Delayed menstruation and brown discharge: 2-3-4-5 on the day the test is negative


  1. When the secretion of brown background to delay menstruation - physiological norm
  2. pubescence
  3. Pregnancy
  4. hormone therapy
  5. climacteric
  6. Postrodovoy period
  7. When the secretion of brown - a symptom of pathology
  8. missed abortion
  9. Ectopic pregnancy
  10. hormonal disruptions
  11. Inflammatory processes in the reproductive system organs
  12. Diseases Sexually Transmitted

Cyclicity of menstruation - the main indicator of the lack of abnormalities in the reproductive organs. The regular alternation of "preparatory" and "ovulation" stage, followed by "cleansing" of the uterus shows the female body ready for pregnancy. Any progress of the menstrual cycle, the changing nature rejects mucous secretion and the appearance uncharacteristic intermenstrual whiter different shades can justifiably cause concern women. But whether all uncharacteristic phenomena indicate the presence of pathological processes in the reproductive organs? What can testify to delay menstruation and brown discharge that accompany it? Let's look into this matter together, based on the views of practitioners and gynecologists.

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Brown isolation and delay

When the secretion of brown background to delay menstruation - physiological norm

The female body is extremely fragile, and his condition is influenced by external factors. Particularly acute outside influence affecting the reproductive organs. Gynecologists say that against the background of brown discharge delay menstruation does not always indicate the presence of disease. Such symptoms are inherent in a number of physiological conditions characteristic of a certain stage in a woman's life. Let us consider the natural causes of the secretions of brown color on a background of delay critical days.

See also, whether it is possible to conceive of the discharge of grease man Article link.


Early menarche - a phenomenon that signals the end of the formation of reproductive organs and the readiness of women to motherhood. Doctors say that the final formation of the menstrual cycle after the advent of the first critical days, continued for 6 months. This period is sometimes characterized by uncharacteristic for phase intermenstrual secretions, which may be bloody hue and spreadable. Experts believe that there is no reason to worry if the selection of the mucous secretion of brownish color is not accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen, fever, or a pungent odor that accompanies rejects liquid.

It should be noted that the progress of the menstrual cycle length and daub, appearing instead alleged menses, should not exceed the deadline. The duration of failures exceeds a predetermined time frame even for one or three months - a serious reason for referral to a specialist.


One of the main causes of a physiological nature, provoking brown discharge during the delay, is pregnancy.

Many women know that regular sex life 100% "protection" can not provide any of the existing methods of contraception. Especially if the sexual act was committed just before ovulation. Gynecologists say that if regulatory delay ranged from 3 to 10 days, and brown discharge replaced the usual monthly, you must take a pregnancy test or take a blood test for hCG.

Remember that testing (chemist's test) is best in the morning when the urine contains the highest level of hormones.

A positive result and will be the answer to the question about the causes of fluctuations in the menstrual cycle.

Blood daub in this case is caused by trauma to the blood vessels of the endometrium during ovulation and directly attaching the egg to the uterus.

hormone therapy

Hormonal drugs has a direct impact on the functioning of the female organism. Especially if drugs are prescribed specifically for effects on a woman's ability to conceive a child and nurturing successful obstetrics.

Many of the fair sex who went through hormone therapy, claim that the appearance of dark spotting at a delay of menstruation at 4, and then for 7 days are possible when taking gonadotropins Chorionic. This medicine is a hormone secreted by the placenta during pregnancy. The substance is produced at an early date and continues to grow in terms of numbers, for 9 and sometimes 11 weeks. Assigned similar means for combating female infertility, prevention of miscarriage, in ovarian dysfunction and failure in cyclic menstrual cycle.


Delayed menstruation, followed by brown discharge on the background of a negative test could indicate an approaching menopause, and thus the climax. This condition is characterized by accompaniment secretion containing mucus attendant features:

  1. Mood swings.
  2. Increase in sweating.
  3. Jumps in blood pressure.
  4. Wanton heart palpitations.

It is worth noting that intermenstrual discharge in a given period may be profuse and watery, light having almost beige. Based on the statistics, the average age of onset of menopausal - 40-45 years.

To mitigate the symptoms of menopause, a specialist can prescribe hormone therapy. Due to the effects of compatible products, changes in the reproductive organs can occur unnoticed by the woman.

