After months of isolation: what should be red, red, gray. reddish


  1. physiological norm
  2. Spin the first phase of the cycle
  3. Ovulation or mid-cycle
  4. The second phase of the cycle - ovulation ending
  5. the impact of sperm
  6. hormonal contraception
  7. juvenile bleeding
  8. Poslemenstrualnye allocation as an indication of a pathology
  9. color secretion
  10. brown discharge
  11. dark highlight
  12. white discharge
  13. Green and yellow discharge
  14. pink allocation
  15. of bleeding
  16. The smell of vaginal discharge
  17. Treatment poslemenstrualnyh selections

Spin varying consistency, volume and tone - one of the basic features characterizing processes in female reproductive system organs. Their presence is not limited to the menstrual period. Many of the fair sex was observed at different discharge and after menstruation. But how to determine whether the fluid rejects the physiological norm? Could a similar phenomenon indicative of pathological processes in the genitals? Let us examine this together, based on the views of practitioners and gynecologists and analyzing patients experience.

After months of isolation

physiological norm

Experts say that the release after menstruation completely physiological and are specific to the functioning of the female reproductive organs. The reason for this, the mucous membrane covering the surface of the uterus and tubes. It produces a substance similar to the cervix. The basic functionality of this process is aimed at protection against vaginal infections and foreign body hydration during intercourse.

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On the consistency and color of the color allocated secret directly affects formation stage oocyte. It should be noted that regardless of the phase of the cycle and abundant rejects the substance, it should not have sharp, unpleasant smell. Selection, not "passing" limit of normal and appear after a month, have a light, slightly perceptible flavor, individually for each woman.

Many women suffer from the appearance of underwear light yellow mucous clots. What is it? Norm? Gynecologists say that in this case, to worry about can not be. Secreted secret tends to be oxidized by direct contact with air, so yellow indicates only about the last chemical reaction with available "reagents".

The appearance of red discharge after menses, lasting two or three days, and should not cause concern. This is nothing more than the "echoes" critical days ended. The uterus is cleaned of remaining bunches, "washing out" of using physiological mucus.

pinkish goopink allocation

Getting on the surface of the labia minora or underwear-like secret oxidized, transformed into a brown discharge.

brown dischargeBrown = yellow discharge

Based on the experience of women expressed in comments placed at various discussion forums, it can be concluded that the liquid has a low intensity and volume. similar spotting after your period considered physiologic, if the "smear" is not more than three days and are not accompanied by a burning sensation, itching, or a strong unpleasant odor.

It should be noted that due to the presence slizeobraznoy substance small blood clots, the color may vary from light pink to brown.

Based on expert opinion, it is possible to structure the signs are torn away after the monthly secretion is physiologically, t. E. normal:

Spin the first phase of the cycle

Such a secret is almost imperceptible. The volume of its extremely poor, and the consistency of the liquid. Color pigmentation is absent. Data allocation is completely transparent and odorless.

Ovulation or mid-cycle

Rejects secret as during the first phase, transparent and odorless, but the consistency changes. It becomes a little tighter, and visually resembles mucus. Many women associate this type slizeobraznoy liquid egg white. The volume of secretion is abundant, but this phenomenon does not indicate the presence of disease.

transparent allocationAllocation as a protein

The process is fully physiologic. Experts recommend that in this period, with special care to follow the personal hygiene. Copious secretions and them from getting to the surface of the genital organs, contribute to the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Late hygiene can provoke severe itching and a burning sensation in the groin area. About as insufficient cleaning procedures may indicate a gray patina that appears in his underwear during a rejection of bodily fluids after menses.

Proper care of the intimate area will not only reduce the risk of discomfort, but also remove it in case of occurrence.

The second phase of the cycle - ovulation ending

This phase last and heralds the beginning of the critical days. During this time, it acquires the character of a secret small bunches, more like cream. Color pigmentation becomes more pronounced, transforming the clear liquid in a white discharge.

