After the monthly discharge with an unpleasant odor: slaves, rotten


  1. Why is there a smell of post-menstrual discharge
  2. Hygiene
  3. disease
  4. vaginal dysbiosis
  5. nonspecific coleitis
  6. hormonal disruptions
  7. Diseases Sexually Transmitted
  8. Treatment of post-menstrual discharge with odor

Intensity, abundant, shade and the smell of excreta, rejects the uterus during menstruation - an important indicator of the health of both the reproductive system and the whole organism. The slightest change, associated with the violation or cyclic nature allocated substances should be cause for referral to a specialist. Many girls notice after monthly discharge with an unpleasant odor. What can testify to this phenomenon? Physiologic process or whether such a slimy substance, possessing a sharp, sickening smell - a sign of pathological changes in the reproductive organs?

After months of separation with an unpleasant odor

Why is there a smell of post-menstrual discharge

Women's selection, Rejects genitals during menstruation consist of blood clots, the natural mucus covering wall reproductive organs and "exhaust" endometrial particles. Such a "cocktail" unpleasant smell can not. About a naturally occurring process indicates a light aroma of iron present in the days of the most abundant secretions. Pungent odor, reminiscent of moldy stuff, indicates inflammation in the acute phase, resulting in the penetration of the sexual organs of various infections.

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It should be noted that the occurrence of a characteristic unpleasant odor accompanying poslemenstrualnye release may be due to the neglect of personal hygiene. According to the gynecologists, conniving to care for the intimate area during menstruation is fraught with the appearance of rotten smell that will feel not only the woman but also surrounding people. Many of the fair sex prefer to use during regular pads with maximum absorption. Such a choice is justified is not a necessity caused by the abundant selection, and the desire to reduce the number of "Change" intimate hygiene. Experts say that the practice gives rise to various skin diseases that affect the vulva. The characteristic flavor of putrid cause decomposition process activated "greenhouse" effect during an extended stay filled with blood clots laying in the groin area.

To prevent such a phenomenon it is necessary to change the pad or tampon in a timely manner. To conduct the washing private parts during the critical days is necessary during each shift amenities. Experts recommend to carry out hygienic procedures using decoction of chamomile or calendula.

It should be noted that the specific sharp scent exudes mucus secretions is associated symptoms indicate the presence of a problem. In order to identify the causes of smelly vaginal secretions requires a comprehensive diagnosis with a detailed study of all the changes in the reproductive system.


Gynecologists identify several diseases capable of provoking a specific appearance of precipitates unpleasant smell in women after menstruation:

  1. vaginal dysbacteriosis (bacterial vaginosis).
  2. Nonspecific coleitis.
  3. Disease, sexually transmitted diseases.
  4. Hormonal disruptions caused by the dysfunction of the thyroid or adrenal glands.
  5. Functional lesion affecting the whole body (diabetes, central nervous system, eating disorders, and so on. D.).

Consider in more detail in the article causes of abnormal smell in secretions, tears away after menstruation.

vaginal dysbiosis

Based on the latest medical statistics, the most common cause of menstruation after discharge with an unpleasant smell - a sharp change in the vaginal microflora. Such a disease is called dysbiosis and dysbiosis.

From a physiological point of view, the problem is in violation of the "balance" of bacteria in the environment to ensure the normal functioning of the reproductive organ. Replace the rule lactobacilli and bifidus microorganisms comes quantitative advantage Candida gardnerellas, enterococci. Bacteria data in small quantities, are part of the microflora, ensuring the health of the vaginal environment. But an excess of saprophytes is fraught with the development of dysbiosis in the intimate area.

The presence of a specific odor is not the only symptom of the disease. Women are faced with illness, noted:

  • profuse discharge from the vagina;
  • severe itching in the groin;
  • a burning sensation during urination;
  • discomfort during intercourse.

