How to use the installation: how to dress (photos, video)


  1. Choosing a suitable hygienic means
  2. by absorption
  3. Size and shape
  4. The presence or absence of aromatic constituents
  5. Learn how to put on a lining
  6. How to use gaskets: more tips

Of course, the mature woman can hardly ask the question "How to use the pads?" Because she had to do it more than once. However, for young girls, for the first time confronted with the phenomenon of menstruation, this question could be quite relevant, since inexperience with the Hygienic they do not have, and ask basic questions close enough courage is not at each. Often girls are trying on their own to understand this question, looking at video or reading articles on various websites. Indeed, unfortunately, not every mother understands how girls sometimes fear to enter a new life span. But their young daughters very often simply do not know how to use sanitary devices for critical days. Let's talk about how to use the pads.

use gasket

Choosing a suitable hygienic means

The first thing to do is determine the type of sanitizer. Despite all the diversity that is represented on the shelves, it's not that difficult.

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Firstly, it is necessary to distinguish between pads critical days and the so-called "dailies."

With wipes everything just for everyday use. They are not designed to remove heavy discharge, therefore, have a minimum thickness, compact size and do not have such additional protective devices, such as wings - they simply do not have needed. Read What are panty liners.

With gaskets for critical days, it's not much harder. They differ:

by absorption

To determine the order, what products are needed in a particular situation, you should pay attention to the abundant selection, as well as directly on the absorbency of hygienic products. These are the drops on the packaging. The more, the more the gasket can accommodate precipitates. In the first and last days of menstruation enough money with 1-2 drops, and during heavy discharge safer options are the maximum number of drops.

Size and shape

Hygienic products from different manufacturers may have their own distinctive characteristics. But above all, they are divided into funds with wings and without them. Needless to say that the products with protective wings is much more functional and convenient, as it allows more securely fix the gasket on the shorts?

The form of modern hygiene products created taking into account the anatomical features of the female body. Hygiene products are produced with small absorbency slightly smaller in size, and options for heavy discharge are large in size. There are also special products for use at night, they have a maximum size and increased absorption capacity, which allows the woman to not interrupt sleep to replace the hygienic facilities. Follow the link to find out Can I use tampons at night.

The presence or absence of aromatic constituents

Girls have a tendency to allergic reactions and sensitivity of the skin, it is best to avoid perfumed hygiene products, as they often provoke the exacerbation of the disease.

If you have any questions, you can watch a video on the topic: "How to choose sanitary pads" Also read our article about types of gaskets and their functions.

Find out, that can be used instead of pads in case of emergency, follow the link.

Learn how to put on a lining

The application pads no special difficulty, but if you - a girl who has never enjoy these health devices, it is not superfluous to talk more in detail, how to dress gaskets. On the validity of this procedure depends on how quality will be sewn.

How to wear pads for everyday use? Most often, this type of product has no individual packaging, although there are exceptions. Before fasten the sanitary napkin in underwear, it should be released from the paper web, which hides the adhesive layer. Then you need to stick the pad on the center special thickened insert the laundry. Ezhednevki may have a standard anatomical shape adapted for conventional panties, or may follow the shape of thong panties.

Now let's see how to use hygiene products, designed for critical days. On this subject, by the way, you can also see the instructional video "How to use the pads?".

  1. Most often, changing pad in the bathroom or the toilet. Some women do it sitting down, and some - standing. It is a matter of personal preference.
  2. Before carrying out all the procedures necessary to wash your hands thoroughly.
  3. The product should be exempt from individual package and deploy.
  4. On one side there is a special strip of paper, which is hidden under the adhesive strip for attachment to underwear. If the napkin has wings, then they are also located adhesive agent for paper protection. All these paper strips must be removed.
  5. Straightened and freed of additional protective means the product should be attached directly to the center of the panties. If lining wear, not observing this rule, it will be off to one side and the protection of the quality is much worse.
  6. The wings must be spread and wrap them around the panties, carefully pressed to lock more securely.
  7. Every girl is a hygienic product changes when necessary. During heavy discharge usually it happens every 2-4 hours.
  8. Remember that you need to throw out the old gasket, wrapped it in a paper bag or package from the new. Throw sanitary napkins in the toilet is forbidden. For this purpose there is a trash can.

How to use gaskets: more tips

  1. Famous brand sanitary products in their videos for many years convincing women and girls of our country, to be afraid of light and slim in "these days" is not worth it. However, better wear in the critical days of practical clothing, avoiding excessively tight, and the brand article of clothing. Although modern hygiene products do provide comfort and protection, sometimes still happen unpleasant incidents. Therefore, if the menstrual cycle you have not installed, or profuse discharge varies considerably, it is better to wear something more "safe" than, for example, white jeans or a skirt.
  2. As a rule, she changes pads as needed, periodically visiting the toilet room, to make sure that everything is in order. But when it comes to time constraints, the best to wear a sanitary napkin is not more than 4 hours.
  3. If pads irritate or provoke the emergence of diseases such as, for example, yeast, they should be exchanged for others.
  4. Let replacement gasket will always be in your purse. This is true especially in the first years after the onset of menstruation, when there is not formed a habit to follow the cyclical processes of the body. To keep the situation under control, it is best to keep a special menstrual calendar. It can be either in paper format as well as an application on your phone. For more on this convenient method you can learn by watching the video on demand "Menstrual Calendar".
  5. Let together with pads in your purse will be wet wipes, suitable for intimate hygiene. They are indispensable when changing pads during the day, when you can not make the necessary hygienic procedures to the fullest.
  6. Do not use G-string panties during menstruation, as attached to him gasket is extremely problematic.
  7. If you live an active and do not want to change their usual way of life in the critical days, then try to use tampons. Apply them may even girls with no sexual experience. For them, created special types of Mini (Lites) hygienic means format.

Find out, it is better to tampons or pads in the days of menstruation in the article here.

By following these uncomplicated rules, you will be able to usher in a new period of life without unnecessary worries and experiences, being in full confidence: "I have been using seals properly!"

  • Oct 18, 2019
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