Vitamins in menopause: what vitamins better, how to make (reviews)


  1. Why in menopause it is important to supplement the diet with vitamin complexes?
  2. The most important vitamins and minerals during menopause
  3. Top facilities for women in menopause
  4. Doppelgerts asset Menopause
  5. Ledis formula Female 40 + (USA)
  6. alphabet 50+
  7. Complivit 45+
  8. aevit
  9. Glycine
  10. Chi-Klim
  11. Orthomol Femina
  12. Menopace
  13. Klimadinon
  14. Mensa

Menopause terrifies every woman. Stories of relatives and friends of those unpleasant manifestations that greeted their new life is time, comes at the age of about 50 years, involuntarily raises questions about the possible methods of facilitating the flow of process. One of the support body directions is supplementation of vitamin complexes, particularly adapted to the age of the period. By today's big success of the fair sex, to obtain reliable information about any phenomena related, including and health, has ceased to be today complexity. One option is to select an appropriate set of search via the Internet by entering a query: what vitamins drink during climax reviews.

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Why in menopause it is important to supplement the diet with vitamin complexes?

In the human body, all processes are interconnected, so the malfunction of a single organ or system will certainly cause a malfunction of other. This is even more important in times of hormonal instability: during puberty, pregnancy and, of course, when menostaze. After the end of the reproductive function is experienced sometimes very hard. Hot flashes, insomnia, pressure surges, emotional instability, weight gain, accelerated aging - all these gifts presents menopause. However, this stage of life is not a disease and treat it should be, respectively. And in order to help the body restore inner balance and to quickly overcome the difficulties, use special pharmacological complexes.

The use of vitamins and minerals during menopause can help women during menostaza.

  1. They speed up metabolism, beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract during menopauseAnd generally helps to ease the severity of hormonal imbalance. Accelerated metabolic processes help to avoid weight gain, which is so afraid of all women, and that is so characteristic of menopause.
  2. Are parties to the synthesis of sex hormones, which is especially important for women in menopause, because production of female sex hormones (estrogens) decreases every year, and it must be support.
  3. Allow longer maintain the appearance of an attractive state, because a decrease in estrogen levels leads to what is beginning to show signs of aging itself. This is reflected in the deterioration of the skin, nails, change in voice, the hair can fall out.
  4. It strengthens the immune system, which is extremely important, because the body is experiencing increased load, it becomes susceptible to infections and various diseases.
  5. Support the proper functioning of all internal organs and systems.

The most important vitamins and minerals during menopause

  • Vitamin A is important during menopause its antioxidant effect, it helps to counteract the development of cancer tumors of various localization and etiology, makes it possible to preserve the youthfulness of the skin, maintains healthy mucous membranes, has a positive effect on eyesight, stimulates the synthesis of sex hormones.
  • Vitamin E is often called female. Vitamin E at menopause is indispensable. It is also involved in the synthesis of sex hormones and stimulates sexual desire and protects cell membranes from free radicals improves the structure of the hair and skin, and supports cardiac muscle tone, minimizes the possibility of developing mastitis and other pathologies of the mammary glands, particularly sensitive to hormonal changes.
  • Vitamins B (B6, B9, B12) harmonize the nervous system, improve the lipid and protein metabolism, allowing you to control weight gain, improve the overall performance and stability stress.
  • Vitamin C activates defenses to counter the adverse external and internal influences, improves blood clotting (bleeding prevention), strengthens blood vessels, prevents edema.
  • Calcium Why is it needed? Calcium helps to strengthen bones and teeth, is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism, prevents the development of hypertension.
  • Vitamin D is responsible for the complete absorption of calcium. Thus, prevention of osteoporosis is done, which is so common in women, especially after 50 years.
  • Magnesium also helps the absorption of calcium, supports the cardiovascular system, warns insomnia.
  • Potassium prevents fluid retention, prevents the formation of edema, a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, prevents atherosclerosis, hypertension, increases the ability to withstand physical and mental stress, improves emotional stability.

Top facilities for women in menopause

For the fair half, reached or approaching the age of 50 years, it is imperative full receipt of all vital substances for as long as possible to stay healthy and beautiful. However, to achieve their balanced contributions from food only at the expense of food is extremely difficult. To blame and diet error, and the quality of products and the environmental situation, and the financial constraints of many people. , It is necessary to choose the right vitamin and mineral to keep the body working in this unstable time complex not only provides basic needs, but also has beneficial effects on climacteric syndrome. The modern market of pharmacological agents offers a wide range of products targeted at the elimination of the negative manifestations of menopause. Consider the best vitamins, have been widely recognized and the most favorable reviews.

