Spotting after your period: one week, went 2-3-5 days of bleeding


  1. Age-related causes of spotting at the end of the menstrual cycle
  2. 18 causes of violations under the influence of external factors and hormones
  3. Pathological processes in the genital organs
  4. ovarian dysfunction
  5. Infectious diseases, inflammatory processes burdened
  6. Diagnosing Endometriosis and polyps
  7. hysteromyoma
  8. Kistoobraznye ovarian neoplasms surface
  9. Malignant tumors

Precise time intervals, characterizing the beginning and end of menstruation - the guarantee of health of the female reproductive system. This cycle includes not only directly, rejection of blood clots, but also other processes that contribute to the possibility of ovulation and fertility. Deviation in any of the periods of the menstrual cycle, according to experts, has a negative impact on the overall functioning of the female reproductive organs. Based on the statistics provided by gynecologists, one in five of the fair sex at least once spotting after your period. What causes this phenomenon? Is it possible to carry a sign to the physiological norm? Let's look at this together.

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Spotting after your period

Age-related causes of spotting at the end of the menstrual cycle

Gynecologists say that a similar phenomenon can be regarded as a physiological process only at the stage of completion of formation of the reproductive system. This feature is characteristic of adolescence in the lives of women between 12 - 19 years, depending on the speed of puberty.

Early menarche is very unstable and vary not only by the number of days in the cycle, but also in terms of symptoms and prior to their beginning. Such "deflection" caused by unstable hormonal and ovulation in the absence of the final stage of formation of the reproductive system. Serious signal, prompting alarmed - the emergence of a stable bleeding after menstruation for a year after the start of the regulation. Although, experts say that some women of childbearing final formation of the system may take two, three, and in the cases burdened hereditary predisposition, and five years.

The presence of such history requires constant monitoring on the part of physicians.

At the fair sex with established reproductive system and clearly cycled menstrual spotting after it suggests the presence of pathological processes.

On the thematic forums on women's health, you can find a question: "Girls, monthly over and after 2 days of bleeding started again. Normally this? Who it was? ". The answer is unequivocal - no, the process is not physiologic. But the reasons may be different.

18 causes of violations under the influence of external factors and hormones

Not always dysfunction is related directly to the reproductive organs. Causes of imbalance can be concealed in a woman's body. As well as blood clots, painted in rich red color, can be allocated and under the influence of external factors.

Experts identify several pathological phenomena entailing similar symptoms.

  1. Hormonal disorders. Abnormalities in the thyroid gland and adrenal entail hormonal disruptions in a woman's body. This phenomenon provokes an increase in amount of prolactin in the blood, sharp fluctuations in weight, polycystic ovary syndrome, long abundant spotting appearing outside the usual cycle.
  2. Supplementation of emergency contraception. Women who resort to such methods of "protection", noted the presence of a side effect in the form of brown precipitates after monthly odorless and pains. They may also be marked spotting after Postinor or eskapel. If we take Postinor during menstruationThen after menstruation a woman notices allocation prolonging the critical days.
  3. Start taking certain types of oral contraceptives. Many UC is based on the principles of hormone therapy. Within a few months after the beginning of reception may cause bleeding at 3 - 5 days after menses. This phenomenon is due to the "interference" of the drug in the work of the female reproductive system.
  4. Using gormonosoderzhaschih patches can also cause Red isolation after a month.
  5. The use of an intrauterine device, or vaginal rings. These contraceptives irritate the vaginal mucosa. If the discharge arose immediately after the "installation" and continue to smear scant for several days, we can speak of injury to the blood vessels of the vagina. In this case, it is recommended to immediately contact your gynecologist. Even a pair of small wounds on the inner surfaces of the vaginal mucosa can lead to a dramatic deterioration. Clots can appear characteristic and on the second day after the administration of a contraceptive.
  6. The introduction of broad-spectrum drugs. Start taking drugs that affect blood clotting, sedatives and calming herbal.
  7. Ectopic pregnancy. Such physiological deviation occurs in any age group. Experts say that the manifestation of symptoms may begin with the rejection or the occurrence of clots a week after the monthly characteristic bloody secretions that can go without a "foreshadowing" of pain symptoms.
  8. Gynecological procedures. Examinations, taking scrapings may traumatize the walls and internal surface of the vagina. Such interference can cause the appearance of small precipitates with "bloody" color. Doctors note that daub of this kind takes place on their own within three to five days after a visit to a specialist.
  9. Avitaminosis. Most often, the appearance of spotting a week after menstruation triggers an acute lack of vitamin B.
  10. Injuries genitals. Violent acts of a sexual nature, or the lack of natural lubrication during sexual intercourse can trigger discharge of blood of varying intensity. If this phenomenon is accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen, it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist. The physician should be inspected and, if necessary, withdraw biomaterials using scraping to clarify reasons sukrovichnyh selections.
  11. Ovulation.
  12. Pregnancy.
  13. Miscarriage.
  14. Climax.
  15. Violation of the cycle under the influence of "external" factors. Excessive psycho-emotional stress and physical stress can provoke a bloody discharge after menstruation. This phenomenon will end immediately after the elimination of the root causes and does not require additional gynecological intervention. Many women are faced with a similar ailment, note that the secondary occurrence of acute stress, spreadable sanies reappears. Doctors neurologists claim that the rebalancing of the nervous system - a long process, and to highlight not started again, you need to drink a full course of sedatives. In this case, it is possible to confine light reception soothing tablets in combination with herbal taxes.
  16. Side effects from the drugs aimed at the treatment of gynecological diseases. Experts identify several drugs whose use is fraught with the advent of the described symptom intermenstrual period: Terzhinan; Triozhinal; Hexicon (possible yellow and spotting after Hexicon); Polizhinaks (applicable to monthly days); Duphaston; Femoston; Livarol; pimafutsin; Clotrimazole (possible pink highlight after clotrimazole). A complete list of drugs that provoke disruption of the menstrual cycle, check with a specialist, but the link you can find information about whether it is possible to put clotrimazole suppositories during menstruation. Studying the thematic forums, you can stumble upon the remarks of women taking these drugs for a long time. Many of them pointed out that after the start of the occurrence of bleeding was observed 3 days after menstruation. This phenomenon refers to the permissible side effects and additionally treat it is not necessary.
  17. Infection, sexually transmitted diseases. Depending on the intensity, the number and pigmentation selections, the doctor can diagnose the presence of disease or infection affecting the reproductive system. When the color smearing substance resembles pus, it is appropriate to talk about the acute phase of the inflammatory process. In this case, do yourself nothing. Should immediately consult a gynecologist.
  18. Uterine bleeding. Provoked a large number of factors, which distinguish without consulting with a specialist impossible, uterine bleeding can again cause a discharge at 2 days after menses We ended. Depending on the severity of the processes, the woman can diagnose itself as a large amount of rejects mucous clots, and a little spotting leucorrhea with blood-streaked.

