Hot flashes in menopause treatment, drugs: the best means of heat


  1. The mechanism of action, symptoms, provocateurs
  2. Do I need to treat hot flashes in menopause?
  3. Hormonal preparations with phytoestrogens in the fight with the symptom
  4. Estrovel
  5. Klimaktoplan
  6. Chi-Klim
  7. Klimadinon
  8. Remens
  9. Mensa
  10. Feminal
  11. Bonisan
  12. Klimakt Khel
  13. Hormonal treatments for symptoms
  14. HRT tablets
  15. Ovestin
  16. Divina
  17. Livial
  18. sigetin
  19. Skin patches with hormones
  20. CLIMAR
  21. Ekstraderm
  22. Menostar
  23. Hormonal gels from the tides in menopause
  24. Estrozhel
  25. Divigel
  26. Antidepressants of the tides
  27. Means for regulation of blood pressure
  28. Antiepileptic drugs for hot flashes

Tides - one of the most common symptoms of the climacteric syndrome. Fortunately, most women it occurs in a mild form, and in this case we can speak of standards version. But sometimes the intensity of attacks is so great that a woman loses the ability to live a full life. It is in these situations, medications tides in menopause become indispensable.

It is difficult to name the best remedy that will work equally well to help all women. This is easily explained, because each person is different, and the processes taking place inside of his body, respectively, too. Therefore, if your neighbor saw some medication and it helped her, or, on the contrary, proved to be useless, it is not necessarily the same script for it again and you. The most reasonable solution would be to consult a doctor that you trust and together with them to decide how best to resist the attacks of fever and other signs of menopause syndrome.

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Preparations by the tides

The mechanism of action, symptoms, provocateurs

Tides - a complex physiological process that occurs on the background of hormonal imbalance that accompanies menopause.

What happens to the ovaries during menopause? After 40 years, the ovaries begin to reduce the production of sex hormones, which play a vital role in a woman's body. Hormone deficiency causes the hypothalamus (a brain region responsible for regulating the major life processes organism) response - by enhancing the production it tries to restore the optimal performance of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) ovary. Thus there is a failure in the implementation of the process of thermoregulation - normal body temperature begins to be perceived as a part of the brain, these increased. And as a result, the hypothalamus sends appropriate signals disadvantage in all body systems. That is why when the tide wave of heat envelops the woman, there sweating, increased pressure in the blood vessels, the heart speeds up the rhythm of the work, there is a weakness in the body.

Can provoke attack nerve strain, excessive ambient temperature, the shortage of fresh air, drinking hot drinks and foods, alcohol, caffeine abuse, excessive physical load.

Hot flashes can occur at any time of the day, but at night they recorded several more often denying women the opportunity to fully relax. The frequency of hot flashes as a purely individual. In mild cases, seizures do not occur more than 10 times a day, and in severe - more than 30 times. Therefore, the expression "tortured tides" - is not an allegation.

Do I need to treat hot flashes in menopause?

This question arises from the fact that in itself menopause is not considered a disease state. It is natural and logical physiological process. However, it always possible to really do without medication?

This is only possible if the tides are not characterized by excessive intensity and do not cause women undue discomfort. If the quality of life and health status significantly affected, then without drugs by tides is indispensable. And it's not just in a bad state of health. Frequent attacks threaten the development of cardiovascular disorders, the occurrence of heart disease, the development of nervous exhaustion and severe depression.

Hormonal preparations with phytoestrogens in the fight with the symptom

There is a huge amount of non-hormonal preparations to treat hot flashes during menopause. However, the most preferred will therapy of pathological menostaza, by means of which the main active components are vegetable components. Such systems not only have far fewer contraindications, but do not lead to dangerous consequences, which are often accompanied by hormone treatment.


This is a fairly popular tablets at menopause hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. The basis of their efficacy is the use of plant extracts (ratsemoza black cohosh, soybeans, wild yam root, nettle), and the boron and vitamin B complex group B. The interaction of all useful components has a beneficial effect on the course of menopausal changes. Reviews of women who used the drug during menostaza confirm that using it does manage to achieve reducing the severity of hot flushes, and stabilization and leveling emotional state of other characteristic signs menopause.