Allocating white mucouswhite discharge

It should be noted that the intensity and extent of secretion will increase as approaching regulator. Such a phenomenon does not go beyond the norm and white discharge in women on pants at this stage indicate the health of reproductive organs.

the impact of sperm

Unprotected sexual intercourse brings about changes in the allocated substance. Sperm, coming into contact with the vaginal mucosa, provoking rejection creamy clotsSaturated hue. Depending on the individual woman, it can be white or yellow. But their number is rather meager.

hormonal contraception

Start of hormonal contraceptives may be associated with the presence of specific secretion appearing in women after menstruation. He usually has a brown color and anointing, lean character. This phenomenon indicates a positive reaction to the drug and lasts no more than one or two months.

Please note that if these clots slizeobraznye disturbed longer than the specified period, can we talk about the individual intolerance and the need for contraceptive selection of a remedy.

juvenile bleeding

They are physiological norm, but exclusively in adolescent girls. Experts admit a periodic emergence of such a secret for several years after menarche. This phenomenon is due to the completion of the formation of the reproductive organs and the stabilization of the menstrual cycle.

Juvenile isolation characterizes the meager amount of anointing and bright, almost red, saturated color.

Knowing exactly what should be the highlight, rejected by the body after a month, we consider the cases, indicating the presence of pathological processes taking place in a woman's reproductive organs.

Poslemenstrualnye allocation as an indication of a pathology

Depending on the associated symptoms described phenomenon may indicate a serious deviation in the reproductive organs or the presence of acute inflammation caused by infectious diseases. Diagnosing deviation allocated secret after menstruation it can be based on its color and odor.

color secretion

Hue discharge, indicating the possible pathologies:

brown discharge

This color gets secret rejects due to oxidation of blood clots by oxygen. The emergence of this type of fluid is connected not only with the physiological "cleansing" vaginal cavity after critical days.

Long-term exclusion after menses secretions brown odorless, May indicate the development of endometriosis, polyp and hyperplasia. Doctors say that the separation of blood cells that last longer than a week, talks about the possible development of an ectopic pregnancy.

Detection at similar symptoms requires immediate treatment to the gynecologist.

Ascertain these deviations will be easier if you look closely at the characteristics of the substance rejects. Brown clots after menstruation, indicating the pathological processes in the female genital organs with sharp specific smell. Their presence is accompanied by sharp disruptions in the schedule of critical days.

dark highlight

They are not physiological! Gynecologists say that the presence of the woman of liquid, watery, dark "rejections" regardless on the menstrual cycle phase, it indicates the inflammatory process occurring in the genital bodies. The main disease burdened data symptom attribute endocervicitis, endometriosis, endometritis, and chronic stage. It is worth noting that the dark discharge are burdened and other symptoms, evidence of the violation in the functioning of the system of bodies of childbirth. These include:

  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • fever;
  • heavy menstruation, accompanied by sharp pain;
  • the duration of menstruation for more than one week.

Any of these symptoms can be a powerful reason for referral to a specialist.

white discharge

If the monthly allocation are white, can be judged on a number of abnormalities in the reproductive organs.

  1. History, burdening the secret of sharp pain in the abdomen and uncharacteristically unpleasant odor indicates an infection of the genital tract, triggering inflammation.
  2. A liquid, such as water consistency secretions, painted white, Indicates the presence of cervical erosion. Besides slizeobraznyh precipitates saturated colors, the pathology is characterized by disruptions in the menstrual cycle and pain during intercourse. Diagnosing symptoms, talking about the presence of cervical erosion - a reason to immediately consult a specialist. Based on statistics, the lack of timely treatment of this disease often leads to acquired female infertility.
  3. White secret cheesy consistency, in conjunction with an unpleasant sour smell - the main symptom of candidiasis (thrush). A frequent concomitant symptom of the disease is severe itching or burning. Gynecologists warn that the disease can not be run, because each menstruation exacerbates the situation. Blood and the "greenhouse" effect of the lightning-fast sanitary napkins promotes proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
  4. Vaginosis - the main reason for the emergence of specific secretion, which has a white color. The disease can provoke many factors. This hormonal disruptions caused by dysfunction of the adrenal glands or the thyroid, goiter, acute intestinal infections. Vaginosis is characterized by very specific smell. Many women are faced with illness, noted thick, viscous consistency rejects liquids caused by the disease.

