Brown discharge instead month: smearing, poor, dark, aching abdomen


  1. Features rules
  2. Effect of drugs
  3. Unhealthy lifestyle
  4. Abrupt climate change
  5. spare diet
  6. Stress and strain
  7. age-related changes
  8. Teenage feature
  9. climacteric
  10. The probability of pregnancy
  11. After childbirth
  12. Hormonal drugs and contraceptives
  13. postoperatively
  14. signs of pathology
  15. Light brown allocation
  16. Dark black and isolation
  17. Secretion as a sign of occurrence of neoplasms in the genitals
  18. Oncology
  19. ovarian cyst

Stable menstrual cycle can not boast of every woman, but also a slight delay of a few days does not necessarily imply a strong pregnancy or hormonal failure. When marked brown discharge instead of monthly, it is important to pay attention to their characteristics and associated symptoms, which are discussed in this article.

Brown discharge instead of monthly

Features rules

When the allocation is smeared brown to three days, no reason for concern. Many women have spotting starts just before menstruation, gradually acquiring the features of the natural characteristic of bleeding Regula.

Suspected pathology is not necessary for the following characteristics secretion:

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  • uniform consistency (small clusters);
  • reddish or brown shade;
  • small volume (enough dailies);
  • the absence of itching and burning;
  • no odor;
  • there is a few days before menstruation;
  • celebrated every cycle.

The main factor in the appearance of brown discharge with blood instead of monthly acts hormonal imbalance. It can provoke the woman herself. Certain conditions can affect work of the reproductive system.

Read also about how, why go brown discharge after menstruation Article link.

Effect of drugs

Why are black month? Not only hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills provoke abnormal secretion in the beginning of the cycle. Spotting instead of monthly can act reception result of the following medications:

  1. Antibiotics. Sami drugs directly no effect on female hormones. But a failure occurs due to the effects on the vagina. After long-term use of antibiotics suffers useful microflora, which can affect the uterus operation, as well as ovarian cancer. Hence, small brown secretion smearing character at a delay of menstruation. The main reason - the slow maturation of the egg.
  2. Anti-ulcer drugs. In most situations, it affects the stability of the monthly bleeding. Often provoke change cycle time and the delay on a background of brown marks on the dailies.
  3. Hemostatic agents. Doctors prescribe these drugs during heavy menstrual bleeding. But the violation or failure to comply with dosage instructions often causes psevdomesyachnyh and sometimes complete lack of menstruation.
  4. Antidepressants. Drugs reduce the intensity of menstruation. At considerable length the course of treatment there is a situation, when three days brown discharge and menstruation or not. Against the background of antidepressants may be a delay of up to three or four days.

At risk are also women who take diuretics, psychotropics, anabolic (steroid) preparations.

Unhealthy lifestyle

The gulf monthly menstruation are due to:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • drug addiction;
  • long-term toxicity;
  • labor in hazardous work;
  • strenuous exercise.

At first it may appear a slight delay, but with loss of strength and immunity are not excluded spotting between the expected menstrual period. To solve the problem is possible only when the total elimination of bad habits, shift work and the beginning of right living.

Abrupt climate change

Provoke abnormal bloody secretion can move banal. Most often suffer from it a woman after a long flight to a different climate zone. The need to contact the hospital if psevdomesyachnye lasts longer than a week, and the general state of health is deteriorating in their background.

spare diet

This load on the body in the form of a lack of essential trace elements in most cases provokes a delay of a few days. With a sharp decrease or increase the weight of monthly sometimes disappear altogether. 2-3 days failed with a brownish poor secret indicates that the body lacks iron. Its deficiency causes the dark color of blood.

Stress and strain

Great physical exertion, emotional upsets provoke problems in the central nervous system, which is responsible for the flow of the entire menstrual cycle. The problem manifests itself individually. Some women suffer from heavy brown discharge instead of the planned monthly, while others disappear completely menstrual bleeding.

Against the background of the physiological factors of the appearance of brown discharge instead of monthly per week is permitted only in the absence of pain and discomfort. To the doctor to address extremely important in the absence of menstruation, and in the second month.

age-related changes

The appearance instead of monthly scarce brown precipitates are often associated with puberty or extinction of the reproductive system (menopause):

Teenage feature

At puberty, menstrual cycle is just beginning to stabilize, so the ovulation is not constant. Because of this, the absence of menstruation, and instead sees little girl dark isolation. May occur on the same reason and light brown discharge. This situation is the norm only in the first 12 months after menarche.


Approximately 40 years for women is gradually disappearing fertility. fading of ovarian function, causing smearing secretion, which is nothing to do with menstruation has not. In premenopausal no rigid time frame, so its appearance and perhaps earlier - in 35 years.

You need to be diagnosed for girls and women, who in addition to the unusual secretion suffer painful sensations in the lower abdomen area, genitals discomfort and other unpleasant symptoms.

The probability of pregnancy

It is also necessary to consider the appearance of precipitates brown hue monthly instead as an indication of pregnancy. Therefore, if begin long periods, You first need to do a test or check blood HCG. And then to look for other possible causes.

When coming fertilization can occur anointing character discharge beige, Brown, dark shade at a delay. Conception only during ovulation can occur, but it should be borne in mind that sperm remain active in the vagina up to 7 days.

Assume early gestation can be if, instead of the monthly allocation are brown and slightly lower abdomen aches or sore breasts.

Read also about the causes of pink discharge at a delay of menstruationBy clicking on the link.

When the two strips on the test is necessary to assess the duration and amount of secretion. Under normal circumstances, the brown spotting should disappear in the third or fourth day, when a woman is pregnant. Duration over a week indicates an acute shortage of progesterone, and the real threat of miscarriage shows scant bloody secret within 10-14 days.