Homeopathic preparation based phytoestrogens contained in an extract of black cohosh, sepia, Lachesis, Sanguinar. It is designed to combat the manifestations of climacteric syndrome: tides, hyperhidrosis, headaches, migraines, heart palpitations, emotional lability, insomnia.


This is another remedy for hot flashes during menopause. It is available in two dosage forms (as a cream, and tablets). For the treatment of hot flashes using tablet form. As part of the preparation contains black cohosh extract, as well as potassium and magnesium. Due to the estrogenic effect of black cohosh is a reduction of severity of hot flushes, normalization cardiac activity, increase efficiency, eliminate insomnia, improve overall health women. Mineral components help to maintain heart function, optimize metabolism.


Enough popular drug plant-based. Active component in it is an extract of black cohosh rhizome. This tool is also presented in two forms - tablets and drops. Systematic reception Klimadinon helps significantly reduce the strength and frequency of hot flashes and neutralize other possible symptoms accompanying menopause.


Another product based on medicinal herbs, which is known to many women, in women who took the homeopathic complex during menopause, severity of hot flushes is reduced significantly. This is due to plant hormones contained in racemosa black cohosh and Sanguinar Canadian. An additional effect of enrichment composition has a secretory liquid cuttlefish and snake venom.


Complex nonhormonal preparation containing soy isoflavones, C and E vitamins, vitamin B, folic acid, beta-alanine. Tool helps gently neutralize the lack of estrogen, which positively affects the manifestation of pathological symptoms menostaza, including hot flashes. The positive effect the drug has on the metabolic processes of the nervous and cardiovascular system.


Product developed on the basis of extract of red clover. This plant contains hormone-like substances - isoflavones. With their help it is possible not only to reduce hot flashes, but also minimize sweating, Normalize heart rhythm, improve vascular tone, stabilize emotional state, to make up the energy potential. Read more about Feminala composition and its analogues.


Dietary supplements in the form of capsules, intended to maintain good health and eliminating pathological symptoms of menopause. The drug is based on soybeans rich in plant estrogens. Acceptance of this tool can significantly reduce the intensity of hot flashes and related symptoms: sweating, shortness of breath, weakness, palpitations.

Klimakt Khel

Homeopathic pills Klimakt Heel suckable having rich composition (Sanguinar, sepia, Ignatius, stannum, Lachesis). The components of the drug to help fight the attacks of the tides, nervousness, cardiovascular disorders, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Positive dynamics is achieved due to the content in the development of plant estrogenozameniteley.

You can resort to methods of alternative medicine. Read: hot flashes during menopause treatment folk remedies.

Hormonal treatments for symptoms

If a woman has severe severity of hot flashes when the attacks are recorded more than 25 - 30 times a day, often have to resort to the help of hormone replacement therapy. Preparations containing artificial hormones, helping to achieve a good effect in the shortest possible time. However, HRT is not so smooth. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that hormonal therapy has a wide range of contraindications and at least a significant amount of side effects. So, before you drink hormones, should consult a doctor.

HRT tablets

What are the preparations of HRT may be prescribed? Hormonal pills - the most common form of hormonal methods. Examples of such drugs may be:


Tablets containing estriol. The drug helps in the shortest possible time to stop the negative effects of menopause. In particular, reduce the brightness and intensity of episodes of fever, to restore the normal functioning of genitourinary system by eliminating the atrophic processes, eliminate discomfort in intimate area.


The preparation containing estrogen. It is used for leveling of disorders of organs and systems of menopause, including hot flashes and to eliminate. In addition, Divina helps prevent the development of osteoporosis - the insidious disease of the musculoskeletal system.


The drug normalizes hormonal balance between natural and surgical menopause. Assign it once held 12 months after the last menstrual period. Otherwise, there may be menopausal bleeding. Livial helps with autonomic disorders, emotional "swings", to prevent the development of osteoporosis.


Its action is aimed at removing the main symptoms of menopause: emotional lability, depression, thermoregulatory disorders, migraines and headaches, bone lesions and signs of aging of skin, hair loss.