Postrodovoy period

Restoration of the woman's body after childbirth - a long and painstaking process, affecting the functioning of the body. Doctors say that the process of establishing cyclical monthly during this period is similar to what happens in women after menarche. Delay and brown discharge on its background, about 5 days, but not more than 9 days, allowed gynecologists in postrodovoy period.

It should be noted that the rejection of the mucous discharge after childbirth It should not be accompanied by painful sensations to be abundant and exude sharp, unpleasant smell.

When the secretion of brown - a symptom of pathology

Experts say that "dwell" periods may not only for physiological reasons. The absence of menstruation, in conjunction with the systematic blood daubs and uncomfortable sensations in the perineum - a reason to visit a gynecologist immediately. Doctors say several pathological conditions that can provoke rejection brown secretion on the background of delays critical days:

missed abortion

Brown discharge during menstruationAppearing after a delay and a positive pregnancy test, may indicate a missed abortion. This pathology is most common in the second or third month. To begin this process can not asymptomatic. Gynecologists call for particularly attentive to pulling pain in the abdomen, nausea and presence of atypical whiter in the first trimester. When diagnosing at spotting the bloody and dramatic deterioration of health should immediately go to the observed female professionals. The doctor diagnoses the condition of the fetus and mothers with special survey to help clarify the picture and determine the cause of sickness entailing occurrence of brown spotting. When fading fetus carried scraping. Follow the link to learn about the nature of precipitates after cleaning missed abortion.

Ectopic pregnancy

delayed menstruation for more than ten days, accompanied by the release of brown spotting and general malaise often signals the development of ectopic pregnancy. Discharge, resembling monthly, with an ectopic pregnancy may be scarce, discontinuous and abundant. This pathological process is characterized by the fixing of a fertilized egg outside the uterus. You must immediately go to the doctor, if a woman saw a long rejection daub on the background of a positive result on a pregnancy test. Such a "violation", left without proper attention, is fraught with the beginning of the heavy bleeding that lasts several days and cause embryo development in folic pipe.

disease elimination is possible only with the help of surgery!

hormonal disruptions

Thyroid dysfunction and pathological processes in the adrenal gland can cause delayed menstruation and appearance of brown discharge. Begin similar deviation can practically asymptomatic, posing exclusively sensation constant fatigue. That is why the "critical point" in the hormonal failure, accompanied by the irreversible processes in the body, can occur unexpectedly for women.

The reason for this phenomenon may be a number of factors:

  1. The abundance of stressful situations.
  2. eating disorders.
  3. Introduction of a new oral contraceptive.
  4. Changing climatic zones.

Treatment of this deviation is carried in a complex and combines and gynecological therapeutic intervention aimed at stabilizing the hormonal levels. According to experts, should be tested for hormone levels, at least for monitoring the general condition than the two or three times a year.

Inflammatory processes in the reproductive system organs

Inflammation of the endometrium, cervical, or ovarian adnexal lesion may be accompanied by a scant brown secretion, appear in the background of a delay monthly. In this case, "linger" critical days may be for longer than a few weeks, and their onset is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen and lower back.

The presence in the discharge of secretions greenish clots and strong, sickening smell indicates the presence of an infectious nature of the disease. Some diseases of the genitourinary system are accompanied by the presence of a strong burning sensation during urination. In most cases, this progression of symptoms indicative of cystitis or pyelonephritis.

Diseases of the reproductive systemWearing an inflammatory character, showing not only the absence of menstruation and the appearance of brown spotting. For pronounced symptoms of the process include:

  • To change the color pigmentation of mucous secretion;
  • pain during urination;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen, passing in the lumbar region;
  • increase in body temperature.

Diseases Sexually Transmitted

Infectious diseases transmitted from partner to partner, often can trigger copious brownish, brown and sometimes secretion, appearing on the background of menstruation. In this case, the spotting is a secondary symptom, testifying about the deterioration of women.

The characteristic features which indicate the presence of infection in the female reproductive system organs include:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. The presence of a discharge putrid odor.
  3. The presence of itching in the perineum.
  4. The emergence voldyrikov and boils in the groin area.
  5. The presence of mucous secretions yellow and green specks.
  6. The sensation of pain during intercourse.
  7. Copious precipitates rejection thick, viscous consistency.

Provoke rejection brown secretion amid menstruation can many factors. Among them there are both quite natural, as well as those that may cause significant harm to the health of the woman. Irrespective of concomitant symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor to diagnose the root cause of what is happening!

  • Oct 18, 2019
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