Allocation after cervical biopsy: bloody, watery. yellow, brown


  1. Causes and characteristics of the biopsy
  2. Allocation after biopsy: norm and pathology
  3. The normal consequences of the procedure
  4. puncture
  5. Konhotomnaya
  6. radiowave
  7. Laser
  8. loop
  9. wedge
  10. circular
  11. Pathologically dangerous isolation
  12. Prevention of complications after the procedure

Diagnosis of many gynecological diseases requires a series of manipulations, which can injure the internal genital organs. As a rule, such injury is harmless in nature, and it is necessary to exclude certain pathological phenomena. After these procedures often appear uncharacteristic symptoms that may scare a woman. To those, in particular, the allocation after cervical biopsy.

Allocation after biopsy

Causes and characteristics of the biopsy

The procedure is a surgical intervention, which results in a small piece of fence cervical tissues. Biopsy at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, when the best cell regeneration occurs. Before making the manipulation of the patient should be screened to exclude the presence of infections. When found necessary to appropriate therapy and only then appoint the fence fabric.

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There are several types of procedures depending on the technique used tools, medicines, etc. Regardless kind woman before the procedure is recommended to refrain for a few days of sexual intercourse, and 12 hours did not have and does not drink.

cervical biopsy is conducted in order to identify abnormal cells. Assign it when the patient was diagnosed with erosion, human papilloma virus, cervical dysplasia, Cancer or precancerous condition of the cervix, polyps, as well as infertility.

Before the appointment of manipulating a woman doctor should check for the presence of contraindications. These include:

  • infectious diseases - to a complete cure;
  • chronic diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • pregnancy.

This gynecological procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis. After it is recommended to rest for a few hours in a medical facility and then to return home. If the fence was made of a large area, the woman is usually placed in a hospital for two or three days.

Allocation after biopsy: norm and pathology

The normal consequences of the procedure

cervical biopsy, as already noted, has a traumatic character. When it is complete it is considered to be a normal little bleeding. The degree, nature and duration of the phenomenon is directly dependent on the type of procedure and the amount of tissue taken for analysis:


This is the most common biopsy, for which uses a special needle. The operation lasts about 10 minutes. Anesthesia is not used. The procedure itself is not painful, the woman feels only a slight transient tingling. After it is considered normal neobilnye spotting.

Pink highlight on the stripBloody issues


This procedure is done by using scissors with pointed ends. During it is used local anesthesia in the cervical area. Considered a natural consequence of pink highlight women with blood drops for a week.

Discharge with a drop of bloodAllocation with blood drops


The most benign form of biopsy, which is often prescribed to women did not give birth. After this less traumatic procedure norm considered scarce of bleeding in women in three days. Also, there may be a slight watery discharge for the first day after the procedure.

Bright selection beigeBright spotting


It's also not too traumatic manipulation, but the technique of its implementation requires general anesthesia for the patient. Among the natural consequences of the procedure are white, pink or brown discharge for a week.

pinkish dischargeSmearing cream selection


biopsy of the kind that is made by special power tools. It is performed under local anesthesia. Over the next three weeks are observed discharge with blood.

Bloody issuesAllocation with blood


The wedge - is used when a large piece of tissue is taken.
Performed using surgical scalpel and only under general anesthesia and epidural anesthesia (lower body). After this procedure, the woman experiences severe pain and watching copious. Recent concerned up to two weeks.

Scarlet allocationScarlet allocation


It is also a large portion of the biopsy. Done using general anesthesia. Isolation and pain are present up to four weeks. After this procedure, the patient often prescribed painkillers.

After the biopsy may also appear greenish discharge or brown.

Yellow-green dischargebrownish allocation

They will be considered normal in the case of the procedure site treated tissue sampling any medical solutions (for example, during colposcopy).

Pathologically dangerous isolation

As mentioned above, separation after cervical biopsy - this is quite normal. However, there are situations where such effects become pathological in nature and suggest the appearance of complications. So, to the need to consult a doctor if selection:

  • purchased a bright red or dark color;
  • purchased a yellow two weeks after the procedure;
  • have an unpleasant smell;
  • located abundant blood clots;
  • have purulent;
  • observed for more than three weeks.

Ask for help, the urgent need in the case when the bleeding appeared as at monthly.

A large number of released blood may indicate poor clotting, or failure to comply with the basic rules of the recovery period, which are discussed below.

Among the main causes of bleeding or other dangerous discharge after the procedure, in addition to the neglect of the basic recommendations of the doctor, you can call:

  1. Damage to the uterine wall during the sampling of tissue.
  2. seam gap.
  3. The beginning of the inflammatory process.
  4. Infection.
  5. A premature start of menstruation due to hormonal or cyclic failure.
  6. Slow healing.
  7. Insufficient qualification of the physician who performed the biopsy.

Complications may occur if the patient has not been fully examined for various gynecological diseases. That is why the primary analyzes are important for the success of the biopsy.

Prevention of complications after the procedure

After the procedure, and perfect any manner of the above, a woman is important to be under medical supervision two to three hours. It is necessary to provide timely assistance in the opening of the bleeding.

The recovery period lasts from a few days to a month depending on the type of biopsy, the presence of complications, individual characteristics of the organism of each woman, etc. At this time the patient has a number of limitations that will avoid unpleasant consequences:

  • in the first two weeks, it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity and exercise;
  • You can not take hot baths, visit the baths and saunas;
  • prohibited use tampons;
  • douching is not recommended without a doctor's prescription.

Even a minimal surgical intervention requires compliance with bed rest in the first few days after the procedure. Since at this time there is a high risk of bleeding, can not play sports. It is better to keep some time passive way of life and not to neglect all the doctor's recommendations.

adjuvant therapy may be assigned to you to accelerate the healing process.

The doctor should warn you about the possible consequences of sampling tissue from the cervix. Promptly inform him of the uncharacteristic symptoms. It is better to once again be safe than miss a moment of the development of inflammation or other complications.

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 35
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