Hot flashes during menopause treatment folk remedies in the home


  1. Can the traditional medicine to help with menopause?
  2. Most popular recipes from hot flashes during menopause
  3. Borovaya uterus
  4. marjoram
  5. angelica
  6. red clover
  7. Viburnum
  8. Red brush
  9. Linden
  10. cucumber whip
  11. lady's purse
  12. Sage
  13. Hop cones
  14. Fitosbory of tides in menopause

Hot flashes are one of the most eloquent signs of menopause. And sometimes it is a pathological manifestation gives a woman the greatest amount of discomfort, that, despite the fact that menopause itself is not a disease, require the use of therapeutic procedures. In this case, an excellent treatment option can be a folk remedies for hot flashes during menopause.

Herbs from the tides

Can the traditional medicine to help with menopause?

Today decided to underestimate the capabilities of traditional medicine, and it is easy to explain, because the pharmaceutical market It offers a huge number of synthetic drugs, which are able to solve these issues as soon as time. This is the main reason that traditional herbal medicine loses its relevance. And it is in vain. After all, menopause treatment folk remedies can not only eliminate the adverse symptoms, but also to prevent the occurrence with the adverse effects of drug therapy. Moreover, the obstacles to the use of herbal medicines there is much less.

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whether the treatment of hot flushes during menopause is capable of folk remedies to be effective? Of course yes. After all, a large number of pharmaceutical drugs to combat pathological menopause is created based on the beneficial properties of medicinal plants. These funds have long known to everybody and, moreover, they have earned positive reviews a large number of women. It may be mentioned as examples: Klimadinon, Klimaktoplan, Remens, Inoklym, Qi-Clim Etrovel et al.
At the heart of all of these drugs incorporated the use of the unique properties of plant hormones - their ability to replace a natural estrogen, the number of which steadily during menostaza reduced. Due to the fact that the treatment of hot flashes in menopause, even folk remedies recognized traditional medicine, to talk about the ineffectiveness of herbal medicine is not necessary. Another question that this treatment requires long-term and systematic approach. Otherwise, do not expect a prolonged effect.

Most popular recipes from hot flashes during menopause

How to reduce hot flashes during menopause using folk remedies? Let's look at the most popular plants, which were very effective in the treatment of abnormal menopause.

Borovaya uterus

Borovaya uterus - grass, from time immemorial considered feminine. If you use herbal infusions and decoctions on the basis of this plant, it is possible to significantly reduce the negative effects of menopause. Most non-hormonal agents in menopausal hot flushes They are a part of this medicinal plant. Regular use of organic agents with upland uterus is able not only to eliminate the main symptoms of hot flushes (hyperhidrosis heart palpitations, Dizziness, weakness, pressure drops), but also help to avoid gynecological problems associated with the menopause. Positively affects the use of the properties of this plant and the appearance of women, because of the high concentration of phytoestrogens in its composition.

As a therapeutic tool is most often used a decoction of this herb. To cook 2 tsp dried herb is poured 300 ml of boiling water and tomyat water bath for 20 minutes. The vessel is insulated with a product and insist about an hour. Taking medication 4-5 times a day before meals for 1 st. spoon. The course of treatment - from 2 weeks to 1 month.


Oregano - another effective female grass, useful properties which are successfully used to combat hot flashes. A course of treatment with infusion of plants or continuous addition of the tea it charges not only helps reduce hot flashes during menopause, but also to restore adaptive function of the autonomic nervous system, improve sleep, reduce the frequency of headaches, speed up the metabolism and prolong the functional capacity ovary.

Prepare the broth at home is not difficult. To do this, 3 tbsp ground dry grass is poured 750 ml of water, heated on a steam bath for about a quarter hour to insist wrapped and cooling means. The menopause is recommended to drink half a cup of decoction 3 times a day.


Angelica in Tibet is considered the most useful plant for women's health. With its help treat multiple gynecological disease, heart disease, liver and spleen. Funds on the basis of angelica help in the fight against uterine bleeding in menopause unplanned nature, stimulate the secretory function of sexual glands, prevent iron deficiency anemia, women calm the nervous system, eliminate the symptoms of hot flushes.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of an infusion of the roots of angelica in menopause. To make it 10 g of finely chopped (dried) root boiled water (200 ml) and heated on a steam bath for half an hour. Leave to infuse, wrapped warmly. Take 1/3 cup three times a day.

red clover

Red Clover - plant, which has broad spectrum of medicinal properties. One of them is the ability to eliminate Symptoms of the climacteric syndromeIn particular, the tides. After a course of treatment extract of red clover unable to restore the vestibular system, reduce the intensity of headaches, eliminate increased sweatingReduce pressure - that is to neutralize the basic signs of hot flashes.

Preparation of infusion: 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers clover filled with 300 ml of boiling water and infused for 20-30 minutes. Means used twice a day (morning and evening) before meals.


Kalina is able to provide significant relief from pathological climax. In particular, the use of a handful of fresh (or frozen) berries helps daily stabilize blood pressure. When tides and insomnia at night it is recommended to drink tea with viburnum berries and honey. Hyperhidrosis retreat when taking a decoction of the bark of this plant. Kalina also provides tonic and tonic effect.

