Mucus during pregnancy: the early stages of the mucus in the second trimester to the third trimester


  1. Reasons for the formation of mucus
  2. hormonal changes
  3. Inflammatory process
  4. Normal mucus in different periods of pregnancy
  5. The first and second trimester
  6. Early gestation
  7. After 12 weeks of pregnancy
  8. The later stages
  9. Discharge of mucus plug
  10. Leakage of amniotic fluid
  11. What do the different shades of mucous secretions during pregnancy
  12. White
  13. Yellow
  14. Brown and red
  15. Green
  16. Pink

Female body endowed with appropriate mechanisms for conceiving and carrying a child. Mucus from the vagina it plays quite a significant role. In this case, many expectant mothers panic when they notice mucus during pregnancy. This time is characterized by a number of processes that normally cause a similar symptom. However, there are situations when the mucus becomes a harbinger or a sign of inflammation.

This is a popular topic for discussion in the network. A large number of requests calls for a detailed discussion on this subject. The following will try to answer the most urgent questions of women.

Mucous discharge during pregnancy

Reasons for the formation of mucus

CommentEkaterina, 24 years old: "Hello. I have now is nine weeks. In the last couple of days notice thick mucus in the form of a nozzle. Maybe someone knows why they could appear and is it ok? "

instagram viewer

CommentMarina, 30 years old: "Hello. Prompt, pregnancy discharge, similar to snot and odorless - it's dangerous? "

hormonal changes

Themselves mucous clear discharge produced by glands that are located in and around the uterus neck. Their number varies according to the periods of the menstrual cycle. This happens prior to conception. After him, all slightly different, because the hormones are not becoming dependent on the phase of the cycle, and a way of increasing gestational age. Thus, mucosal secretions of pregnant result of enhanced production of hormones.

This process begins from the moment of ovulation. At this time the sexual secret has a watery consistency and has a profusion. Such changes create a favorable environment for fertilization. After conception directly responsible for secretion of mucus progesterone. It is this hormone is responsible for the preservation and development of the fetus. With its lack assign appropriate therapy. Toward the middle of pregnancy, the work turns on estrogen. Said hormone slightly changes the intensity and consistency of the mucus.

It must be remembered that these processes are not accompanied by any uncomfortable feelings for the woman. They belong to a series of natural and does not cause concern.

Inflammatory process

Spin in a mucus during pregnancy may also appear in a result of an inflammatory process. Among those found increased multiplication of pathogens, diseases of the urogenital system, genital tract infections and some chronic systemic diseases, etc.

Signs that complements the symptom, together with the results of analysis can provide a clearer picture of the future mother.

Below is a closer look at how to distinguish normal from abnormal discharge in color, texture and, of course, the period of pregnancy.

Normal mucus in different periods of pregnancy

colorless allocation of pregnancyLike snot, more often than not portend disaster.

 Selection as snot
As snot
transparent allocation

They are the result of hormone effects on the body. Certainly, you will need to monitor the overall health. Normally, this mucus should not accompanied by other symptoms (unpleasant odor, itching, burning).

Discharge with odor during pregnancy You should alert a woman. Find out what could be the reasons for the change of secretion by reference flavor.

However, it should be borne in mind that clear mucus mixed with blood may occur after sexual intercourse without contraception. This is a phenomenon some experts see as an early sign of fertilization. Changes that occur in the future, are directly dependent on the duration of pregnancy and certain individual traits of an organism.

The first and second trimester

CommentVera, 26 years, "noticed a copious mucus on pregnancy week 9 transparent. Nothing else worries. This may be normal? "

CommentOlya, 31 years old: "The girls who have ever been highlight by 14 weeks' gestation are light, almost transparent?"

CommentVictoria, 22 years old: "Hello. Began transparent allocation by 21 weeks of gestation. A few days later I began to pull the belly. K went to the gynecologist, he says everything is fine, and I'm worried. It seems to have no pain, but you never know... Help advice! "

CommentElena, 22 years old: "Please tell me. I appeared at 24 weeks of pregnancy the mucus is colorless and odorless, but thinner than ever. Quite often it is necessary to change daily linings. What could it be?"

Early gestation

As already mentioned above, normal mucus during early pregnancy should be odorless and characteristic color. In its structure, they are egg protein in raw form. Thus, in the first trimester of mucus thick and colorless. Set to light bright blotches.

Almost all processes in the body in the early stages is completely dependent on the production of progesterone. Besides the fact that this hormone helps keep the fruit, it is also involved in the formation of mucus plug, which is a clot of mucus in the cervical canal. It represents a kind of barrier to infection and bacteria on the way to the membranes. That is why from time to time appear transparent jelly separation During this period do not indicate a flow of negative processes, it is only a particle of the mucous plug.

White mucus
The former slime

Of course, such processes can cause some problems with hygiene for women, but here to the aid of dailies and shower in the morning and evening. "Snotty" discharge during pregnancy should not normally have the shade. If the mucus began to change color, you need to inform your gynecologist. The same should be done and with the appearance of atypical symptoms and signs.

After 12 weeks of pregnancy

By the mid-term nature of the sexual secretions gradually changing. So, mucous discharge in pregnancy during the second trimester are more liquid.

 allocation watery

Such a process is explained by the influence of estrogen on the body. Do not be scared profusion secret. Most women at this time can not do without the use of panty liners. But also need to be careful with them. Important time to change hygiene products, so as not to create a favorable environment for microorganisms.

Pay attention to the intensity and nature of sexual secretions emitted. The appearance of uncharacteristic color, odor or consistency should alert future mother.

