The first day of menstruation brown discharge: Causes, concerns


  1. characteristic symptoms
  2. hormonal disorders
  3. contraceptives
  4. age-related changes
  5. Pregnancy
  6. puerperium
  7. Anomalies in the structure of the uterus
  8. Little weight
  9. gynecological diseases

The regularity of the menstrual cycle - the main indicator of women's health. Each of the fairer sex is necessary to control not only the start date of critical days, but also to monitor their performance. If you start with a monthly brown discharge, it can be assumed as the physiological changes and pathological. How to distinguish these processes and when to seek medical help, this article will tell.

Brown discharge in the first day of the month

characteristic symptoms

The normal menstrual flow are red or dark red. Their amount ranges from 30 to 60 ml per day. In the early days under the influence of hormones the endometrium is strongly rejected, and at this time the uterus releases the greatest amount of blood, often with dark clots, which is its inner mucosal layer.

The appearance of brown discharge indicates that blood is small and it rolled, oxidised and darkened in the local environment before the vagina time to select it. The natural phenomenon is characterized by the end of menstruation, when the bulk of the endometrium is highlighted. It is permissible, and for 1 or 2 days before the critical days, due to swelling of the mucous layer and willingness to tear.

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When they themselves began to such monthly brown discharge, one can speak about the physiological changes in a woman's body. Not necessarily mean any pathology, but do not lose control of the situation.

Data allocation at the beginning of menstruation are scarce, more anointing, and are not bleeding. They contain natural mucous secretion mixed with blood.

For the preparation of the endometrium to conceive after ovulation responsible hormone - progesterone. It was he who in the second half menstruatsionnogo cycle contributes to compaction and loosening of the tissue, which is programmed for the adoption and implementation of the uterus of a fertilized egg. When that happens, the endometrium is rejected in the form of menstruation. If it does not, in most situations, all evidence of hormonal disorders.

The symptom has a cause and a different kind:

  1. Trauma-load and disease.
  2. Hormonal contraceptives and other medicines.
  3. Age-related changes.
  4. Normal and pathological pregnancy.
  5. Postpartum period.
  6. Little weight.
  7. Anomalies in the structure of the uterus.
  8. Pathology (endometriosis, polyps, fibroid, other tumors, endometriosis, infection).

hormonal disorders

Fails due to certain factors:

  1. progesterone deficit prevented the form in the required degree of the endometrium, which is why the latter is not able to prepare for rejection or for simply not enough.
  2. An excess of the hormone mentioned above has not given the reproductive system to begin full menstruation.
  3. Lack of estrogen affected that endometrial rejection mechanism is not started completely and was designated a spotting during menstruation brown.

Such failures occur due to stress, other systems gave complications diseases endocrine disorders, poor eating habits and lifestyle, excessive use of drugs containing hormones, enhanced load.

Have a look at what they say spotting before menstruationAs the symptoms are quite close in performance.


Hormonal treatments are designed to correct a number of problems, but their main task - to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Their method is aimed at correcting the natural hormonal processes by altering the levels of progesterone and estrogen in the different periods of the menstrual cycle. These manipulations with the natural operation of the reproductive system often manifest violations of the usual course of the cycle.

That is why it is so important to start taking these funds after a complete diagnosis and under strict medical supervision.

Are allowed some deviation from the usual monthly, including, and brown spotting them early, in the first 3 months from the date of first use of drugs. Later, similar symptoms - a cause for concern.

When installing such a contraceptive, as the coil may smear before menstruation, While they themselves will highlight brown whole menstruation. This device holds the blood, which then goes clots. Learn more about secretions after installing intrauterine deviceBy clicking on the link.

This feature may be the result of taking certain medications general actions, as often happens with strong antibiotics.

age-related changes

During the year - two after menarche (first menstruation) symbol brown discharge during menstruation - this is normal. During this period, adjusted hormones, estrogen and progesterone levels are constantly fluctuating, as evidenced by the variations in the regularity of a woman's cycle.

