Cream Ovestin in menopause: reviews of doctors and women


  1. Release form and composition of the drug
  2. The hormone estriol and its benefits for the body
  3. Contraindications and possible side effects
  4. Useful information and instructions during treatment
  5. Instructions for use Ovestin
  6. candles
  7. Pills
  8. Cream
  9. Prices for Ovestin
  10. drug analogues
  11. What form of release to choose?

Among estrogen drugs cream, pills and suppositories Ovestin receive positive feedback during menopause in women. The main components of any form of release of this tool performs a natural estrogen called estriol. It is effective during pre-menopause, and postmenopausal to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms associated with estrogen deficiency.

Women are among the main benefits of the drug release its short-term action. In other words, estriol short contained in endometrial cells, therefore it does not cause excessive cell division, thus protecting against endometrial tissue growth. Therefore there is no need to take progestogen cyclically, and the bleeding did not occur.

Ovestin menopause

Release form and composition of the drug

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The drug at the pharmacy can be found in several different ways:

  1. Cream. Produced in special tubes (15 g). Besides estriol is present in the composition of lactic acid, sodium hydroxide, cetyl palmitate and others.
  2. Candles. One package contains 15 suppositories 0.5 mg Estriol each. An additional component acts Witepsol S 58.
  3. Pills. It is produced in the form of capsules (1 or 2 mg) based on estriol. One pack contains 30 capsules. Additionally, the composition contains starch, lactose monohydrate, amylopectin, magnesium stearate.

Much of a difference between these release forms there. Such diversity helps a woman choose medication individually, starting from the intolerance of additional components and more convenient to use one form or another means. But still need to adhere to the rules of candles use, creams, tablets Ovestin, where in each case has its own characteristics and recommendations.

The hormone estriol and its benefits for the body

Estriol is an active substance of any form Ovestin release. Its action is characterized by the selectivity of the impact on the reproductive organs of women. After its use is stimulation of estrogen production, thus:

  • stops thinning of the vaginal walls;
  • stoped inflammatory processes in the tissues of the vagina;
  • eliminating dry mucous membranes;
  • pain disappear during sex;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • It stimulates production of cervical mucus;
  • normalizes blood circulation of the pelvic organs;
  • increases the natural protective barrier against various infections;
  • restores the vaginal microflora.

Ovestin has a rapid but short-acting. Acceptance of this tool does not cause bleeding. Excreted by the kidneys (98%), and the intestine (2%).
Indications ovestin

Many women take Ovestin as part hormone replacement therapy in menopause to increase the production of estrogen. Menopause causes a variety of unpleasant symptoms, which Estriol helps to effectively deal with:

  • vaginal atrophy;
  • dryness itching and burning in menopause;
  • involuntary discharge of urine;
  • tides, and increased sweating;
  • infertility (problem with the cervical mucus);
  • urogenital disorders;
  • pain during sexual intercourse.
  • other menopausal disorders related to a lack of estrogen.

Ovestin is often used before surgery in organs of the reproductive system, as well as the recovery period of the drug. Additionally, the use of means performs a preventative measure in question prevent inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urinary tract and vagina.

Contraindications and possible side effects

This hormonal drug can not be used without medical supervision. After all, it is not suitable for all patients. The main contraindications are:

  • bleeding with unknown cause;
  • suspected breast cancer or its presence;
  • genetic predisposition to cancer;
  • various neoplasms;
  • during exacerbation of endometriosis;
  • liver problems yl kidneys;
  • idiosyncrasy agent composition;
  • epilepsy;
  • thrombosis.

With extreme caution Ovestin treatment prescribed to women with diabetes. In such a case, is selected form of the drug, with no lactose monohydrate (suppositories or cream). It is also necessary to consult a doctor if there are cardiovascular diseases or different pathologies gastrointestinal tract in menopause.

According to reviews, the side effects of the means shown in the first few months of use. The following undesirable effects usually disappear on their own and do not require discontinuation of treatment course:

  • headache;
  • a brief nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • chest pain;
  • breast enlargement.

If the skin appears allergic reaction, it may be indicative of individual intolerance of the product components. Immediate cessation of treatment is necessary in the following situations:

  • BP jumps;
  • systematic headache, migraine;
  • occurrence of syncope;
  • general weakness;
  • destabilization of the liver and kidneys;
  • bleeding;
  • vomiting;
  • jaundice.

Here it is necessary to consult a doctor who will cancel or no medication or reduce the dosage. You should also exclude other pathological processes in the body.

Useful information and instructions during treatment

Before starting any hormone replacement therapy is necessary:

  • pass complete blood count;
  • to set the blood level of Estradiol, FSH and LH;
  • visit the therapist;
  • undergo a pelvic ultrasound;
  • have a mammogram;
  • pass urinalysis;
  • examined by a gynecologist;
  • undergo Pap test (smear cytology);
  • check the change in the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood;
  • be screened for osteoporosis.