Skin patches with hormones

This is an alternative treatment option, which gives preference to an increasing number of the fairer sex. Using hormone patches not only is more convenient for this therapy, but also reduces the burden on the digestive tract.


Estrogen drug that can correct hormonal imbalances in women. It helps with intense tides. Patch was adhered to a clean and dry skin around the spine or on the buttocks. One patch is valid 7 days. more instructions for use of the patch CLIMAR read in one of our articles.


This is yet another transdermal drug to neutralize the hormonal imbalance. This adhesive is able to effectively operate for 84 hours. After that, it needs to be replaced. Means eliminating the root cause of the tides - the lack of a woman's body hormones.


A skin patch comprising estradiol. Its duration of action of the week. The drug helps to balance the intensity of both external signs of menopause (hot flushes, hyperhidrosis, insomnia, emotional discomfort), and Internal, which is not always possible to feel at the initial stage (softening bone, loss of vascular tone, the development of endocrine diseases).

Hormonal gels from the tides in menopause


Gel based on estradiol, which is used to control menopausal symptoms: seizures heat, depressive states, discomfort in intimal area, increased sweating, bone fragility tissue. Means applied locally (on the abdomen, lower back, shoulders or forearm) 1 time per day.


Gel containing estradiol, which helps to work on complex menopausal symptomsProvoked by the lack of its own estrogen. And applied it acts similar to the previous formulation.

Any hormonal drugs should be taken only on doctor's prescription. Moreover, it must be remembered that the doctor's actions should be based on the results of tests and examinations, confirming the need for hormone replacement therapy and not carried on a template as unfortunately sometimes It happens. Read on what hormones need to be tested in menopause.

Hormones can be both good and evil, therefore, should exercise extreme caution in their use.

Antidepressants of the tides

application in menopause antidepressants in the treatment of hot flushes was widely practice. With their help it is possible to neutralize the greater emotional excitability, which is often the immediate appearance culprit heat episodes. Outburst or, conversely, it outputs excitement nervous system of equilibrium, and this triggers the process.

All antidepressants are divided into three groups. The separation is based on the action that they are able to provide:

  • soothing: Azafen, Amitriptin, Doxepin, Lerivon;
  • stimulating: Inkvizan, Nortriptyline, Prozac, Bupropion;
  • Complex: Anafranil, maprotiline, Pirazidol and others.

Regardless of the type of action, these drugs can be taken only on medical grounds.

Yes, these drugs can help to overcome not only the tides but also serious depression that accompany the onset of menostaza, but at the same time, with the wrong choice of drug abuse and dosage, they are able to exert significant harm health. Therefore, never drink such funds without the approval of a specialist.

Means for regulation of blood pressure

Very often flushes accompanied by a sharp pressure jump. Especially dangerous is the state in cases where the woman already has hypertension - in the background during the menopause it may worsen and performance may reach critical values. It does not matter whether the attacks of hypertension independent disease, or go as an accompanying symptom of fever episodes - without regard to their dangerous post.

Hypertension can have serious consequences, in particular stroke. Therefore, for monitoring the performance of blood pressure, patients are assigned specific antihypertensive drugs (Inderal, Hood). Selecting therapy depends on the dynamics of hypertension, especially its flow and, accordingly, on the characteristics of the drug. In this regard, it is impossible to name the best cure for hypertension at high tide. This choice should make the doctor. As an example may be mentioned the following preparations which often drink patient having problems with pressure: Clonidine, enalapril, Indap, Lorista, lisinopril etc.

Antiepileptic drugs for hot flashes

Antiepileptic compounds can reduce the severity of hot flushes episodes by providing anticonvulsant and protivospazmicheskogo effect. When heat therapy attacks most often used products based on gabapentin which possesses anticonvulsant, anticonvulsant, analgesic action. Among most of these medicines are appointed during menopause: Katena, Tebantin, Konvalis, Gabagamma, Neurontin.

Drink such drugs without a doctor's advice is strictly prohibited. This is not a dietary supplements and homeopathy, and serious preparations having a number of contraindications and side effects.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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