When detected at such symptoms should immediately contact a specialist. Lack of timely treatment of vaginal dysbiosis can provoke bacterial vaginosis. The disease is manifested abundant creamy secretions gray. Their rejection is accompanied by characteristic the smell of rotten fish.

nonspecific coleitis

In gynecology Colpitis called inflammation of the mucous membranes covering the vagina. Status of non-specific, this disease takes on the diagnosis of the causative agent containing pathogenic flora:

  1. Aureus.
  2. E. coli.
  3. Proteus.
  4. Streptococcus.

Diseases have pronounced symptoms. It includes:

  • having a strong offensive, in most cases, sour smell discharge;
  • discomfort in the groin area;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • sharp cutting pain during urination.

Disease, transformed into a chronic stage, may be accompanied by spotting.

Nonspecific coleitis requires immediate treatment. Long-term ignoring the problem contributes to the spread of pathogens in the cervical canal of the cervix, especially during menstruation. It was during the critical days of this area is prone to infection due to the lack of a protective barrier - mucus plug.

hormonal disruptions

Violations of this nature have a direct negative impact on overall health. Pathological processes affecting the thyroid or adrenal glands, may provoke rejection untypical woman secretion pronounced color having unpleasant aroma.

Factors adversely affecting hormones, doctors include:

  • eating disorders;
  • means initiation of hormonal contraception;
  • a sharp increase in load;
  • stress;
  • sharp fluctuation of the content of the female hormone estrogen, in the blood.

These factors cause large fluctuations in the cycle and the appearance of liquid in the intermenstrual secretions period having specific fish flavor.

Diseases Sexually Transmitted

Venereal diseases, in most cases, pathogenic bacteria provokes transmitted from partner to partner during coitus. According to doctors, along with inflammation caused by a fungus, it is possible to allocate some of the most common pathogens of STDs:

  1. Chlamydia.
  2. Trichomoniasis.
  3. Gonorrhea.
  4. Mycoplasmosis.

Depending on the pathogen will vary odor and color rejects fluid:

Gonorrhea: Thick white-yellow discharge with a characteristic "rotten" flavor.

Trichomoniasis: allocation of scarce rather spotting, have a foam structure. Sometimes have light pink or brown color. The smell of the secret is similar to that rejects the liquid in gonorrhea.

Candidiasis: The main symptom of the disease - curdled release after a month in womenHaving a strong acidic flavor.

It should be noted that such symptoms are far from the norm and the slightest suspicion of STD requires immediate treatment to the doctor!

Experts argue that the neglect of the disease, the stronger the "stink" rejects secret. Daylight pathologies in chronic stage facing female infertility and peritonitis.

Gynecologists say that most other members of the fairer sex, the development of diseases, susceptible women who prefer to frequently change sexual partners and neglect using condoms.

Summarizing it should be noted that the presence of uncharacteristic, bad smell in the allocated secret - the first sign of the development of pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system.

Sour smell indicates the development thrush after a month. In the first months of the disease specific aroma, perhaps odnin of the most obvious symptoms.

The smell of rot, seen by many women, may be followed by "hand in hand" with the secretions, visually resembling pus. Symptom indicates inflammation caused by infection transmitted through unprotected sexual contact.

Allocation with the smell of fish - part of the "companion" of bacterial vaginosis, and other sexually transmitted diseases is not nature.

Treatment of post-menstrual discharge with odor

Only after the cause of the discharge with the smell after a month you can start therapy. Begin collecting history gynecologists prefer to inspection on the gynecological chair. Women are faced with similar symptoms identifies a number of appointed experts surveys:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Gynecological scraping: microscopic and bacteriological.
  3. Analysis for hormones.
  4. Identification of sensitivity to antibiotics.
  5. Colposcopy.

these survey results will serve as a basis for professionals to develop an effective course of treatment. Among the many proposals, some kind of drugs are allocated to the pharmacological market, which is a symbiosis It becomes a real panacea for women faced with an unpleasant odor accompanying postmenstrual allocation. These include:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Antimicrobial and antifungal agents.
  3. Immunomodulators (including herbal).
  4. Topical antiseptics.
  5. Probiotics.

Note that to make the most accurate, correlated with the individual needs of the patient, the treatment is able to exclusively practitioner. It is not necessary to self-medicate in such a sensitive issue!

  • Oct 18, 2019
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