In the presence of this feature it is very important to get a test for hCG and exclude ectopic pregnancy.

Some patients can be observed not only aching pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes the chest pain, and go brown discharge, indicating that the negative processes in the womb.

After childbirth

Postpartum recovery occurs in patients in different ways, but all too quickly it can occur. If not breastfeeding, then periods may appear after a few cycles. Before that period, it is allowed the appearance of brown-red secretions instead of monthly.

After delivery, lactation monthly bleeding can not be even a year. So the body protects a woman from pregnancy, so that she could fully bring up the child. Reproductive system allocates sometimes not abundant separation of blood in the middle of the cycleWhen the baby is gradually transferred to the lure and reduced lactation.

Hormonal drugs and contraceptives

Modern contraceptives contain hormones. Therefore, the female body needs some time to get used to the new conditions. Umber secretions instead of monthly while taking OK, It can be characterized by the adaptation period, which lasts for several months.
If blood continues to stand out more than three months, you should visit your gynecologist.

Cause strange secret in duration with blood clots and may delay:

  • lack hormone dose;
  • violation of instructions;
  • skipping tablets;
  • excess dose;
  • drug intolerance;
  • bad habits or diseases.

Most often observed in women hormonal failures cycle after eskapel, Postinor or Agesta. This popular drugs for emergency contraception. She begins to suspect pregnancy, but conception has not occurred. The cycle must be restored, but it is necessary to eliminate the re-admission of these pills for a few months.

Intrauterine device also requires getting used to the body. But sometimes it causes a pathological secretion because:

  • improper installation;
  • delamination means;
  • of infection.

Therefore, prevention of this type of pregnancy requires medical supervision. To buy their own drugs is highly undesirable.


In most cases, blood strange secret and delayed menstrual bleeding are typical for patients who underwent surgery on the following organs:

  • uterus;
  • ovary;
  • Cervix;
  • fallopian tube.

And accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood can:

  • incomplete abortion or miscarriage;
  • Laparoscopy for Ectopic pregnancy.

The nature discharge after laparoscopy read the article here.
The duration of absence of menstruation after the operation with the advent psevdomesyachnyh depends on the following factors:

  • the volume of surgical intervention;
  • duration of the procedure;
  • its proximity to the intervention of the reproductive organs;
  • age of the patient;
  • presence of complications;
  • general state of health;
  • the rate of recovery.

Affect the reproductive system are operations that do not affect the main female sex organs (abdomen). Expect month after surgery is worth the full restoration and healing.

signs of pathology

Sometimes there is a delay due to serious hormonal disruptions and development of gynecological diseases. the following reasons is to provide spotting brown color instead of the usual monthly:

  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • penetration of infection;
  • tumors (benign or not);
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • other negative processes.

Symptoms that indicate pathology:

  • pain of the lower abdomen;
  • fever;
  • redness of the external genitalia;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • long delay (10 days);
  • the absence of menstruation for two months and more.

See also, go there monthly at an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages Article link.
What is it can mean a delay, and the woman could get sick, it defines a doctor. To do this, conducted ultrasound tests give up.

Light brown allocation

Inflammatory processes may become a serious problem, if time does not make a diagnosis and begin treatment. Instead of menstruation light brown secretion scarce nature may indicate inflammation. But it is important to take into account the associated symptoms:

  • It felt itching and burning;
  • can sometimes sip waist and abdomen;
  • I felt a sharp pain during urination;
  • Body temperature rises;
  • I felt pain during sex;
  • in secretions in inflammation may appear flakes, clots or pieces of pus.

When inflammation of the ovaries monthly can stay for a month.

Manifestation of similar symptoms could mean getting an infection. cycle failure and abnormal discharge described hue often cause the following diseases:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • genital herpes;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • ureaplasma;
  • mycoplasma.

Dark black and isolation

Long delay is almost always associated with negative processes in the reproductive system. When are darkish brown discharge for 4 days, and no monthly, we can assume the following pathologies:

  • endometritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus);
  • ectopy (erosion);
  • polyps;
  • endometriosis (overgrowth of the endometrium outside the uterus).

Learn from an article on the link, how to treat scanty menses with endometriosis.

If in addition to these diseases, there is also a thrush (candidiasis), then we have the spotting with curd consistency.

Secretion as a sign of occurrence of neoplasms in the genitals


At the beginning of the development of cancerous tumors in the reproductive system is almost no pronounced symptoms. Therefore, the disease is difficult to diagnose solely on the patient's state of health. Delayed menstruation is a result of hormonal disorders. Because of this, the doctor will first suspect cancer cells is in the reproductive organs.

Cheerleaders must copious dark. These can be very thick, but in the background pathology become watery, sometimes contain pus. In the later stages of development begins to stomach ache, pull back, intestines, hip. This means that women need urgent help. The earlier the disease is detected, the higher the chance of a full recovery.

ovarian cyst

When instead of monthly brown allocation and sharply stomach ache, can assume with tumor formation in the ovary liquid. Menstruation may be weak or abundant in nature. The usual symptom for ovarian cysts - a delay of 5 days to a month. Psevdomesyachnye can anoint a few days, often accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen. Read on the nature of the discharge when ovarian cyst in one of our articles on the link.

Having examined the material presented in the article, it can be concluded about the necessity of regular visits to the gynecologist. What exactly led to the emergence of this phenomenon can be determined only by the doctor. Expert after examination and thorough diagnosis, therapeutic take measures regarding abnormal vaginal secretions.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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