Allocation after hysteroscopy: after removing a polyp in the uterus, endometrial curettage


  1. What is the essence of the procedure?
  2. types of hysteroscopy
  3. whether this procedure is painful
  4. Secretion after a diagnostic nature of the procedure
  5. What is normal after highlight hysteroresectoscopy?
  6. What are the selection after the removal of polyps in the uterus
  7. Secretion after curettage
  8. Pathological secretion of the uterus after hysteroscopy
  9. of bleeding
  10. yellow discharge
  11. pus
  12. If there is no selection at all

Recent decades science has made a real breakthrough in the field of diagnosis and treatment of various gynecological pathologies. Innovative developments in this field can significantly reduce the need for abdominal surgery in the treatment of various ailments, leading them to replace less invasive methods of influence. One such method is hysteroscopy. With its help it is possible not only to the implementation of quality and informative diagnostics, but also the adoption of measures to address the existing problems.

Many representatives of the fair half, who will pass such a procedure, there is a lot of legitimate questions. How is the recovery period? What allocation after hysteroscopy can be considered normal, and what - pathological? They can last for how many days?

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Allocation after hysteroscopy

What is the essence of the procedure?

Hysteroscopy - is medical manipulation, the essence of which consists in visual inspection of the cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes by means of special optical systems. This procedure can be carried out both for diagnostic purposes and for the purposes of treatment without the use of direct surgical intervention.

Modern equipment used during hysteroscopy, allows you to get high-precision results. So using this method doctors can not establish the cause of infertility, to diagnose the presence and localization of tumors to confirm the development of hyperplastic processes and structure anomalies bodies reproductive system. In addition, the further treatment of detected abnormalities are also often combined with hysteroscopy.

types of hysteroscopy

There are two types of this medical procedure. These differences are caused by targets with which it is held.

  1. Diagnostic used directly for the detection of pathological changes in the reproductive system, and sometimes with the aim of monitoring the implementation of earlier treatment. At its core, it's just a shot inspection, which does not entail damage to the mucous layer lining the internal reproductive organs.
  2. Medical pursues more than receptive target. In such a case it is not only optical, but microsurgical equipment. Hysteroscopy - great, for example, for scraping, removal of polyps in the uterus, determining patency of the fallopian tubes, fibroids resection, biopsy sampling of material.

whether this procedure is painful

Before carrying out an unfamiliar procedure, this question is quite natural. Hysteroscopy is a diagnostic plan does not bring women significant discomfort or pain. Calibration is done, usually without the use of anesthetics.

Medical - is another matter. Surgical manipulation of such a plan are carried out under the influence of general anesthesia. In the course of a woman he does not feel any pain, but they can occur after surgery. The degree of severity depends on how much was traumatic procedure. Most often, discomfort are reduced to pulling pain localized in the lower abdomen and waist area. In intensity, they are close to the discomfort experienced during menstruation. For the recovery period is also typical appearance of blood secretions may sometimes go only sanies.

Secretion after a diagnostic nature of the procedure

Diagnosis of the uterus and fallopian tubes using hysteroscopy, as a rule, does not imply that the woman walked intensive selection in the recovery period. In the long run, the woman on the first day sometimes observed active or pink sukrovichnye allocation. Probability and spotting after hysteroscopy in minor amounts. Further still may continue for several days spotting, and it is not a deviation, since during the inspection could happen mechanical damage of the top layer of the endometrium. After some time after the spotting is over, may slightly intensify the secretion of mucous character. It speaks of a final restoration of the integrity of the damaged areas of the endometrium.

Sukrovichnye allocationBright pink highlightpink allocationbrownish allocation

What is normal after highlight hysteroresectoscopy?

Hysteroresectoscopy - a combination of visual inspection with surgical procedures. Let us see what selection after hysteroscopy to treat considered natural.

What are the selection after the removal of polyps in the uterus

Polypectomy (removal of a polyp in the uterus) - is a common gynecological surgery. If earlier it was carried out by scraping, ie manipulation carried out, in fact, blind, then today moment an opportunity to remove these tumors with a more high-tech procedures - hysteroscopy.

