Feminine pads: Which is better to use, the types of feminine sanitary pads


  1. Feminine pads to absorb the menstrual flow
  2. The different product?
  3. Popular brands of sanitary napkins for menstruating
  4. postpartum pads
  5. Popular brands postpartum hygiene products
  6. urological pads
  7. Famous brand of urological products
  8. Medicinal products gigieicheskie
  9. anionic
  10. herbal pads
  11. Daily sanitary napkins
  12. Popular brands

Why feminine pads? The answer to this question is not as straightforward as it might seem at first glance. The first thing that comes to mind - it is protection in the critical days. Initially it was to perform this function and was created by this device. But progress does not stand still, so modern hygiene products manufacturers strive to meet the needs of its customers. This tendency has led to the emergence of these kinds of products, both for the daily protection wipes, as well as urological, therapeutic and postpartum pads. Let us consider the basic types of feminine sanitary pads, as well as the best options for each type of product. After all, every woman should be confident in the reliability of his defense and to be able to say: "I use the best products!"

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Feminine pads

Feminine pads to absorb the menstrual flow

It is hygiene in these few days of the female cycle, paying maximum attention to the major manufacturing companies. Gaskets - the most versatile and popular type of protection during the month, which was used more than once every woman. There are many variants of these tools, they all differ in characteristics and properties. What are tampons and what they doRead the link.

The different product?

Firstly, they can be distinguished by their size. So in the days of moderate discharge small enough in size products. For protection during intense secretions, as well as at night the size of the gasket is better to choose the appropriate one. Find out in this article, whether it is possible to sleep with a tampon.

Secondly, they can be different, and by design. So some products have special grooves that prevent the spreading of the blood, others have broader wings, protecting linen and clothing from contamination. There are pads and even without wings. However, products with wings still better, as their protection is more reliable. The choice of options depends on individual preferences and characteristics of the female organism.

Third, may differ hygiene products and materials used for their production. So you can use inside the cotton component (such products are produced less and less, because they less reliable) or a special sorbent excellent moisture-retaining and converting it into a gel substance. May be different, and the upper layer. Usually it is made of synthetic porous material or the dissolved cellulose. Each of these coatings has its advantages and disadvantages. The first provides faster absorption and quality, but often the culprit irritations. The second option slightly less functional, but less likely to irritate the genital organs.

Fourthly, there are also hygienic products containing special fragrances that help to neutralize and to mask odor. They may have a floral or herbal fragrance. Some women prefer just such tools options.

His most basic criterion of difference - is the degree of absorbency. The main gradation protection during menstruation is carried out on this basis. So there are the following types of gaskets:

  • Light. They are designed for low emission;
  • Normal - variant used at moderate menstruation;
  • Super and Super Plus - products having improved absorbency. They provide an optimal level of protection in those days, when the monthly intense enough;
  • Night - a special product designed to protect during the night. They have not only a high degree of absorption, but also a good size.

Find out what constitutes pads for men.

Popular brands of sanitary napkins for menstruating

Based on the opinion of the majority of women, you can select the brand of hygienic products, which have earned very good reputation:

  • Always;
  • Libresse;
  • Naturella;
  • Kotex;
  • Helen Harper;
  • bella;
  • Natalie;
  • Ola.

postpartum pads

This kind of products is specifically designed to absorb heavy bleeding, which are specific to women in the postpartum period. A growing number of expectant mothers choose this type of protection, collecting bag to the hospital. It distinguishes this kind of ability to absorb product viscous fluid in women in large quantities, as well as the sterility of the product.

The materials from which they are made of breathable, thus preventing the so-called "greenhouse effect", causing irritation and inflammation. In addition, it is usually hypoallergenic pads.

Often these tools used by women who, for whatever reason, menstrual bleeding overly abundant.

Popular brands postpartum hygiene products

Assortment hygiene articles intended to absorb postpartum discharge, Is quite large. Therefore, you can always choose those options that are appropriate for the characteristics you personally. Some brands are focused on the production is specialized hygiene products. So the most popular brands in this segment are:

  • Tena;
  • canpol Babies;
  • MoliMed;
  • Hartmann Samu Steril;
  • Peligrin.

Buy them today is not difficult. Just go to the nearest pharmacy, supermarket or browse the directory of the virtual store.

urological pads

Another type of specialized sanitary products used both with different degrees of incontinence and in the postnatal period and also during heavy menstruation. These pads have excellent absorbency, which provides reliable protection against any discharge. They had a great short odors, which is very important in some situations.

In most cases, anti-allergenic materials used in the manufacture of such products. In addition, often these hygiene products are equipped with additional protective structures: wider wings, special bumpers.

Famous brand of urological products

What urological pads is better to choose? possible the best are:

  • Tena;
  • seni Lady;
  • MoliMed.

These brands offer quality products in a wide range, which includes options to absorb different amounts of emissions. Many women like use urological pads for the month (in those days, when the discharge is particularly intense).

Medicinal products gigieicheskie

This category may include the so-called anionic pads for women, as well as products, including in its membership herbs.


Anionic feminine hygiene products released today by many manufacturers. The essence of this type of protection in the critical days is the fact that is an anionic chip, releasing a molecule anions inside. These agents help neutralize unpleasant odor, inhibit growth of pathogenic organisms and maintain the natural level of ph. Such funds credited opportunity to prevent and treat gynecological diseases. In the Russian market can be found anion sanitary pads under the following brands:

  • Love Moon;
  • Faberlik;
  • Tianshi;
  • Honey Moon «Ozone & Anion".

herbal pads

Pads for women with the use of medicinal herbs - a new trend in the field of the sanitary industry. The use of such tools requires not only protection during menstruation, but also to provide a certain therapeutic effect on the organs of the reproductive sphere.

Gynecologists opinion about the use of these funds are spent. Some believe they are really the best choice of protection in the days of menstruation, while others appeal to the absence of any serious about their efficacy and safety studies.

Among the buyers also have as an ardent admirer, and an outspoken opponent of such products. But, one way or another, in the market of goods hygiene products such products are present for women.

The leaders in this segment of the Chinese manufacturers. The easiest way to order Chinese Medicated Pads through an online store or through a catalog of products, which can be found in representatives of the network companies. What pads should I use? The most popular products are the following brands:

  • Mei Tang;
  • Ji Mei Shu;
  • Tiande;
  • Secrets Lan.

Daily sanitary napkins

These gaskets women began to use relatively recently. What are they needed for? Some of the fair half wear them every day, thereby protecting your underwear from natural physiological secretions. Others use only during menstruation days of waiting in the period after it, when allocation may be sukrovichnymi. Are indispensable for women's pads daily protection and ovulation days when whites become more abundant.

What are the dailies? These products are thinner than conventional gaskets for critical days. They are smaller, often they do not have wings. Sometimes they form different from the usual, for example, it may be identical to the form of linen.

Popular brands

What panty liners is better to choose? As in any other case, the best guideline recommendations may become buyers. If we talk about popularity, the ranking of the leaders of such products are trademarks:

  • Libresse;
  • Discreet;
  • Kotex pads daily;
  • Bella;
  • ola;
  • Natalie.
  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 60
  • 159