Lubricants in menopause how to choose (reviews): dryness in the intimate zone


  1. Causes dryness of mucous membranes and skin during menopause
  2. poor circulation
  3. Stress
  4. Bad habits
  5. intimate hygiene products
  6. infection
  7. neoplasms
  8. Remedy
  9. dryness treatment of folk remedies
  10. Especially the selection and use of lubricants during menopause
  11. Common lubricants in menopause
  12. Reviews of wetting agents in menopause

A woman's body - a very delicate and complicated mechanism. Therefore, in the extinction of the reproductive function of the changes affecting his every system, organ, tissue and cell. This leads to the appearance of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, including dryness and discomfort in the intimate area.

Such a phenomenon can become not only reason for the lack of sexual desire, but also a variety of inflammatory processes as a natural lubricant is a protective barrier between the local environment and microbes and microdamages outside.

Often, experts have resorted to hormone therapy. Also to the aid of plant hormones, Supplements, Homeopathy in menopause. For topical treatment, you can choose gels, creams, lubricants, and their modern medicine and pharmaceuticals represent a broad range. How to choose a suitable lubricant, opinions about them, as well as other ways of getting rid of the annoying problems you find in this article.

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Causes dryness of mucous membranes and skin during menopause

The main cause of all problems in the menopause is hormonal disorders. At the completion of the work ovaries cease to be produced in the desired amount female hormones. Also develops a process of degeneration of female genital mutilation, both internal and external. This provokes a disorder causing dryness in the intimate area during climax.

poor circulation

Firstly, due to circulatory disorders weakened blood flow to the pelvic area. Because of this tissue does not get enough to eat, the mucous membrane becomes thinner. As a consequence - a special gland no longer necessary to allocate a substance which is a lubricant or highlights it in insufficient quantities.


Menopause for many of the female is stress. There are feelings about aging, fear of upcoming uncomfortable sensations, drastic changes in his life. This affects all body systems, including the secretory function of the mucous membranes.

At all stages of menopause, including during menopause, most women have resorted to the use of drugs. Someone is using hormone therapy, picked up on their own, others - treat age-related diseases. Most of the medicines and cause lack of lubricant.

Since the hormonal surges violate psycho-emotional state, it is manifested by irritability, fatigue, apathy, neuroses in menopause. These symptoms may occur abruptly during sex, leading to a dramatic loss of lubricant. So do not throw away and psychosomatic causes.

Bad habits

Bad habits have a detrimental effect on the entire body, especially the female. The first to suffer the sexual organs. Again, smoking and alcohol violate exchange of blood, which leads to this kind of problems.

When menopauseIt is very important to conduct a correct lifestyle, eating correctly, eliminate fatty and spicy foods, getting enough oxygen. If this does not happen, the already weakened body can not cope with their functions, let them know about it.

intimate hygiene products

Chemicals which reach the mucous composed hygiene products may also cause vaginal dryness in menopause. So you should very carefully consider the choice of intimate means in menopause.


Not excluded, and some infections or sexually transmitted diseases, because the immune system during menopause is very weak, so the probability of an attack various ailments increases significantly.


In patients receiving hormonal agents tumors may develop in rare cases, including in the genitals. One of these symptoms is dryness of mucous membranes.


Dry mucous membranes, and discomfort in the intimate area, as such, are not diagnosed by physicians. These unpleasant sensations you can feel only. As soon as it happened - should immediately see a specialist, and to describe all the changes happening to you.

If no other problems are not an expert diagnoses, eliminate various diseases or contraindications, it is likely you will manage the local effect of the drug. They can be gormonosoderzhaschimi and completely natural origin. These include candles, ointments, gels, cream dryness in intimal area in menopause. Basically, they are known as lubricants.

Gormonosoderzhaschie means simulate the action of female hormones and directly affect secretion mucous membranes, causing them to emit the desired amount of lubricant. Other agents have also smazochnopodobnuyu basis and consistency, moistening covers and performing actions similar to the natural lubrication.

In more serious cases, doctors prescribe hormone therapy in common action, corrective hormones. Often, when such therapy by means of an intimate dry zone will be a supplement to the basic drugs.

dryness treatment of folk remedies

Opponents of medical intervention after excluding serious diseases and a lack of hormones come to the aid phytotherapy. It will not only help to eliminate discomfort in the intimate area, but will have a preventive effect.

