Klimakt Hel: reviews of doctors and patients, the instruction (analogues)


  1. Application and features Klimakt Heel
  2. Structure and mechanism of drug action
  3. Release forms and methods of using funds
  4. Contraindications and side effects
  5. drug analogues
  6. Reviews of physicians and patients about Klimakt Heel

The share of each woman of 45 drops a difficult menopause, which means phasing fertility. This happens due to hormonal changes, reduced production of female hormones, in particular - estrogen. This phenomenon affects the operation of all systems and organs, therefore, begin to appear all sorts of changes and annoying symptoms. This violation of menstruation, and the destabilization of the psycho-emotional state, and vegetative and functional disorders, significant external aging. Stop or significantly slow down these processes and help arrest the symptoms antiklimaktericheskie numerous drugs. Modern pharmacy offers a wide selection of those: hormonal, natural - plant hormones, dietary supplementsHomeopathy. The latter is widespread among those who used to trust all natural and gentle attitude appreciates preparations to your body. Perhaps the most common representative homeopathic agent in menopause can be called Heel Klimakt. Reviews of him, instructions for use, and the main features are presented below.

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Klimakt Heel

Application and features Klimakt Heel

Klimakt Heel - homeopathic preparation of natural origin, which helps the body to adapt to female hormonal changes radically, and to cope with the consequences of this. It has estrogenomodeliruyuschim, anti-inflammatory, sedative, tonic, anti-aging action.

The drug is very popular among professionals and patients due to shikroko known in the world German manufacturer - Heel, whose efficiency and solicitude toward his famous consumer years.

Means, used in violation of the psycho-emotional state of women in menopause, which is typical neuroses, irritability, mood swings, insomnia, apathy, stress, depressed. Also recorded such violations thermoregulation due to a lack of estrogen, as hot flushes, chills, shivering in the body, Increased sweating. The medicament used in the pain in lower abdomen, Waist, back, legs, cramps in muscles, dryness of the vagina, and other pelvic organs. It helps in maintaining the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system, since during menopause especially marked thinning of bone tissue. It has bracing and supporting metabolism effect.

Structure and mechanism of drug action

Effective and integrated action Klimakt Heel due to unique components in its composition, which have a truly beneficial effect.

The main active substances are:

  • Canadian Sanguinar that simulates the effect of estrogen and relieves hot flashes, balanced emotional state, eliminates headaches during menopause.
  • Ignatius bitter sedative action and puts in order the special load prone nervous system.
  • Sepia eliminates symptoms of disorders thermoregulatory system helps eliminate dryness in intimate area.
  • cuttlefish ink also help overcome tides, stabilizes the psycho-emotional state.
  • Suruku poison snake has a complex effect, in particular - has a thermoregulatory, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.
  • Tin metal blocks pain of neuralgic character.
  • Sulfur inhibits hyperhidrosis and much discomfort.
  • Tsedron actively suppresses neuralgia.

All these substances are introduced into the composition in homeopathic doses, which causes the effect of the tool.

Release forms and methods of using funds

Agent is in the form of white tablets.

Instructions to Klimakt Hel prescribes its use: 1 tablet 3 times a day. Used tablets hour after ingestion or half an hour before it. The tablets dissolve, and in this form administration to achieve the greatest effect and digestibility.

It has a cumulative effect, which is the maximum is reached after one month of application. the use of experts appointed by the course individually, basically - it's 1-2 months.

Contraindications and side effects

Because the tool has a natural origin, contraindications to its use is minimized. These include components of individual intolerance and allergies to them, lactose intolerance, disorders and liver diseases, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects may manifest allergic reactions in the form of redness, itching, rash.

drug analogues

There are many analogs of this drug on the basis of natural and homeopathic means a group such as Remens, Inoklym. But structural analogues Klimakt Hel today does not.

Reviews of physicians and patients about Klimakt Heel

Reviews of Klimakt Heel show that the drug is very popular among patients and specialists. This is due to highly efficient means together with careful and gentle action on the female body.

Statistics show that 87% of patients who used the drug in premenopausal and postmenopausal They noted the disappearance of symptoms such as hot flushes, nervous disorders, rash, pain in various parts of the body, convulsions. Females note that Klimakt Hel helps restore sexual quality of life during menopause due to rehydration of the mucous membranes. In the opinion - significantly improves the skin condition, nails, stops hair loss, joint pain disappear. Marked improvement in overall well-being.

The drug has a cumulative effect, and the results of its action are manifested even after two weeks of use. After the cessation of its use, the result is still a long time, as a rule, not less than one month.

To summarize, it should be noted that the facility has an affordable price and is represented in all the networks of pharmacies. Let menopause will not be a hindrance for you to a happy and comfortable life. Be healthy!

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 59
  • 138