Taking Ovestin necessary every six months to pass the appropriate examination, to be able to identify any pathological changes in the early stages, as well as to cancel a preparation time. In this regard, much depends on the woman and her responsible attitude towards their health. After all, if the wrong approach to the treatment of hormone replacement therapy can cause serious disturbances in the whole organism.

In addition, it is important to comply with the application instructions of the preparation, starting from the release form.

Instructions for use Ovestin


  1. Suppository must be inserted into the vagina once a day in the evening. To treat problems with the course of the genitourinary system is one month. The first 14 days of the candle should be placed on a daily basis. Further, the dose is gradually reduced. For example, with a significant improvement in health and a decrease in the frequency, intensity of menopausal symptoms have been using candles every two weeks.
  2. If a woman uses a candle before the operation, the course is 14 days (one suppository daily). And two weeks (two candles for 7 days) can be used after surgery Ovestin.
  3. With a lack of cervical secretions candles used for a week every other day.
  4. If a woman has broken a course (missed one administration suppositories), the suppository is necessary to place at the earliest opportunity. But if you have already been more than twelve hours, the procedure is skipped, and the next candle is introduced according to the schedule of the course of treatment.
  5. It is forbidden to enter just two suppositories in the vagina at a time (a serious breach of the optimal dosage).
  6. If the first drug acts Ovestin HRT a woman's life, the treatment can start on any day. A need a break of one week (precisely set period based on physician preparations characteristics) when moving from the other drug.
  7. Regarding the use of time, suppositories, it is desirable to put in one and the same time. The deviation in one hour.


  1. At night the dose should be in the range of 4-8 mg. Use must be in the same time, preferably at bedtime.
  2. For the treatment of vaginal atrophy and symptoms of menopause drug taking thirty days, adhering to the established doctor dose. Further dosage is reduced to 1 mg per day.
  3. Before surgery Ovestin need to drink two weeks in the prescribed dosage and postoperative course of two weeks to 1 mg per day.
  4. To normalize cervical secretions tablets need to drink from 6 to 15 day menstrual cycle to 1 mg. Allowed monthly increase in dose to the full normalization of discharge.
  5. If you miss a pill, then it can be taken at any time, but no more than 12 hours after admission. In this case, the receive operation is skipped, and the next tablet is taken according to the course of treatment.

In the form of tablets Ovestin simple enough to use, but the presence of lactose monohydrate makes reception impossible for women with diabetes.


The cream is used with a special applicator, which is introduced before bedtime.

  1. Dosage sponds suppository or tablet.
  2. Contains 500 mg of estriol.
  3. The dose and schedule of application coincide with other release forms.

Observe the following instructions on the use of the cream:

  • carefully remove the cap;
  • we reveal the protective film;
  • don applicator tube and fill it to the specified value a slight pressure;
  • securely close the tube cap;
  • an applicator to be administered to the vagina in a prone position;
  • We push on the piston only when the applicator is inserted to a sufficient depth;
  • after using the applicator should be washed in warm water, do not forget to rinse it;
  • prohibited handle applicator with boiling water.

Prices for Ovestin

This tool can be purchased by prescription only physician, who will advise the appropriate use case. Ovestin on prices can be higher or lower in different regions:

  • Cream - 1000-1300r .;
  • Candles - about 1200r .;
  • Tablets - 900-1100r.

You can pick up cheaper analogues. But we must remember that this action means may differ slightly. Therefore, the price must be considered in the last turn, with the recommendations of the attending physician.

drug analogues

Instead Ovestin can take almost any medication, which is based on the same active substance. Among the most popular is to provide analogues:

  • Ovipol Clio
  • Mikrofollin forte
  • Estrovagin
  • Dimestrol
  • Elvagin
  • Tefestrol
  • Estrokad
  • theelol
  • klimonorma

But most of the reviews indicate women that still Ovestin has the best effect on the body, in which virtually no side effects occur. In addition, it quickly begins to act without lasting effect.

What form of release to choose?

In this regard, a great influence have personal preferences of women. After all, various forms of release Ovestin in menopause do not have much of a difference between them. But still worth it to listen to your doctor, who will explain the use of the specifics and explain the impact of ancillary components means on the body.

Women often say that it is easier to use candles, but they take longer to dissolve. But the cream is quickly absorbed vaginal mucosa, but some patients show reviews about problems with the conduct of the applicator. But the cream quickly eliminates dryness and discomfort in the vagina. With tablets also often occurs overdose symptoms which appear nausea and vomiting. But under the doctor's recommendations, this factor is reduced to almost zero.

It can be concluded that to choose the means necessary to individually form. Take into account ease of use, additional components etc. And the effect remains the same after use.

Menopause demands that women caring and attentive attitude towards their health. If the body lacks estrogen, you can use Ovestin, but only after the approval of the treating physician. Any preparation of HRT when used incorrectly can cause serious side effects, which further complicate life during menopause.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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