Endometriosis highlight: brown, bloody, white


  1. The essence of the disease
  2. Especially cyclic discharge of the uterus endometriosis
  3. Strengthening of heavy menstrual bleeding
  4. Scarce cyclic bleeding
  5. Changing precipitates structure
  6. Change the color of menstrual bleeding
  7. Prolonging the period of menstrual bleeding
  8. Intermenstrual bleeding indicative of endometriosis

Endometriosis - a serious disease, delayed treatment which often leads to infertility, iron deficiency anemia, neurological disorders and even cancer. Symptoms of the disease can include pelvic pain during menstruation or outside, increasing profusion and duration of menstrual bleeding. Often spotting women with endometriosis are concerned in mid-cycle. It's about a characteristic of the disease secretions and will be discussed in this article.

Allocation of endometriosis

The essence of the disease

To begin with it should be recalled what constitutes endometriosis. The essence of this disease is a pathological Pumping inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) outside the natural limits of this layer. For example, might be affected fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, vagina tissue, abdomen, bladder, etc. In the photo you can see the look of endometriosis.

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endometriosis photoIts causes, according to the doctors' opinion, rooted in the violation of the natural course of hormonal and immune processes. All the cunning of endometriosis is that to detect it, focusing only on external appearances, is not always possible. However, there are a number of characteristic features, the appearance of which should alert a woman, because their appearance may indicate the development of this pathology.

Responding to a question about what the allocation of endometriosis can occur should these emissions be divided into two groups: cyclic (menstrual) isolating and acyclic.

Especially cyclic discharge of the uterus endometriosis

Initially, the disease manifests itself only during menstruation. Characteristics which may indicate a pathological Pumping surface layer of the uterus, are:

Strengthening of heavy menstrual bleeding

When uterine endometriosis amplification spotting amount is one of the original features. In healthy women monthly blood loss is moderate, and this trend is a gradual evolution ceased (within 5-7 days). In endometriosis blood loss is significantly increased, and spotting may occur more than a week. In this case, menstruation often accompanied by severe pain. They are located not only in the lower abdomen and lumbar spine - the discomfort may be felt in the area of ​​those bodies, which was throwing a pathological endometrial tissue. Often, a woman worried about pain throughout the cycle. This is due to inflammation that occurs in the places of the centers spread.

The profusion of blood loss attributed directly proliferation of the mucosa, which occurs due to the increase in rejects tissue during menstruation. This is especially true when the abnormal endometrial sprouting in the fallopian tubes.

Scarce cyclic bleeding

In some situations it can be observed and reverse the symptoms of the disease - monthly suddenly become scarce, smearing, the cycle loses its regularity. Reducing the amount of menstrual blood - a rare manifestation of endometriosis. It occurs when the disease affects the ovaries, resulting in difficulty or lack of ovulation. At the same time a decrease in progesterone concentrations and less active development of the inner layer of the uterus. With the defeat of the cervix and vagina tissue disease, it is a violation of their secretory function. All these pathological processes in aggregate and are the reason that the amount of bleeding during menstruation becoming scarce. Such a feature is often manifested when endometriosis during menopause.

Changing precipitates structure

Symptoms of endometriosis include also the change in menstrual bleeding patterns. The monthly rate allocation are homogeneous mass with rare inclusions of clots. If the number of clusters increases dramatically, this could be an alarming signal. In this disease increases the number of rejects endometrium fragments, which causes the appearance of dark blood clots.

Allocation clottedClotted bloodAllocation of endometriosisabnormal discharge

In addition, their formation is enhanced by virtue inevitably there is inflammation in those organs, where it is abnormal tissue growth, as well as due to anemia, which develops against the backdrop of regular heavy blood loss.

Besides clots of menstrual secretions can be seen a large number of mucus (transparent or white hue).

Change the color of menstrual bleeding

Characterized by menstrual fluid in endometriosis not only for its consistency, but also the color. Most often they wear maroon or brown shade (gynecologists sometimes call them "chocolate"), and sometimes the discharge becomes black. The characteristic brown allocation of endometriosis - one of the most obvious signs of the disease.

Brown and red highlightblack selectionallocation clotsRed isolation with pieces

Prolonging the period of menstrual bleeding

Symptoms of endometriosis often include such a feature as increasing the duration of menstruation. Against the background of the disease, this natural physiological process lasts more than a week. At the same time periods may not necessarily be intense - their profusion may vary depending on the location and characteristics of the centers of development of the disease. The essence of the problem lies in the protracted hemorrhage, ie. E. at sustained release after a month.

Sometimes endometriosis top precede menstruation spotting with a brownish tint. Spotting can last for several days and then move on to a full flow of blood. Pain may be present or not - it depends on the degree of development of disease and location of endometrial nodes.

Intermenstrual bleeding indicative of endometriosis

Regular acyclic bleeding - another striking feature of the disease. They explain temporal asynchrony growths and rejection affected tissue disease. Unscheduled bleeding, usually also have a dark brown color. They usually appear in the middle of the cycle.

Sometimes spotting appear after sexual intercourse. Most often this occurs in the localization of abnormal growths in the cervix region.

If the disease struck the regional lymph nodes or muscle tissue, it is likely the emergence of abundant whitish discharge watery nature in the middle of the female cycle. This secretion distinguishes a specific sharp odor.

If the endometriosis lesions localized in the bladder or rectum, you may experience pain and spotting during bowel movement and urine staining pink color, or the presence in it of bleeding fragments.

Endometriosis - frequent disease among women of childbearing age. One of the side effects of this disease is secondary infertility. Failure hormonal balance and cause them to disrupt the functioning of the reproductive system prevent the regular maturation of the egg, which leads to a decrease in the likelihood of natural conception exactly in half. In addition, significantly increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

If conception still occurs, it should be borne in mind that endometriosis during pregnancy It is becoming a potential threat to the spontaneous rejection of fetal eggs in the initial period pregnancy.

Talking about what symptoms may occur in the development of endometriosis, it is important to note that all of them may overlap with the symptoms of other diseases. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor their health and to find suspicious symptoms, seek medical help for the purpose of the correct diagnosis. This will not run the disease and to achieve positive dynamics in the shortest possible time.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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