Members recommended to take during menopause:

Doppelgerts asset Menopause

A bracing mix of production in Germany, created on the basis of soy isoflavones - plant estrogens. Vitamin Complex helps smooth hormonal fluctuations, reduce the intensity of hot flashes, prevent the development of osteoporosisIt contributes to the prevention of cancer, the incidence of which increases considerably when menostaze.

Ledis formula Female 40 + (USA)

These are vitamins for women, additionally enriched with citrus bioflavonoids, extracts of broccoli, green tea, grape seed, dong quai root. This drug increases metabolism and prevents weight gain, normalize hormones, supports collagen structure, increasing skin elasticity and smoothness, providing antioxidant protection cell membranes. Reviews of vitamins formula Ladies Day and Night read by clicking on the link.

alphabet 50+

Quite popular among Russian women in menopause vitamins. The complex is based on the separate reception of different elements in order to improve their absorption. He has proven itself and has earned the highest accolades from those who have experienced its effect on themselves. With his admission marked improvement in general condition, reduction in hot flashes, alignment of mental and emotional state.

Complivit 45+

This also Russian complex comprising in its composition: groups of vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, A, PP, P, B9 (folic acid). In addition to the standard set of components komplivit also comprises L-carnitine, motherwort extract and black cohosh. With the additional effect of these components, it is possible not only to meet the basic needs of life important elements, but the auxiliary positive impact on the nervous system, hormones, lipid metabolism, the body's defenses body. Complivit can be taken before the onset of menopause, or already in the midst of climacteric symptoms. How to take komplivit right? It is recommended to drink one tablet once a day. One jar contained komplivit thirty tablets, this will be enough for a month, respectively.


Fairly common vitamin complex during menopause because of its affordability. Aevit contains in its structure the necessary vitamins A and E. He is good for the exchange process in the body, it has a positive effect on the nervous system and circulatory system. The drug normalizes and stabilizes the body weight. Application Aevitum can be supplemented with folic acid, vitamin D and calcium.


"Glycine" acid (glycine), and contains 100 milligrams per dose of the drug. The active substance of sweet taste, helps to calm the central nervous system, helps to cope with insomnia, beneficial effects on women vegetososudistoy system. In addition, glycine improves brain performance, improves concentration and memory. Glycine to take 5 tablets twice in 7 days, by resorption. Sometimes glycine may be an allergic reaction. Precautions are taken by persons suffering from hypotension on. Quite often it is taken during menopause and postmenopause, but glycine is able to greatly reduce the pressure, so when it is receiving should monitor blood pressure.


This is another very popular drug in the country, developed on the basis of herbal ingredients, and is a substitute for hormone therapy. Extract tsemitsifugi famous by its action, the alternative action of natural estrogens. In addition, the formulations contain such vital elements as potassium and magnesium. The totality of all components allows women to effectively combat manifestations menostaza. Pills Chi-klim eliminating the frequency of hot flushes, prevent jumps in blood pressure, eliminate vegetative-vascular disorders.

Orthomol Femina

German product, well-proven, as a product of the directed action on the prevention of menopausal symptoms. It stabilizes the nervous, immune system, it helps to align hormonal balance and improve overall health. Ortamol Femin beneficial effects on vascular, cardiac activity, a general visual appeal during menopause due to the content of omega-3 fatty acids.


This is an English agent, which possesses a rich composition, comprising, in particular, and iodine. It supports the harmonious operation of organs and systems and reduces the symptoms of menopause. Due to the content of iodine preparation has a favorable effect on thyroid function in menopauseWhich is also subjected to high load with menostaze. Read the link instructions for use Menopace.


Known fitodrug from Germany, also based on a plant extract black cohosh, famous for its specific fitoestroganami. This extract is widely used for the treatment of pre-menopause and menopause. All components of this drug favorable effect on the production of estrogen in the ovaries of their own, allowing thereby minimizing the symptoms of vegetative-vascular and emotional disorders caused by hormonal "Swing".


BAA on the basis of soy isoflavonesSupplemented with amino acids Beta-alanine and 5-gidroksitriptofanom. Receiving this complex strengthens the immune system exerts antitumor prophylaxis improves concentration, helps to align the emotional state, improves metabolism, reduces the frequency of tides.

50 years - it is a great middle age, when the inner wisdom has to evaluate all the advantages of life. The man begins to appreciate beauty, it ceases to hurry, filled with inner harmony. And this time of global changes in the female body. And in this difficult time, it is important in every way to help the body cope with had fallen to his share of trials. The use of vitamin and mineral preparations, enriched with plant extracts directional - great way to facilitate the arrival of menopause and for many years to maintain good health, good looks and cheerful disposition spirit.

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