Reduce inflammation, moisturize the covers and get rid of the burning sensation will help baths, compression douching. In addition to outdoor use, it is worth noting the effectiveness of the use of broths and teas. For example, the decoction is efficient camomile, marigold, nettle and veronica oregano with the addition of drug. The mixture is poured water, and boiled for 5-10 minutes, drain, drink for two weeks.

It was noted that if within a week to take in a seated position lukewarm bath with motherwort, you can get rid of the dryness and burning.

It will be useful to add an infusion of calendula formulated for douching. Chamomile also helps to reduce inflammation.

Tocopherol (also known as vitamin E) is part of many lubricants and cosmetics that remove dry mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, we can use a tampon impregnated with tocopherol oil solution for administration to the vagina.

These and other natural products from drying may be used either alone or in combination with drug therapy.

Especially the selection and use of lubricants during menopause

Regardless of whether you yourself will choose the means by dryness of mucous membranes or not, pay attention to the composition.

  1. The lubricant should contain lactic acid, whose action is directed at maintaining the balance of the microflora.
  2. PH-balance should be neutral. Otherwise, such funds can cause more damage and excessive sap cover.
  3. Vitamin E at menopause It promotes hydration and maintain the normal condition of the epithelium of the mucous membranes.
  4. Any lubricant should have an antibacterial substance.
  5. When choosing a look for the amount of fat content. They should be composed necessarily, and the more - the better.
  6. Opting lubricants, which include medicinal ingredients and D-panthenol.
  7. It is better to give up the funds with a bright aroma and dyes. Any excess chemicals for now you will not benefit.
  8. Choose funds only for the intimate area. No creams, gels for the face, body and other parts of the body will not work.

Depending on what kind of medication you choose will depend on its use and features:

  • means for use after wetting better hygienic cleaning intimate zone (also PH-neutral means);
  • Apply the medication only need to clean hands;
  • initially recommended to apply lubricant to the palm, and then uniformly smooth and gentle movement to distribute them on intimal area;
  • if the instruction requires internal introduction, and for this there are special nozzles, it is better to enter the facility without hands, and specially provided device.

Common lubricants in menopause

Domestic and foreign pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of lubricants with the menopause.

Gormonosoderzhaschimi known lubricants are Divigel, Ovestin, Dermestril, CLIMAR. Their active ingredient is a hormone-like substance - estriol, which enhances the pelvic circulation and increase blood supply to the genitals, strengthening the endocrine glands which are responsible for mucus production.

Great demand and hormonal candles. It Estrokad, Ovestin candles, Ovipol Clio. The main substance in them is also estriol.

Lubrication at menopause may not contain hormones, and have an effect due to a vegetable or other effective components. This includes Montavit-gel which balances the natural secretion of mucous. Domestic is representative lubricant Uslada which restores the mucous and possesses beneficial healing properties. Because lubricants Feminel creams may be noted that in addition to lactic acid and milk protein includes known components such as shea butter. Vagilak cream improves elasticity and actively moisturizes the mucous membranes. And that's not all lubricants that have been successfully used in the menopause.

Reviews of wetting agents in menopause

Analyzing the responses of experts and women of lubricants in menopause, it can be concluded that these drugs do not hurt anyone yet. If the specialist rule out contraindications and correctly prescribe treatment, in 95% of the fairer sex we have noted only the effective result of the use of these funds. Most often, experts note gormonosoderzhaschie lubricants, since their action is not a one-off, but is aimed at addressing the problem in the bud. Those. simulating the effect of the missing hormones, they eliminate the discomfort and create a natural mucus barrier between bodies of the intimate area and the external environment.

However, in some cases, there is addiction to hormonal lubricants and at the end of the use of their effect is reduced to zero. But it is very rare. Lubricants without hormones have virtually no contraindications and is actively used by women in different forms. Someone in awe of candles because of their ease of administration and application, others prefer gels. But the opinion of all women agree on one thing: lubricants significantly improve the quality of sexual life and life at menopause as a whole.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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