Green and yellow discharge

Experts believe that the presence of women highlighted in green or yellow appears not only after menstruation, but also during the entire period of intermenstrual - one of the main signs of infections, sexually transmitted diseases.

Yellow-green dischargegreen discharge

This secret has the ability to stand out abundantly, with a characteristic "skin" on the surface of the underwear. Purulent addition of saturated color, dramatic STD characterized smelling discharge, associated with rotten fish. Lack of timely treatment can lead to irreversible negative changes in the functioning of the organs of the female reproductive system.

The main rule to eliminate the infection - antibiotic simultaneous effects on both sexual partners, regardless of the classification of bacteria that caused the infection.

pink allocation

Such symptoms occurring regularly, not only after the menstrual period, but also during the intermenstrual period, indicates the presence of chronic endometritis. Endometrium, growing exponentially, can provoke not only the production of spreadable pigmented secretions, but also adversely affect the quantitative characteristics of menstruation.

But why can appear pink slimy clumps, if the doctor rule out endometriosis? The answer lies in the individual characteristics of the female organism, related to the ability of the uterus to self-purification. And also like the secret may indicate repeated ovulation. Duplicating this process due to hormonal malfunction caused by oral contraceptives or approaching menopause. Secret pink provoked these factors are "heavy" smell and a thick consistency, visually similar to mucus, including the bright streaks of blood.

of bleeding

Red isolation of women present after a month and lasting no more than four days after the end of regulation - physiological norm that demonstrates the purification of the uterus. Exceeding the deadlines may indicate:

  • ectopic pregnancy (allocation becomes abundant or even disappear);
  • endometritis early (blood separation, appearing after a month);
  • rejection or improper installation helix;
  • bleeding;
  • violation of the sexual organs of the system due to surgical or medical intervention (abortion, cleaning, scraping).

The smell of vaginal discharge

Mucoid secretion of various color pigmentation after menstruation, accompanied by a sharp, unpleasant odor, evidence of an imbalance in the microflora of the genital organs. Such deviation may be caused by such factors:

  1. Development of diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Hormonal disruptions, provoked abnormalities in the thyroid, adrenal dysfunction or menopause.
  4. Dysbiosis.
  5. Allergic reactions.
  6. Treatment with antibiotics.
  7. Anemia.
  8. Violation of the rules of personal hygiene.
  9. The introduction of new means of hormonal contraception.
  10. Dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Experts identify two kinds of odor characterizing deviations in the work of the female reproductive system:

  1. The sharp acidic "milky" odor. Characteristic of rejects secretion accompanied by a sharp increase in fungal bacteria (candidiasis).
  2. Rotten "fishy" odor. Typical slizeobraznyh liquids disturbing woman after menstruation, caused by propagation of pathogenic micro-organisms (disease, sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).

Treatment poslemenstrualnyh selections

After months of isolation mucous consistency, denotes quite a long time, and accompanied by aggravating the symptoms, the woman should immediately consult a specialist. The gynecologist will examine, consisting of several steps:

  1. Examination in the gynecological chair.
  2. Taking smears (bakposev). This procedure is carried out using scraping the outer or inner surface of the genitals.
  3. US genitals.
  4. Stats changes in body temperature.
  5. Analyzing the content of hormones in the blood and urine of patients.

Course of treatment is based on the data obtained, which, in most cases, consists of two phases:

  1. Course of antibiotics, backed by drugs that stimulate the activation of the immune system of the patient. In this case, adjuvant therapy can be carried out with the help of herbal teas, but only after consultation with a specialist before use and set them to the same doses!
  2. Restoring microflora of genitals.

It is strictly prohibited to independently correct course of treatment or prescribed drugs to cancel!

  • Oct 18, 2019
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