The later stages

CommentOlga, 27 years old: "At 38 weeks of pregnancy mucus - a cork waste? I can not understand how this should be done. Tell me. "

CommentMaria, 30 years old: "Hello. Help, mucous discharge at 40 weeks of pregnancy indicate the beginning of labor or not? "

CommentDaria, 21 years: "Girls, SOS! Intensive allocation by 39 weeks of gestation. It turned out a lot right away. Now smaller somehow. What could it be?"

Mucus during pregnancy in the third trimester of nature resemble the same as they were in the second trimester. Although there may be some changes.

If in addition to thick mucus does not bother anything, can be nothing to worry about. Any negative changes need time to tell your doctor.

By the end of pregnancy is considered to be the norm as a watery secretion, and a thick and viscous. Shade in this case must be transparent or with small white patches. The presence of small blood clots, suggesting a possible placental abruption, but this phenomenon is accompanied by a drawing pains in the abdomen and subsequent bleeding from the vagina. In this case, immediately call an ambulance.

Discharge of mucus plug

Allocation at birth abortion vary even in the absence of any problems. So, towards the end of the body prepares the birth canal to receive the baby. If during the term of the cervical canal was covered with a mucous plug to protect the child, but now he needs to prepare for the opening. Thus, the mucus at 37 weeks gestation and later signal of imminent childbirth. They are of similar consistency, as before, but with a touch of pink and red.

pink slime
pink slime
pink allocation
pink allocation

Regarding profusion can not say for sure, since the tube moves in some women at a time, while others gradually. Accordingly, the amount of mucus will depend on the flow of the process. If you noticed a similar phenomenon, do not worry, childbirth can come in a week. mucus plug output only their early harbinger of which do not even notice it.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

Sometimes isolation during pregnancy as a snot is a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid. Thus they are liquid in nature and with a characteristic sweet odor.

amniotic fluid
amniotic fluid
amniotic fluid
amniotic fluid

This is the state before the deadline at 37-38 weeks is considered dangerous for the child, as to a violation of the fetal membranes. For diagnostics are used as special tests at a reception at the gynecologist, and pharmaceutical testing. treatment policy is selected depending on the duration and the accompanying symptoms.

Independently difficult to determine for a particular pathological process. It needs a competent specialist advice and appropriate examination. However, we must be informed about possible diagnoses and, when an urgent need to seek help.

What do the different shades of mucous secretions during pregnancy

CommentElena, 25 years: "Dedicated to the 32 week of pregnancy, some dull yellow color. Plus it a small irritation to the skin underneath. Has anyone had it? I went to the doctor? "

CommentNadezhda, 24 years old: "I have appeared allocation to 26 weeks of pregnancy, white, but thick enough. It burns a little there. It is the thrush? "

CommentKarina, 23 years old: "Hello everyone. Help is needed. The whole period does not hurt, it was all good. At 39 weeks of pregnancy mucus some went. It seems to read that the plug should move away, but as it happens, I do not know. Explain, please!"

CommentMarina, 33 years old: "I know that brown discharge at 36 weeks of gestation - a bad sign, and you need to run to the doctor, but can anyone tell who this was that you wrote out as a treat, and all because of what is beginning "?

No color of mucus, as we have already decided, is quite normal for a healthy body. The flow of the inflammatory process we have to go when the secret gets any unnatural hue. The reasons for this large set: reproduction of microorganisms, infection, diseases of the pelvic organs and others. We will understand more about different colors of sexual secretions.


White mucus during pregnancy - a variant of the norm, but only when they are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. If the consistency is like no longer on the mucus, and cottage cheese is white, then you are likely to thrush.

Allocation for thrush in women
cheesy discharge

It is a disease in itself is not so dangerous, but during childbirth contributes to contamination of the baby, and therefore requires mandatory treatment.


Secretion of yellow - a common symptom of inflammatory processes running, sometimes septic, and vaginal infections (Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Staphylococcus and other bacteria).

Bright yellow discharge
bright yellow

In the event that the mucus has acquired a bright yellow tint, you should immediately consult your doctor. This is the most obvious symptom of inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries. This phenomenon is quite dangerous by nature for the health of pregnant women and requires prompt treatment.

Brown and red

Brown or bloody secret should alert future mother, unless estimated time of month or the end of pregnancy.

brown discharge
Discharge of mucus plug at the pregnant woman
Discharge of mucus plug

In the first case, said tag should not last for more than two days and accompanied by pain, burning and other unpleasant phenomena. In the second case - this could be a way out of the mucous plug. At any other time of the appearance of symptoms should immediately tell the gynecologist, because the presence of blood in the mucus may indicate a threatened abortion, which requires immediate action and often hospitalization.


Selection as snot during pregnancy, with a greenish tinge, - feedback on the body of genital infections. In that case, if they have a foamy consistency, it is necessary to talk about the infection with gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.

green discharge
Green-yellow discharge

Green mucus during pregnancy always observed together with a sharp pain during urination and itching in the genital area.


About the presence of blood in the genital secretions also say isolation pink hue.

pink allocation
pinkish discharge

Cheerleaders must, if there were, along with other negative symptoms and continued for several days.

Pink highlight on the strip
Pink highlight on the strip
Scarlet allocation

If you replace this shade selections come darker or blood appears - immediately call an ambulance. Most likely, this is a risk of miscarriage.

Remember that the sharp appearance of an uncharacteristic symptoms, whether discharge or pain, you should immediately report observes you gynecologist. In any case, better to be safe and to pass an unscheduled inspection, than to endanger your health and your baby's health.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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