Lady Bon remedy for menopause: instruction manual (reviews)


  1. Application and features Lady Bon
  2. Structure and mechanism of drug action
  3. Release forms and methods of using funds
  4. Contraindications and side effects of Lady Bon
  5. analogues of funds
  6. Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug

Climax - this is a special period in a woman's life, which is characterized by the completion of the reproductive function of the body. Often this stage is stressful for the body, therefore, it begins to appear various unpleasant symptoms. The organism is in dire need of outside support in this period. The situation requires decisive and radical action, so experts often prescribe patients aged women hormone therapy. In today's world there are a number of proven, effective antiklimaktericheskih new generation of drugs, in different shapes and compositions. One of these is the remedy for menopause Lady Bon. The following are the main features, instructions for use, and provides a general picture of the reviews about it.

The drug Lady Bon

Application and features Lady Bon

When It begins hormonal changes

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, The body synthesizes certain hormones are no longer the same as before. Often reduces the production of female hormones - estrogen. Lady Bong aims to reduce estrogen deficiency due to bridge these hormone tibolone - a substance similar to the natural hormone. Atkivnoe substance gets inside and okazavyvaet influence on the synthesis of the necessary hormones in the brain, the ovaries and the various tissues, and the organism has not received a signal on specific disorders and disease activity and continues in the usual way.

The drug is a hormone and is administered for the relief of menopausal climacteric syndromes in a psycho-emotional and autonomic dysfunction. Lady Bong successfully cope with the neuroses, insomnia, mood swings, drowsiness, fatigue, hot flashes, irregular temperature, chills, excessive sweating, Pain in the abdomen and back, numbness of limbs, convulsions, dizziness. Significantly improves the quality of sexual life, it restores the water balance of the mucous membranes. Helping to improve blood flow to the genitals, it slows down the process of degeneration. It does not cause proliferation of the endometrium in the uterus, thereby reducing the risk of tumors. It has a beneficial effect on the metabolism. It is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular disease, as well as helping avoid osteoporosis and the fragility of the bone tissue.

Structure and mechanism of drug action

The main component is the preparation of tibolone - estrogen-progestin hormone-like substance which also possesses androgenic and anabolic activity. Modulates processes of deficient hormones, exerting effects on the interconnected operation of the hypothalamus and pituitary.

Menopause eliminates the formation of the pituitary gonadotropins FSH and LH (FSH and LH), which has a positive effect on the ovaries.

This material also has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the genitalia, especially the vagina, not allowing them to age prematurely. Opoidnye a favorable effect on the receptors of the central nervous system, so that is aligned psycho-emotional background. It reduces the level of calcium and phosphate in blood.

Completely absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, it is outputted as metabolites in the faeces and urine.

Release forms and methods of using funds

Lady Bong presented pills white with the inscription in the form of the letter "E". Available in packs of 28 and 84 pieces.

Means is recommended to take only after a complete diagnosis of the organism and the establishment of a hormonal background. Also, after the last menstrual period should be at least 12 months, formulation requires only the menopause. Otherwise, the woman can open up unwanted bleeding during menopause.

The tablets are taken on 1 piece every day at the same time by mouth with water. Eating does not play a role.

On the blister near each tablet specified day of the week. They need to take, in accordance with an appropriate day to avoid missing the use or not to mix the desired tablet on the other. Avoid gaps in taking the drug. If such a situation arose, and took less than 12 hours, you should try to have time to take the medication. If passed more than 12 hours - to miss a pill and following a drink at the right time.

use of medication course is assigned individually. For proof effect the drug lasts for at least three months.

Contraindications and side effects of Lady Bon

Hormonal system of the body - a very delicate mechanism, which can interfere only in the most extreme cases. That is why all hormonal agents have a number of contraindications. Lady Bong is not an exception, and those include:

  1. Individual intolerance of the drug, in particular the main active substance.
  2. Bleeding unclear etymology.
  3. Malignant hormone-dependent tumors or suspicion on them.
  4. endometrial hyperplasia.
  5. Vein problems, in particular - varicose veins.
  6. Thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis.
  7. Cerebrovascular disorders.
  8. Cardiovascular diseases.
  9. Otosclerosis.
  10. Liver and kidneys. Liver, kidney, adrenal insufficiency.
  11. Porphyria.
  12. Pregnancy, lactation.
  13. Epilepsy.

With extreme caution and only under the close supervision of a physician taking medication for patients with diabetes, hypertension, metabolic disorders, asthma, migraines.

Strongly recommended to take the drug as a contraceptive.
Side effects were detected in 14.7% of the drug. These include:

  • disruption of the digestive tract: bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea;
  • allergic reactions such as rash, redness, itching;
  • Hair growth in atypical areas, in particular - on the face;
  • weight gain;
  • breast enlargement, pain in the chest area;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • thrush;
  • bloody vaginal discharge during menopause;
  • nervous disorders (anxiety, drowsiness);
  • puffiness.

In the level of thyroxine binding globulin and T4 thyroid hormone can vary during the use of the drug. This is not a side effect.

analogues of funds

Foreign and domestic farm represents a broad range of the new generation of hormonal preparations, which contain both monogormony, and combinations thereof.

As the base material, similar to estrogen, such analogs can be identified as Tiabolon, Livial, Velledien. Among the analogues Lady Bon is fairly expensive drug.

Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug

Medication appointed experts often enough as hormone therapy has the highest efficiency. If carried out a complete diagnosis, installed hormones and eliminated numerous indications, Lady Bon quickly and effectively cope with menopausal symptoms, restore the psycho-emotional state and eliminate uncomfortable Feel. The drug can be administered only in menopause - or rather, a year after the last menstrual period. Therefore, the drug is prescribed not as often as its analogues, which are suitable for use even in pre-menopausal women.

Along with this, a hormonal agent helps remove even the most severe manifestations of menopause. A significant drawback is the number of contraindications, like all hormonal methods. Use of the drug is possible in a number of common diseases, including hereditary.

Reviews the female gives to believe that the drug in the fight against rezultativen climacteric neuroses, Hot flashes, pain. Rarely, but still possible to hear about the side effects of weight gain, hair growth on the face, and gastrointestinal disorders.

The undoubted advantage is that tool is not just alleviates the symptoms, or suppresses them on time. The drug acts on at the deepest problem - hormone levels, so the passage of a full course treatment they can get rid of menopausal symptoms and the development of various profilaktirovat diseases.

Prolong their youth and transfer menopause easily and painlessly with hormonal preparations Lady Bon!

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 36
  • 194