The causes of brown discharge after menstruation: with an unpleasant odor, pain-free, a week later, a dark color


  1. When the sign belongs to the physiological norm
  2. Menstruation
  3. Hormonal contraceptives
  4. Ovulation
  5. The symptom as a sign of pathology
  6. endometriosis
  7. endometritis
  8. Diseases Sexually Transmitted
  9. Ectopic pregnancy
  10. hypothyroidism
  11. Myoma
  12. anovulation
  13. Kistoobraznye education
  14. polyps
  15. Bright postmenstrual allocation
  16. salpingitis
  17. vulvovaginitis
  18. Cervical erosion
  19. Briefly about the main

Menstruation - the main indicator of the health of the female reproductive system. Cyclicity, color, volume and consistency of secretions can tell a lot about a gynecologist problems plaguing the girl. Based on the statistics, we can conclude that at least one representative of each of the beautiful half of humanity diagnosed at brown discharge after menstruation.

Brown discharge after menstruation

Stories that abound thematic forums are full of questions about whether such smearing blobs of different color pigmentation of the physiological norm. Does the sign of such symptoms to pathology in the reproductive system? Let us examine this together.

Why after a month go brown discharge? Gynecologists identify several factors causing the appearance of such secretions. Conventionally, a symptom can be attributed to the manifestation of the physiological norm, and the testimony of pathology occurred in the reproductive organs. Based on the comments of experts, to identify the cause of self-spotting problematic. Consider the most common causes of brown discharge at the end of the month.

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Read also about the causes brown discharge before menstruation Article link.

When the sign belongs to the physiological norm


Cyclical allocation of three to ten days are normal and indicate the "correct" the reproductive organs. Rejects in a given time period mucus mixed with blood is called menstruation. The first two or three days characterized by the most intense and copious, towards the end of the released substance becomes scarce and, visually reminiscent of the red daubs.

Often, women notice the presence of the substance is torn away at the end of the "official" life critical days. This phenomenon, according to doctors, is not a symptom of the disease. cause brown precipitates after monthly odorless and painsIn this case, it is the purification of the uterus of menstrual blood clotted. Substance on the strip in a given period can be dark brown or black.

brown dischargehighlight daub

Experts say that such a daub must be completed within one to three days after menstruation. Based on the information received, it can be concluded that the case should not give serious cause for concern and does not need medical intervention with the subsequent treatment. After all, what is happening is due to extremely rejection of blood clots, had time to curl up from the uterine cavity exit.

Hormonal contraceptives

Start of hormonal contraceptives makes its own, valid, adjustments to the female reproductive system. Experts say that the presence of abundant brown discharge after menses within one to three months after the introduction of the new drug is the physiological norm, which may testify only about the effectiveness of contraception.

Note that such prolonged release at the end of month, associated with reception of these drugs, agents mean rejection by the body.

In this case, you should immediately consult a specialist to select a different hormonal contraceptive, or independently complete its use.


At the time of oocyte maturation, ready for fertilization, may cause dark discharge in the middle of the cycle. This process is not a violation of the reproductive organs, on the contrary, it testifies to their good health.

Note that if the day of ovulation or a few days before him the woman had sexual intercourse without the use of tools contraception, dark brown secretion is not associated with menstruation may be the first indication of the ensuing pregnancy.

But the presence of mucous clots like pigmentation for a long time can talk about a disease that afflicted genitals. In this case, it is necessary to immediately turn to the skilled person.

The symptom as a sign of pathology

There are a number of signs that force considered dark spotting after your period in the context of the symptoms of pathological processes that occur in a woman's reproductive organs. According to gynecologists, should be wary if the rejection is accompanied by a brown mucus clots:

  • fever;
  • an unpleasant musty odor.

And also should pay increased attention to the symptom in such conditions:

  1. Sexual intercourse is accompanied by unpleasant, painful feelings.
  2. The patient does not take hormonal contraception means, but after months of dark brown discharge continues.
  3. From the beginning of menopause has been more than a year before the appearance of blood clots with the pigment.
  4. The described symptom is accompanied by a sharp pain in the abdomen or in the groin area.
  5. There are abrupt disruptions of the menstrual cycle.

Brownish discharge after menstruation, may indicate the possible presence of inflammatory processes in the uterus of an ectopic pregnancy or diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.

Diagnosing the real cause of an event carried out by experts after examination in the gynecological chair, decryption analysis of the results obtained from the study of physiological fluids in the conditions laboratory. Below disease, often provoking other described feature.


Omitting medical terminology, endometriosis - a sharp increase in endometrial cells outside the uterus. Statistics show that more often this disease affects women under the age of 30 years. Endometriosis can not begin only with heavy brown precipitates after the monthly continued, but with sudden pain in groin area. Monthly endometriosis undergo changes: or become abundant; or lean; or nonexistent. Gynecologists say that this pathology alone can not pass, but the lack of timely treatment can result in infertility.


