How to distinguish a leakage of amniotic fluid from the discharge (during pregnancy)


  1. How to distinguish a leakage of amniotic fluid?
  2. Test to determine the outpouring of water
  3. How to determine the gynecologist?
  4. Why is water leaking?
  5. Classification depending on the time of leakage water
  6. The risk of premature leakage of amniotic fluid?
  7. Gynecological measures to eliminate the outpouring of amniotic fluid
  8. prevention

During pregnancy a woman's body, a so-called amniotic fluid. It surrounds the fetus and performs different functions: metabolism, protection against external influences, maintain sterility and others. Its outpouring, as a rule, a sign of the onset of labor. However, it happens that even before the expected birth of water begin to leak. It was then that the question may arise as to distinguish the leakage of amniotic fluid from the discharge.

How do you know that leaking water

How to distinguish a leakage of amniotic fluid?

Notice a lump outpouring of amniotic fluid is not difficult. It may be the volume to 500 ml. This happens when the membranes rupture occurred in its base in the cervix. In this case, nothing prevents the liquid immediately come out. If the rupture has occurred elsewhere, the amniotic fluid may be varied gradually. Their small amount can easily be confused with conventional secretions or urinary incontinence, which is sometimes observed in pregnant women.

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Recognize water leak can be in a number of the main features:

  1. Duration: pour water constantly, until the baby is born; discharge may appear and then disappear.
  2. Consistency: liquid as vodichka, conventional precipitates - thicker (mucosa or curd).
  3. Odor: unique, not like the smell of urine or excreta.
  4. Color: normally transparent, but may have a brownish, reddish or greenish, which is a bad sign (medical emergency); discharge usually has a whitish color.

On only one these signs is sometimes difficult to understand what had to face - with abundant secretions or gradually retreating waters. Therefore, to determine, there are several methods.

Test to determine the outpouring of water

For leaks correct diagnosis can be carried out test or refer to watching your gynecologist.

How to determine at home? Gradual outpouring okolopolodnyh water without going to the doctor can be identified in two ways:

  • Put a white diaper, empty before the bladder, wait 1.5-2 hours. If after this time will gradually appear stains, then, most likely, there was a rupture of membranes.
  • Buy at the pharmacy a special test. They are usually sold in the form of pads, which contain specific substances to determine the presence / absence of water.

In either case, to confirm or refute the leakage of amniotic fluid or discharge is only capable of a specialist, so if in any doubt should immediately seek help.

How to determine the gynecologist?

The gynecologist will examine on a chair. In the course of this you may be asked to cough to increase the pressure on the intraperitoneal area. If the fetal bladder is damaged, there will be a small liquid discharge. Additionally, the physician will smear on the detection characteristic for the substance elements. Only the results of these tests, you will have 100% response.

Why is water leaking?

Normally, the selection of amniotic fluid occurs at the initial stage of labor when the cervix begins to be slightly opened, and the fetal bladder spontaneously breaks under stress from contractions. Pregnancy is considered full-term, if the process has started on the age of 37 weeks or more.

The reasons for the premature rupture can be the following:

  • infectious or inflammatory process in the mother;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • injury to a pregnant woman or abnormalities in the structure of the body, leading to poor pressing of membranes;
  • incomplete closure of the cervix or the inability to sustain an intrauterine pressure;
  • multiple pregnancy or hydramnion;
  • violating the integrity of the membranes during certain tests (e.g., amniocentesis or cordocentesis);
  • chronic disease in women, bad habits.

Typically, a gynecologist at the beginning of pregnancy indicates risk of premature rupture of membranes, especially if you have a high risk of this phenomenon.

Classification depending on the time of leakage water

The outpouring may occur at different times. Depending on this sign is allocated several of its varieties:

  1. Timely - it comes with full or nearly full dilation of the cervix.
  2. Premature - begins to stable labor.
  3. Early - in the early stages of labor, but when the disclosure has not yet begun.
  4. Belated - generic activities in full swing, but the gap has not occurred due to the high density of bubble shell (in this case, the doctor pierces the bubble).
  5. PPROM above the level of the cervical canal.

Any of these options can be considered favorable if the full-term pregnancies and labors begins in a timely manner. If this occurred before 37 weeks, the doctor will act on the situation, based on the hazard to the fetus and the woman.

The risk of premature leakage of amniotic fluid?

The consequences of early leakage of amniotic fluid can be judged from the functions performed by this fluid for the baby. For example, it protects the fruit from all kinds of infections. Violation of the shell can provide access to any viruses and strains. Reducing the amount of water may also impair their barrier function against mechanical damage. And, among other things, the substance prevents compression of the umbilical cord of the child, provides normal blood circulation in all his limbs.

Amniotic fluid is a unique environment for a living organism, which is enriched with all the necessary elements for its life. She plays the role of the immune system before birth. Any breach in its composition could lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, early diagnosis of this phenomenon is capable of maximum to save the pregnancy and baby health. And, of course, an important determinant of the risk of the phenomenon, it is considered the gestational age. The higher it is, the higher the chances to avoid any negative consequences were.

Gynecological measures to eliminate the outpouring of amniotic fluid

Tactics physicians in identifying this problem is totally dependent on the duration of pregnancy and the level of preparedness of the birth canal.

In the early stages of the experts we have to figure out the time when it started leaking. If it is more than six hours, then immediately assigned antibiotic therapy to prevent infection of the fetus.

When a full-term pregnancy after only 2-3 hours of labor begins, if it did not appoint her encouragement. Thus it is necessary to determine the willingness to leave the cervix. Her immaturity in this situation is the need for more and hormone replacement therapy.

Contraindications to vaginal birth are an indication for caesarean section.

When the leak was detected for up to 35 weeks if there are no signs of infection, the woman watched in the hospital. This is due to the fact that before this period is the development of the child's airway, and every day is very important for him. In this case, the woman is shown:

  • bed rest;
  • Ultrasound, CTG and other monitoring of the baby;
  • prevention of hypoxia;
  • antibiotic therapy in case of infection.

Further strategy depends on the availability of the birth canal. Doctors choose between natural birth and caesarean section.


In itself a warning early rupture of the amniotic fluid includes early treatment of cervical incompetence and threatening miscarriage. In the latter case, a woman lay on the preservation of a medical facility. Besides it is necessary to reorganize the birth canal and prevention of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Any atypical phenomena, whether discharge or painShould be reported in a timely manner to the gynecologist, who leads your pregnancy. Early diagnosis of many diseases and pathologies can increase the chances of a favorable labor.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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