Based on the available information, it can be concluded that to say why go after a month of bleeding without consulting with a specialist and the results of analyzes required, it is impossible.

Pathological processes in the genital organs

ovarian dysfunction

Experts say that one of the most common causes intermenstrual secretionsWith pathological character, a malfunction of the ovary.

If a woman says that 10 days after the end of monthly bleeding started again, it is appropriate to speak of ovarian dysfunction.

A similar phenomenon has led a number of reasons:

  1. Frequent stress.
  2. Heredity.
  3. Changes in the thyroid and adrenal glands.
  4. Ovarian pathology.
  5. Sharp lasting change in eating habits.
  6. Changes in climate zone.
  7. Physical exercise.

Intermenstrual bleeding lasting more than ten days, not a single sign that signals the pathological processes in the ovaries. Pay close attention to the work of these bodies should if:

  • expressed premenstrual syndrome does not entail the beginning of the cycle;
  • It indicated a sharp occurrence of strong nagging pains in the abdomen and a sudden cessation of symptoms without any external influence;
  • absent ovulation;
  • There are monthly intermenstrual bleeding.

Doctors recommend the detection of a deviation in the ovaries undergo hormone therapy.

Infectious diseases, inflammatory processes burdened

If after a week, after a month went spotting, we can assume the accession infection of genitals.

Inflammatory processes in the cervical region, caused by pathogenic micro-organisms, can cause variations in the performance of the entire reproductive system. If a woman saw at a similar symptom, you must consult your doctor immediately, because we can talk about endometritis or salpingo.

Note the accompanying manifestations of deviations of data:

  1. Sharp, cutting pain in the abdomen.
  2. Burning sensation in the groin area.
  3. Mucous discharge from the vaginaHaving pathological.

Deviations can be expressed leucorrhea consistency: too thick or, conversely, too liquid; specific color pigmentation, the presence of an unpleasant smell that accompanies vaginal discharge.

  1. The sharp increase in body temperature.
  2. Pain during gynecological examination.

Note that endometriosis may be accompanied by a sharp an increase in the uterus before menstruation or after them, as well as the appearance of muscle tone. Associated symptoms may occur, rather than simultaneously in the process of deterioration of the general condition.

Diagnosing Endometriosis and polyps

These diseases are characterized by sharp "overgrowth" uterine mucosa. The uterus begins to bleed a few days after the scheduled menstruation. The presence of deviations in state vaginal mucous membranes indicates rejection fluids visually representing pink or pale brown daub interspersed with blood. Women are faced with this disease, noted that the discharge at an early stage of development, a lot of pathology. If the patient is diagnosed at such a manifestation of endometriosis is an urgent need to address to the gynecologist on duty at the nearest specialized clinic. These phenomena may be indicative of irreversible processes that affect the functional properties of the endometrium.


Experts note that the uterine fibroids is accompanied not only by specific mucous discharge of blood after a month, but heavy bleeding in the "cleansing" phase of the cycle. Women are faced with a similar disease, noted the presence of botched work in the yellow-green pus, and bright red, blood streaks.

Kistoobraznye ovarian neoplasms surface

This pathology is accompanied by rejection maroon clots between cyclic menstrual secretions. A similar disease, in most cases, can be treated only through surgery.

Malignant tumors

Depending on the location of the tumor and the stage of its formation can be observed rejection mucous substances different color pigmentation, have an unpleasant odor, accompanied by cutting pains in the abdomen and groin area.

Whatever the reasons for bleeding after your period, when it detects at this phenomenon should immediately go to a specialist! After such significant deviations do not have a "habit" to end without medical intervention.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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