Completion of the reproductive function also does not pass unnoticed. When it comes to menopause, estrogen production decreases, which provokes significant changes in the genital system of women. Due to the deficiency of this hormone menstruation passes all moderate, beginning with the brown dischargeAnd sometimes does not occur at all.


During pregnancy, the allocation to the presence of blood, even in small quantities, are allowed only at the very beginning, at conception. So a fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall.

Sometimes in early pregnancy there is the appearance of brown discharge in early periods, which did not take place, but at the time had to happen. This is a dangerous moment which threatens disruption of pregnancy. This symptom is a cause for concern and an urgent visit to the doctor.

Often there is a situation where the woman watching at the beginning of this month, not knowing about the future motherhood. When such a phenomenon it is important to do a test or gynecologist seem not to miss such an important event.

Sometimes this symptom suggests ectopic pregnancy requiring immediate medical attention. fetal growth outside the womb can lead to rupture of the fallopian tube, and subsequently even to death.

Find out in one of our articles, that means spotting at a delay of a few days.


After birth, the body is undergoing a lot of stress. It begins a sharp and intense hormonal changes, reproductive system tends to gradually return to the previous operation mode.

When a woman breastfeeds the baby, the menstrual cycle does not come in the usual rhythm for a long time, or bleeding simply not available under the influence of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for uterine contractions and STAY milk.

With the completion of lactation, menstruation comes back rather quickly, and in the first months she can begin to brown spotting.

Anomalies in the structure of the uterus

There are some anomalies in the development and structure of the main body of the female:

  1. Horned, two-horned uterus.
  2. Saddle-shaped.
  3. Hypoplasia.

Violation of the structure prevents the normal excretion of blood and endometrium, holding it in the rims. As a result, quite a small amount of blood reaches the vagina, and indicates what the described features.

This problem is explained by the presence of dark brown discharge in the first day of the month. Stagnant blood becomes dark, oxidized in the local environment, sometimes for the same because there is dark blood during menstruation.

The existence of these disorders must control the gynecologist, since blood stagnation and rejected by the endometrium can lead to inflammatory processes, as well as infertility or miscarriage. Most of the abnormalities can be treated surgically.

Little weight

Lack of body weight often affects the flow of blood. This notice women, exhausting themselves strict diet and heavy loads. With a sharp weight loss body comprises defense mechanisms, since menstrual blood loss may be critical for it. Monthly in this case are in the form of brown spotting begin in this way, or non-existent.

gynecological diseases

The causes of brown discharge in the first day of the month is not always due to a physiological state. Common and pathological cases. From the normal discharge of their distinguished unpleasant smell, and they are accompanied by discomfort, pain or cramps in the lower abdomen, itching, fever. The most common diseases that are inherent in this symptom:

  1. Endometriosis - abnormal growth of the inner layer of the uterus. Brown discharge with odor appear at any point in the cycle, but most of all - at the beginning, that falls on the first day of the rejection of the endometrium.
  2. Endometriosis - this tissue inflammation caused by infection hit the uterus. Besides disturbances of menstruation pain felt pulling the lower abdomen, increasing the temperature rarely detected purulent mucus with blood.
  3. Polyps are a possible cause of abnormal menstruation.
  4. Inflammation of the pelvic organs in most cases lead to a change in the nature of emissions in critical days.
  5. Neoplasms of different etymology.

Important! To avoid the development of gynecological problems need to follow the rules of personal hygiene, a healthy lifestyle, to protect themselves in the absence of a permanent partner, regularly visit the gynecologist and monitor the hormonal and discharge character.

Quite often, women are trying to find an answer to the question of why the month starts with uncharacteristic discharge network. Information sites will help to get a general idea about the functioning of the reproductive organs and prompt on the likelihood of having abnormalities, however, they can not replace a full gynecological survey. Therefore, with the designation of symptoms should immediately seek medical attention, in case of the presence of disease receive proper and timely treatment.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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