Postpartum pads: how to choose the urological pads


  1. product Features
  2. Benefits
  3. How many pads to take to the hospital
  4. Terms of Use postpartum pads
  5. Choose the maximum rate of fluid uptake
  6. Choose products without mesh, but with wings
  7. Change the gaskets in a timely manner
  8. Try laying-panties
  9. What better pads after birth
  10. MoliMed
  11. Tena
  12. "Peligrin"
  13. canpol Babies
  14. Organyc

The appearance of the baby in the family is associated with great joy and excitement. The climax of this truly great event are childbirth - a natural process, but they are not less alarming. Even a woman who has not once passed through this ordeal, feels anxiety, and for the child, and for their health. After all, birth is a serious hormonal, physical and emotional stress. As is known, after the birth a woman is an active process of recovery of the reproductive organs, the main outward sign of which is the so-called lochia - spotting. They are most intense in the first days after the appearance of a baby into the world. It was during this period are simply irreplaceable special postpartum pads, which will be discussed in this article.

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postpartum pads

product Features

To date range of feminine hygiene products simply limitless. One group of such products constitute postpartum or post-surgical pads and panties. These products are designed specifically for use in women in the early days after the appearance of a baby into the world.

Why do we need special protections during this period? Perhaps they may well replace conventional sanitary napkins? Of course, the choice is up to the consumer, but the post-natal products today are very popular. This is because the level of comfort they provide the woman a difficult period of life, when it required maximum attention to the newborn baby, and taking care of yourself is very little time.

Gaskets postnatal created taking into account the peculiarities of this period. They are larger, able to absorb the maximum amount of fluid from the birth canal, can be fitted with bumpers and wings, reduces the likelihood of leakage. By comparison, conventional feminine hygiene products have to be changed more often, which takes a lot of time and effort in the newly-made mother. For these reasons, it is best to choose a postpartum pads.

You will be interested to know the opinion of women postpartum pads Peligrin. Follow the link to find out the pros and cons of hygiene.


  1. Absorbency. Such sanitary devices can accommodate a more than half a liter of liquid, which makes it much less likely to change them. This provides special advantage of helium sorbent used for filling, as well as the increased size of products, it is advantageous to distinguish them from ordinary gaskets.
  2. Sterility. This is a very significant difference. It is especially valuable in the first days after birth, when the possibility of infection increases significantly. The fact that the inner layer lining the uterus and performs the barrier function after childbirth broken. And if there were breaks in childbirth or applied dissection of soft tissue, the probability of hitting the wound pathogens more great. In addition, in the postpartum period, many women reduced immunity. Some manufacturers also use special anti-bacterial agents to protect against inflammation.
  3. Naturalness. The product is manufactured using a "breathable" material. Most often it is cellulose. This coating does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes of genitals, as well as good air permeability.
  4. Low level PH, which prevents the growth of pathogens, thereby protecting against inflammatory processes.
  5. Absorption. They are able to absorb viscous vaginal discharge. Women often use urological pads after birth, although they are more focused on the absorption of liquid discharges. Still, many women opt for this variant of protection and are satisfied. What is better - or postnatal urological - matter of individual preference.

How many pads to take to the hospital

Many women collecting bag to the hospital, the question arises: how many packages need to buy such products? Answer it clearly quite difficult. After recovery from childbirth takes place each woman individually. One highlight more intense, the other - less. It is also important, how was childbirth. It plays the role and status of the child. If the mother and baby doing well, they are written home the 4-5 day. In such a case, it may be sufficient 2 packs.

In the event of any unforeseen circumstances, provided that advance still can not, it will be possible buy postpartum pads at the pharmacy (usually it is in any hospital) or to ask relatives to buy additional packaging.

Read the article at the link on the nature discharge after childbirth.

Terms of Use postpartum pads

To postpartum period has passed comfortably and without much experience, follow these rules use hygiene products:

Choose the maximum rate of fluid uptake

For the first days after delivery, take the maximum of absorption pads. Of course, there are women who use this time format Maxi conventional napkins, but more often such protection is inadequate. Therefore, it is postnatal tissues, as well as urological, most qualitatively carry out their tasks.

It should be remembered that After cesarean allocation may not be less intense than after vaginal delivery. Therefore, if you have to just such a method of delivery, then selecting laying in the hospital, give preference to the maximum absorption of options.

Choose products without mesh, but with wings

The hospital is better to buy products without the typical absorbent synthetic mesh top - it can stick (for desiccation discharge) to the seams and sores on mucous membranes. Choose pads with wings or bumpers - they provide better protection.

Change the gaskets in a timely manner

Change pads be made as necessary (in the early days of blood loss is particularly active), but as a rule, at least once in 3-4 hours. Required change hygienic means prior night's sleep and awakening, and after using the toilet. Before replacing the funds required to carry out hygiene of hands and the genital area.

Try laying-panties

In the early days it is best to use a special women's panties mesh material that does not impede airflow, do not press, do not rub, but the device is securely fixed. In addition, under intense spotting often inevitable leakage, and the use of disposable panties eliminates the problem of soiled underwear.

What better pads after birth

Selection of hygiene products for use in the period after childbirth is very high. See the photo below look like and are called pads for women in childbirth.

So, what kind of postpartum pads is better to take to the hospital? It is difficult to clearly answer this question. This is largely a matter of individual preference. However, in all this variety has a leading brand which for a long time have earned the trust of buyers.


gaskets molimed This is one of the most popular options for hygienic protection. These gaskets are urological, but they are perfectly absorbed and the amount of bleeding (due to a three-layer cushion with supersorbents). Products are made taking into account the anatomical features of the female body, equipped with a "breathing" the upper layer that prevents irritation. They have an adhesive layer, which provides a secure hold on the laundry. means MoliMed refer to the medium price range - 14 pieces Premium Maxi pads cost about 320 rubles.


Tena pads Mark urological production, which has earned the confidence of its buyers. These products are an excellent job with characteristic secretions pregnant women, safely locking them inside. They do not cause irritation and allergic reactions. products Tena also refers to the average price segment.


Peligrin P4This is a very popular personal care products among Russian women, since they are distinguished by a good quality and reasonable price (around 200 rubles per 10 pieces). They take into account the anatomy of the female body, perfectly absorb lochia and have a special side elastic bands that provide good barrier properties. The materials used in the manufacture of cellulose, polyethylene and supersorbents.

Read also about the postpartum pads Helen Harper.

canpol Babies

Postpartum pads Canpol BabiesAnother version of the special postpartum pads Kanpol, Earned positive reviews of Russian women. These tools provide increased comfort because they have a breathable topsheet and sufficiently thin thickness that does not affect adversely on their core functions. The price of these assets is approximately 300 rubles per 10 pieces.


Organic - a great option for those who prefer to use natural products. These pads are made from environmentally friendly materials, they do not have perfume. In addition, some models have a self-adhesive pads Organyc wings provide extra grip and enhanced protection. The only drawback for some may be the cost of these funds - gaskets for use in the first days after childbirth cost about 650 rubles per 10 pieces.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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