Thanks to its use of the rehabilitation process is much faster. Women are often interested in the question of what evolution was observed after removal of polyps in the uterus and how much they will last. Allocation after manipulations have blood in nature and they only last for a few days. In the first hours it can be red blood gradually replace its brown discharge, and after 2-3 days can appear quite abundant mucous. Such dynamics mean that the conduct of hysteroscopy did not give complications.

BloodBloody issuesbloody mucus

Secretion after curettage

Scraping - a manipulation, the essence of which is to remove the surface layer of the endometrium for therapeutic purposes or for the purpose of diagnosis. This procedure has 2 versions: normal cleaning and separate diagnostic curettage. Unlike WFD is phased curettage cervical first, and then the internal body cavity.

Application as a hysteroscopy accompanying procedures for scraping can significantly improve the quality of a given medical manipulation and reduce risks. Visual inspection allows you to adjust the performance of the technique, improving its results.

If we talk about the rate of discharge after curettage, the first thing is to see a woman immediately after the procedure - is the blood of scarlet (Just a few hours). Gradually, their color darkens, taking brownish tint. They can be abundant 2-3 days after cleaning. This may present moderate pain in pulling the nature of the lower abdomen. When it took about 3 days after the curettage, the secretion becomes sukrovichnoy or yellow, its intensity decreases. Considered normal also spotting after curettage for about 10 days after the procedure. Gradually, they should replace the normal mucous secretion in the form of cables.

Scarlet allocationRed-korichnyvye allocation

Pathological secretion of the uterus after hysteroscopy

Complications from the procedure are accompanied by increased pain often, deterioration of general well-being, as well as changes in the nature of the secret released from the vagina. Pathological causes of discharge after hysteroscopy may be accompanied by the following types of secretion:

of bleeding

If after three days of bleeding after polyp removal of the uterus does not stop, and, perhaps, increase their profusion, it may be a sign of an ongoing bleeding episode. Alert should a large number of blood clots in weight.

curettage procedure permits the isolation of bloody nature lasted a little longer. But it should be clearly observed the dynamics of a decrease in their number and the gradual reduction of blood.

If suddenly renewed bleeding and the color of blood is red hue, you should immediately seek medical help. Such a condition can pose a potential threat to a woman's life.

Find out when the go month after hysteroscopy.

yellow discharge

A small amount of yellowish secretion may be one norm, for example, after the curettage procedure. He appeared in 2-3 days and may persist in the first week. If this secretion is released more rapidly and is accompanied by increased abdominal pain, unpleasant odors, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. Perhaps this is the beginning of the accession of infection and inflammation.


If the recovery period you notice traces of pus in the vaginal secretions, it is a sure sign that in some body goes inflammatory process. Additionally, it may join a general malaise, pyrexia, pain in the abdomen and sacrum, repulsive odor. Consider also our article on the link, which can be causes purulent discharge in women after surgery

If there is no selection at all

If after hysteroscopy no discharge, then it probably is a question of manipulation carried out for the purpose of visual inspection of the uterus, fallopian tubes or monitor the implementation of earlier treatment. In this case, the reason that does not go allocation is piece of work the doctor in charge of the inspection, and worry about.

However, after removal of the release of endometrial polyps may be absent that often signals about complications during the rehabilitation period.

Excision of the endometrium in any case, suggests that after hysteroscopy allocation will necessarily be a few can vary the number and nature.

Perhaps, for some reason, the liquid stagnates in the uterine cavity. This phenomenon is called Hematometra. Especially should be alerted increased pain, general health deterioration, temperature rise. Upon detection of such symptoms immediately go to the doctor.

Hysteroscopy - one of the modern methods of diagnosis, not less marketable than GHA fallopian tubes (hysterosalpingography) and laparoscopy. So after laparoscopy, hysteroscopy carried out in parallel with, it is possible simultaneously to diagnose and resolve a number of disruptions of the reproductive system, minimizing the need for abdominal surgery and maintaining reproductive health patient. After HSG, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, many women suffer from infertility were able, finally, to know the joy of motherhood. The use of these unique methods in gynecological practice can significantly improve the quality of care and reduce the risk of complications. Explore the article link and information about the nature of the discharge after laparoscopy.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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