The second most common disease, provoking brown discharge a week after menstruation. It represents active disease acute inflammation of the uterus mucosa. Dysmenorrhea, at an early stage can identify and chronic fatigue in conjunction with aching, "dumb" pain in the lower abdomen. But the acute form of the disease may take place without the appearance of symptoms characterizing it. secretions cause an unpleasant smell after a month It is a chronic disease.

Diseases Sexually Transmitted

Affiliate pathogens: Chlamydia, herpes virus, mycoplasma and ureaplasma, change the composition of the normal mucus and post menses. That's why after a month go brown discharge with an unpleasant odor. Learn more about secretions for chlamydia from the article follow the link.

Besides rejects mucous clots, having a dark hue and a thick consistency, venereal diseases represent themselves severe itching and burning sensation in the crotch area during urination. Many patients who experience this problem, noted that rejects isolation rotten fish smell.

Finding at this symptom, you should immediately seek help from a specialist, rather than wait, when the disease enters a chronic, sometimes incurable stage.

Ectopic pregnancy

Not a physiological location of the fetus is fraught with the appearance of smearing brown clots. Gynecologists say that late diagnosis of fetal position in the fallopian tube or abdominal cavity is extremely dangerous for a woman. This pathology is fraught with excessive bleeding, which may begin at any time. If you suspect talking about the development of an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to urgently seek medical advice.


This anomaly is characterized by dysfunction of the thyroid gland work, entailing an imbalance in hormone production. One major feature of hypothyroidism are brown allocation, disturbing woman during 7 days after the critical days.


Uterine myoma is a benign formation. Symptomatic tumor manifests itself bleeding or dark brown precipitates after menses or intermenstrual throughout the period. Sometimes, fibroids causes appear in the history of the patient's anemia caused significant blood loss. Needless to say, that at the first sign indicating the presence of a tumor, it is necessary to consult a specialist.


Pathological condition, the reverse process of ovulation. It is rather a consequence of other diseases that provoke the absence of menstruation. Anovulation is characterized by the body's inability to create favorable conditions for the formation of the egg. Symptoms of this disease are brown spotting clots rejects a week, after the estimated critical days. Such pathology can only go long, complex treatment aimed at the restoration of all relevant functions of the reproductive system.

Kistoobraznye education

Cysts affecting the surface of the ovaries, are felt secretions, having a bright "black" color and manifest themselves in two or three days after menstruation. Such symptoms appear "by chance" is not and requires immediate consultation with an expert follow-up treatment.


Proliferation of endometrial glandular fraught with copious black clots after the end of the critical days, and in the intermenstrual period. Often, polyps in the uterus are a consequence of acute inflammatory processes that affected organs of the female reproductive system. Eliminate the cause of the discharge, associated with the growth of the endometrium is only possible using the combination therapy.

Bright postmenstrual allocation

Plunging into consideration the causal relationships in the context of the rejection of brown mucous substances vagina, it is impossible not to mention the selection of light brown color in women after menstruation, disturbing many women. Stand out like a secret, burdened by additional symptoms may in diseases listed below.


This disease is characterized by a strong inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes. Instructional materials Gynecology state that besides the active allocation light secretion disease is characterized by a sharp odor. Also in the history of the patients there are mentions of cutting pain in the groin, weakness and high temperature.


The disease, which, in equal measure, and may cause fault and the overabundance of hygiene. One of the most effective means of preventing and treating this disease is a failure of the means personal care products that contain artificial fragrances, bath and daily intimate zone herbal infusions.

Cervical erosion

A pathological condition characterized by lesions in the epithelial lining of the vagina. "Visually" erosion manifests itself in the appearance of rich red formations on the outer surface of the cervix. Independently identify such deviation is not possible, because the diagnosis followed assertion diagnosis is performed using special gynecological mirrors used in inspection process. Based on the symptoms of cervical erosion are a number of diseases "hidden" type, occurring without disturbing manifestations. Many of the women of the presence of the disease learn during a routine examination by a specialist. In spite of the lack of severity of symptoms, it is worth remembering that the spotting of concern after the end of menstruation, can testify to the occurrence of tumors typical of this pathological process.

Briefly about the main

Rejection slizeobraznyh clots having both brown and white pigmentation can be treated equally as a normal physiological range and symptomatology to pathological processes. Independently identify the root cause of this is not possible. Create a picture of the ongoing processes with a woman, it is possible only on the basis of test results, data, ultrasound and a pelvic exam.

The patient, noticed a brown allocation after menstruationSupplemented pain or a sharp, unpleasant odor, you should immediately consult a specialist. It is possible that in this situation, it is an acute inflammatory process or infection, a sexually transmitted disease. The presence of such abnormalities, requires immediate start a course of antibiotics in combination with supporting and strengthening therapy.

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