Herbs in menopause: What herbs help with menopause


  1. When used herbal medicine during menopause?
  2. The most effective herbs to combat the symptoms of menopause
  3. Borovaya uterus
  4. Red brush
  5. lady's purse
  6. Red clover
  7. Sage
  8. Soothing herbs for women
  9. Monastic tea menopause

Although menopause is a natural biological stage of life of the female body, its onset is often accompanied by multiple pathological symptoms. They sometimes appear overly active and significantly impair the well-being of women. Therefore, a completely natural desire to smooth menopausal symptoms, using the most secure means for the body. Even conventional medicine recognizes that the herbs in menopause may have a beneficial effect on the course of the process.

Herbs for Women

When used herbal medicine during menopause?

Climacteric symptoms are familiar to many women. Flushing, pressure surges, irritability, apathy, fatigue, sleep problems, arrhythmia, Shortness of breath - this is not a full list of surprises that often presents the life span.

At this time, it is important to seek help from a competent specialist who will help sort out this rather personal problem. The doctor will monitor its dynamics, and develop a treatment regimen and justified

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prevention of menopausal pathological manifestations.

Very often, especially if negative symptoms are moderate, experienced doctor would not be in a hurry recourse to drug therapy, and offer the patient to use the recipes of traditional medicine. The basis of such amount to the herbs. With their help, you can achieve not so fast, but stable effect, which, among other things, will not have side effects.

To mitigate the adverse symptoms of a wide range of uses of medicinal plants. With their help it is possible to act on the organs and systems that are most affected by the changes brought by the menopause. In particular, on the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, urogenital, endocrine and metabolic processes occurring in the body.

The most popular menopause got those plants which contain in their composition of estrogen-like substances. They are able to compensate for the lack of natural estrogen in a woman's body that occurs with menopause.

The most effective herbs to combat the symptoms of menopause

Herbs can be a separate means of combating manifestations menostaza and auxiliary component of drug treatment. However, before you decide to use them, you should consult with your doctor. Particular care must be observed in cases where the herbal medicine is to be used along with medication. Do not allow the occurrence of side effects of an overdose and component incompatibility.

Let's look at what herbs to drink during climax to essentially flatten the pathological manifestations of menopause.

Borovaya uterus

Borovaya uterus - one of the most popular medicinal herbs used to maintain women's health at any age. In its structure there are many useful substances: phytoestrogens, saponins, coumarins, flavonoids, minerals, tannins, various trace elements.

Decoctions and infusions based on this herb helps reduce the severity of hot flashes, accelerate metabolism, improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. They will help to eliminate the lability of the nervous system, reduce the risk of bleeding, to maintain heart function, improve blood formula. Also be able to minimize the severity of PMS that premenopausal manifests itself more intensely.

The most universal recipe for treatment with upland uterus is an aqueous broth. To make it, one tablespoon chopped herbs poured full cup of boiling water and heated on a steam bath for 20 minutes. The cooled product can be used for its intended purpose, taking 1 tbsp. spoon up to 5 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals. Reviews of upland uterus in menopause see the link in one of our articles.

Red brush

Red brush is used in herbal medicine since ancient times. It is a natural adaptogen that supports the body's ability to resist the influence of internal and external changes. they also increase its tolerance to physical and emotional stress and raise immunity. Another distinctive feature of this plant is its ability to deal with gynecological ailments and hormonal disruptions. This is achieved by the rich composition comprising: phytoestrogens, flavonoids, proteins, organic acids, phenols, as well as a complex of trace elements.

For use during menopause best fit reception of broth, which is prepared very simply: a glass of hot water poured a full tablespoon chopped root red brush. Thereafter, the composition is warmed in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, infused at least one hour and filtered. It must take ½ cup half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

lady's purse

Shepherd's purse - a weed flea, endowed by nature amazing healing properties. Its content of vegetable nature of estrogen is high enough. Shepherd's purse helps prevent uterine bleeding provoked by hormonal "swing." The plant contributes to the reduction of muscles of the uterus, it stimulates the bowels and helps reduce blood pressure. Grass purifies the blood, removes toxic substances that normalize sleep and has a mild sedative effect.

Infusion-based shepherd's purse preparing simple: a tablespoon of raw material is poured boiling water, carefully wrapped up and insist hours. Accepted before meals for 1 st. spoon 3 times a day.

Red clover

Red Clover - another organic source of plant estrogens. Also in its composition contains trace elements, vitamins, carotenoids, tannins, fatty acids. phytotherapy with using red clover can significantly smooth out the pathologic manifestations of menopause: the severity of hot flashes, emotional instability, stagnation pelvic discomfort and in intimate area. With its intake reduces the frequency and intensity of headaches, increased sexual desire, improves skin condition.

Preparation of infusion: 3 teaspoons minced raw material (inflorescences, stems, leaves) pour one cup of boiling water and insist at least one hour. Take it 3 times a day for 50 ml for 20-30 minutes before meals.


Sage contains in its composition of plant hormones, flavonoids, vitamins B, tannins, camphor. Receiving funds on this basis helps strengthen the uterine wall, improve blood flow in the pelvic area, lower emotional lability of the nervous system, stimulate the activity of the brain, eliminate vestibular violations get rid of sweating and hot flushes, Relieve spasms and overcome insomnia.

How to drink a sage in menopause? When menopause useful herbal tea based on sage. Preparing it is very simple: a tablespoon of chopped herbs pour 400 ml of boiling water and infused for an hour, carefully wrapped. Take this remedy should be three times a day on 1 glass separately from meals.

We recommend you review the list of the most popular tablets from the tides in menopause.

Soothing herbs for women

Quite often in menopausal women face problems such as sleep disturbance, irritability, tearfulness, apathy and other negative symptoms of mental and emotional nature. To eliminate uncontrolled reactions in the nervous system uses soothing fees herbs in menopause. They include medicinal plants, which has long been famous for its mild sedative effect. The basis of such means may comprise lemon balm, St. John's wort, hops, valerian, mint, motherwort. Excellent option can be a multicomponent collections, combining the positive properties of each of the plants included in their composition.

Monastic tea menopause

For those who do not have the ability or desire to cook their own multicomponent herbal teas, in the pharmaceutical market, there are ready-made herbal teas. The most popular and has earned the trust of the fairer sex is fitosbory monastery tea. It includes a whole range of herbs: sage, rose, marigold, hawthorn, St. John's wort, marjoram, shepherd's purse, horsetail, yarrow, mint, motherwort. Set of components can be somewhat modified (composition defined by the manufacturer), but no particular combinations, collecting components provide the cumulative effect of all body systems, harmonizing them activity.

Admission monastic tea affects the improvement of the general condition of women during menostaza: reduced signs of trouble on the part of the nervous system, stabilizes pressure, improves the function of the heart, blood vessels are cleaned, aligned hormones, strengthens the body's defenses, accelerates metabolism, hair and skin become more youthful and healthy appearance. Monastic tea - excellent preparation for treatment of hair loss during menopause.

Herbal teas can significantly facilitate the passage of menopause, helping to gently but purposefully to influence the cause of pathological symptoms. However, be aware that it is important not to engage in this important segment of life amateur and harmonize taking any medications, even vegetative character, with his the attending physician.

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