Preparation of decoction of the bark of Viburnum: 1 tbsp powdered bark pour boiling water (250 ml) and warmed on a steam bath for 15 minutes. Before a meal consumed 1/3 of the obtained product (3 times a day), adding a little honey.

Red brush

Red brush - another typical female plant, is used by many generations of women to alleviate the pathological manifestations menostaza. Phytoestrogens that are part of the red brush, can relieve hot flashes, because, by eliminating estrogen deficiency, it is possible to stabilize hormonal levels. Whereas formulations with red brush can get rid of emotional instability, hyperhidrosis, headaches, sleep disorders, high blood pressure surges.

Infusion: 1 teaspoon raw sugar and 200 ml boiling water for 20 minutes. Drink it means it takes three times a day for 1/3 cup before eating.


Lipa, due to the content of plant hormones used in the treatment of pathological menopause and prevention of early menopause. Receiving lime blossom permanently establishes thermoregulatory processes has a rejuvenating effect on the female body, eliminates estrogenic deficiency, thereby neutralizing hot flushes.

Tea with linden flowers received daily (1 cup) for a month, can significantly facilitate the flow of the menopausal period.

cucumber whip

Whip cucumber - a great tool to help deal with the tides, as well as prevent the development of uterine bleeding. Its action is based on the ability to eliminate progesterone deficiency during menopause.

Preparation of drug: 50 g of dried raw material (leaves and stalks) pour 500 ml hot water, brought to a boil and insist about half an hour. Drink product three times a day ½ cup before meals.

lady's purse

Shepherd's purse - unsightly weed, containing in its composition valuable for women's health substances - phytoestrogens. This herb not only eliminates the symptoms of hot flushes, but also helps to prevent and cure dysfunctional uterine bleeding, to normalize pressure, suspend the development of atherosclerosis, improve enforcement GIT. Shepherd's purse is an excellent preventive tool in the fight with cancer.

How to deal with hot flashes using shepherd's purse? With the help of a decoction. 1 tablespoon dry grass is poured 250 ml of boiling water and infused for about half an hour. It takes tincture 4 times a day before meals for 2 tablespoons


Sage - plant also helps to successfully fight the tides and other symptoms of menopause. Phytoestrogens, which are rich in sage, allow to align the amount of hormones in the female body and cure all the variety of menopausal symptoms. After treatment with infusion of sage restores, eliminates the increased nervousness, normal thermoregulation, are inflammatory processes in the urogenital area. Learn about additional the therapeutic properties of sage for women in menopause.

Cooking sage tea: 1 tablespoon dry grass fill cup boiling water, insist 30 minutes and take three times a day for 1/3 cup. herbal medicine course - 1 month.

Hop cones

Hop cones have excellent sedative effect and helps to restore hormonal balance, due to the content of plant hormones. These properties make the sage indispensable in the struggle with bouts of heat at menopause.

There are different ways to use this plant, but the simplest and most effective is the use of the infusion. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. crushed material and combined with 250 ml of boiling water, draw take about an hour and 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.

Go to the article to find a list of effective drugs for the treatment of hot flashes during menopause.

Fitosbory of tides in menopause

Find out what herb in menopause able to favorably influence its course, it should be noted that even greater efficiency different national recipes at menopause as a multicomponent fees.

  • Get rid of hot flashes can help structure based on blackberry leaves, thyme and melissa officinalis. All ingredients were mixed in equal amounts. To prepare a single serving infusion taken teaspoonful and the mixture poured to 300 mL of boiling water. The product is infused for about 10-15 minutes and take 1/3 cup during the day. The course of treatment - 21 days. Then, 10 days - a break, then - the repetition rate.
  • Another folk recipe during menopause from tides: Mix 3 parts of sage, valerian and 1 part 1 part horsetail. Then, 1 tablespoon of the mixture pour 250 ml of boiling water. Insist and filter. Take, divided into 3 parts, the morning, afternoon and evening. Course: 2 weeks of alternate with 2 weeks break.
  • Take blackberry leaves, lemon balm, hawthorn berries, motherwort, cudweed in equal numbers, all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. 1 tsp herbal mixture pour cup of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour and take 3 times a sloth before eating. Course - 1 month.
  • Connect the cuff 3 parts, 1 part brier berry, lemon balm 1 part, 1 part of hop cones. 2 tbsp. l. dry raw material put in 1 liter of boiling water and warmed to simmer for 15-20 minutes. Then the broth cool, strain and take 1 tbsp four times a day (before meals) for the first 7 days, and in the next 7 days, need to increase the dosage to 2 tablespoons. l. at one time. After a two-week course is a break for 2 weeks and then repeat the treatment.
  • Anise, licorice roots, leaves and violet tricolor calendula flowers together in equal parts, are mixed. Then 2 tablespoons collecting the resulting filled with 300 ml of boiling water, a vessel with infusion wraps towel 1 hr. The resulting amount of product is separated into 3 doses and drunk during the day. The course of treatment - 1 month.
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