure to the allergen, the plurality of attributes simultaneously. See the characteristic of this problem can be a rash on the photo.

Redness of the skin

This, of course, only a skin reaction, not prone to generalization. If in addition to the above symptoms you are experiencing, such as pain in the abdomen or lower back should immediately consult your doctor. This can be a sign of a more serious disease.

The discomfort caused by an allergic reaction of the body, can lead to some psychological manifestations (nervousness, irritability, aggressiveness, etc.). This is quite natural, but it is better to try to eliminate the causes of these symptoms.

Delays in responding to this problem can lead to goiter, which subsequently will result in coleitis, urethritis or cystitis.

The probability of such complications is low, but still there, so it is important to recognize the cause of the features described herein. Women with allergies often use Chinese Medicated Pads.

Diagnosis of allergy

Symptoms of allergies to laying something similar with acute manifestations of thrush or other genital diseases. In order to recognize this or that illness, you must immediately cease contact with the allergen, and take a shower. If allergic symptoms did not disappear, then you need to see a doctor and get tested.

Most often, a specialist can make a diagnosis after a visual inspection, but in addition may require surrender of vaginal smear, blood and urine tests. As a result, you will know exactly whether you have an allergy to gaskets and, if necessary, how to treat it.

Treatment of allergy pads

Before requesting a woman can independently perform a number of activities aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms. First of all, do the following:

Eliminate the cause of such reaction

If you have the allergy to panty liners, you should immediately stop using them. If normally used during menstruation - to try to find an alternative to natural materials.

Wash the skin with the use of special means of personal hygiene.

Such a procedure can immediately get rid of itching in the genital area. For these purposes, it is better not to use a conventional shower gel or soap, because the acid-base balance does not coincide with the indicator on the vaginal mucosa, which could aggravate the situation. For cleaning the suitable means such as Epigenes or Laktatsid Femina. Further it is possible to use periodically during menstruation Epigenes Spray.

Apply to the affected areas antihistamine ointment.

In order to get rid of the swelling, redness or itching, you can use Bipantenom, Fenistilom, Elidel or Gistanom. These preparations do not contain hormonal ingredients, and in a short time will have a therapeutic effect. If you are allergic to pads manifested overreact, and need a more effective means - to get help from an antihistamine tablets (Suprastin, Zyrtec, Tavegil etc.).

Secure in the next 24 hours, the skin in the groin area from any irritant effect.

The brightest allergy symptoms should disappear within days after contact with an irritant. This is the time we must try to minimize the negative effects on the skin: exclude wearing underwear made from natural at this time, sex, physical activity materials. Many women prefer tampons or caps for monthly. Find out, what a menstrual cup or the cap in one of our articles.


As an antiallergic agents can act and some traditional recipes. So, with the majority of symptoms to help cope decoctions of medicinal herbs. They can be used through oral administration or as a lotion or a compress.

Here are some common recipes such funds:

  • decoction of calendula: 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers pour half a cup of boiling water, insist hour - can be used both inside and outside;
  • decoction of nettle: 2 tbsp. l. leaves pour two cups of boiling water, insist 2 hours - can be used both inside and outside;
  • camomile tea (ready collection can be bought in pharmacy): brew 2 bags 0.5 liters of boiling water and cool - used as a means for cleaning the.

In itself, any treatment of allergy - a long and expensive process, followed by a study of the complex and the subsequent immune therapy. Therefore, the best option would be to simply limit all contact with the allergen.

How to avoid reactions to hygiene?

In order to avoid such disease as allergies to gaskets, some guidelines must be followed for their use:

  • minimize wear time - in healthy women simply do not have this need is the menstrual period (Plus or minus 2 days), but if you are plagued by heavy discharge, you must have appropriate inspection;
  • change pads every 2-4 hours so they will not become breeding grounds for bacteria and pathogenic fungi;
  • purchase products not using dyes and fragrances (better to choose natural compounds)
  • hygienic means to be a good basis for the adhesive to avoid crushes and moves down;
  • choose a gasket according to the number of discharge - if it is not necessary to wear a huge and thick, it is better to opt for small and thin;
  • wear comfortable underwear made of natural fabrics that will not help in creating Parikova effect in the genital area.

Alternative disinfectants for monthly

There are special pads for multiple use. They are used including to prevent allergic reactions in the body. Such hygienic products are made of cotton. They do not have a part of flavorings and adhesive base. You can also try using a menstrual cup. Only it is important to choose a product from a material used in surgery.

Allergic reaction to the gasket in women is rare. However, the abundance used in the production of artificial materials (dyes, perfumes) determines the risk of such problems. Signs symptoms may vary from person to person - it is influenced by many factors of an individual nature. Remove the initial symptoms can be quite at home with the use of available medicines or traditional medicines. However, if the situation is worse or does not itself get rid of allergy symptoms - be sure to contact your doctor.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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