Allocation after the removal of the uterus: a neck, bloody, sukrovichnye, brown


  1. Allocation after hysterectomy
  2. rehabilitation period
  3. Monthly allocation after hysterectomy
  4. When should you seek help
  5. Possible complications after surgery to remove the uterus
  6. Recommendations for a speedy recovery

Removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) - it is a necessary step for women with a number of dangerous gynecological diseases. Often, it avoids the malignant transformation of the endometrium or the appearance of metastases in other organs. The reason for its conduct can only become a disease that is no longer amenable to known methods of treatment. Allocation after the removal of the uterus is one of the most common post-operative consequences. When they are considered a normal reaction to surgery, and when a complication - we shall understand below.

Allocation after hysterectomy

Allocation after hysterectomy

The rehabilitation period after hysterectomy takes 4-8 weeks, depending on the method of removal, the operation amount, as well as individual characteristics of the organism. During the restoration in women up to the complete healing of observed pain in the joint area and inside the abdomen.

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In addition, the post-operative period and is accompanied by spotting, which is considered an indicator of the normal healing process.

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Such a symptom is caused by the fact that any surgical intervention is accompanied by trauma to the blood vessels, veins and arteries, which are equipped with the pelvic organs in great numbers. In fact, a violation of their integrity and causes a characteristic bleeding.

Of course, the biggest vessels during surgery, doctors closed. It is necessary that the woman has not suffered from profuse blood loss. Small vessels and capillaries is restored over time. This process is further influenced by blood thinning medications, which are assigned to the patient to prevent thrombosis. Recent impede rapid healing of wounds, so the intensity of bleeding in the first days after the removal of the uterus - is normal, not a concern for physicians. Phase-out anticoagulants significantly accelerates healing of tissues.

Despite the natural blood out, sometimes there are situations that require immediate monitoring by medical personnel. These include a frequent appearance of blood clots. The same thing could happen in case of rupture of the vessel stump-established on the site of the uterus. This happens most often due to high blood pressure, lack of cauterization of large vessels or defects during suturing.

rehabilitation period

Literally the first day after the operation the patient to try to put on their feet. The early physical activity allows for enhanced blood circulation in the pelvic organs and to establish the bowels. For about ten days, the woman remains in hospital under medical supervision.

After 2-4 days after removal of the uterus and ovaries, the discharge becomes less abundant and become red and burgundy color. Due to the fact that the patient begins to move, clots normally should not be.

5-10 hours should be observed neobilnye maroon and brown discharge. Even after 5 days, they are a little lighter and become poorer. 20 days after surgery transparent allocation of become slimy character with a dash of ichor.

It can not be up to the day to determine the normal color and thickness of mucus in particular women. Recovery is gradual. Above it was listed only an approximate recovery plan. In this concern should cause intense, purulent or bright red highlight with large clots. About the presence of complications may also say dark goo with a pungent smell of rot. Such symptoms should be immediately reported to your doctor for further examination.

If during the operation the cervix has been preserved, and in the rehabilitation period mucus becomes more abundant (gasket It has to be changed more than once every two hours), an urgent need to eliminate the development of inflammatory or infectious disease. Caution, of course, have to pay and the number of selections. Large amounts of secretions two weeks after hysterectomy - an alarming sign. It is quite possible that it will take one more step.

If no complications during the healing process and normal patient discharged from hospital. Further treatment is on an outpatient basis under the supervision of the district gynecologist. At this time, there are still weaknesses selection. they become poorer as the healing tissues. About a month after the surgery a secret sex re-clean and transparent.

Monthly allocation after hysterectomy

Uterus - is the body directly responsible for the menstrual period. After a hysterectomy, usually monthly longer appear cometh surgical menopause. However, if in the process of removing the ovaries were saved, in the days of the alleged critical may appear slight spotting. being observed spotting instead of monthly can every month until menopause.

When should you seek help

After discharge from the hospital, a woman has to self-monitor their condition. When restoring a normal body pain and the number of discharges should not increase. Among the most alarming symptoms of the rehabilitation period can be identified:

  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • sharp or aching pain in the lower abdomen or in the seam area;
  • pus, secretions in admixture or odor;
  • fever;
  • headache, nausea, dizziness and other symptoms of general malaise.

If you notice in his state of some of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help. Similar phenomena may indicate the development of postoperative complications.

Possible complications after surgery to remove the uterus

Any surgery is fraught with dangerous consequences for the organism. Immediately after the removal of the uterus, some patients are watching:

  1. Redness or swelling of the skin in the area of ​​the joints or in the abdominal area.
  2. Bleeding or purulent discharge from the wound.
  3. Pain and other problems with urination.
  4. The inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity - a phenomenon leads to the defeat of the internal organs, it sometimes develops into septicemia.
  5. Pulmonary embolism - the most serious complication, leading to blockage of blood vessels, can result in even fatal.

If in the early days of severe bleeding are the norm, then two weeks later this pathology. An unpleasant stench secretion is also an occasion to see a doctor. Such a sign may indicate inflammation of the vagina. If you run such a phenomenon, there are cases of peritonitis and sepsis. Strong as vaginal bleeding requires urgent medical measures.

Increase in body temperature and a general deterioration of health - signs of postoperative suture infection. To stop the reaction, it is necessary to spend on drink a course of antibiotics and the wound treated periodically with a special compound.

The development of peritonitis, as one of the most serious complications of hysterectomy, also contributes to the general malaise and raising the temperature to 40 ° C, while showing signs of irritation and abdominal pain occurs syndrome.

In each case the treatment is determined taking into account the stroke of the primary operations, recovery and healing tissues, as well as medical history and the individual characteristics of the body (the presence of concomitant diseases, allergies and etc.).

Recommendations for a speedy recovery

Removal of the uterus and appendages - a major stress to the body. The result of this operation is the long period of recovery, which is accompanied by a number of restrictions for the patient:

  • for two months, you can not swim in the bath, pool or pond, sauna and bath;
  • during spotting using only pads, tampons under the ban, so to may negatively affect the process of tissue healing..;
  • sex life is allowed to live only a half later months after the removal of the uterus, in case of complications - and even longer;
  • during rehabilitation is recommended to follow a diet.

Proper nutrition after surgery implies the elimination of junk food from the diet (fatty, fried, smoked), as well as alcohol, coffee and tea. Eat better foods with a high content of fiber, t. E. vegetables, fruits, flour from durum wheat. High-calorie foods to eat better before lunch. In general, you should adhere to the standard principles of proper nutrition. Some additional restrictions should voice doctor.

Thus, separation after hysterectomy are natural environment if not accompanied by other negative attributes. How much they should take normal, up to a day would not answer any expert. But it is believed that this period should not exceed a month. In doing so, release after two weeks of purchase sukrovichny character. Compliance with all recommendations for the rehabilitation period will allow the healing process to go faster.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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