Klimadinon DNA: instruction manual (reviews)


  1. Features Klimadinon Uno
  2. What happens to the body during menopause?
  3. How to help the drug?
  4. What is the composition?
  5. Instructions for use Klimadinon DNA and the form of
  6. Contraindications and side effects of the drug
  7. drug analogues
  8. Reviews of Klimadinon Uno (Klimadinon Uno) physicians and women

Climax comes in the life of women at different ages, but the symptoms of fading fertility in all the same. Due to hormonal changes begin drastic changes in the body: the menstrual destabilized cycle, psycho-emotional system is broken, which manifests irritability, frequent stress, insomnia, neuroses in menopause. To make life easier for women during this period, experts have resorted to a variety of synthetic and natural hormonal agents with phytoestrogens and biologically active additives. One of the most popular homeopathic remedies is Klimadinon UNO, which will be discussed in this article.

Klimadinon Uno

Features Klimadinon Uno

During menopause on the background of hormonal changes occur psycho-emotional, neuro and other changes that have a negative impact on health.

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The drug is indicated for Klimadinon Uno distinct disorders, as comments from the experts give to believe that its action is more active and intense than that of the representatives of this line drugs.

What happens to the body during menopause?

During the menopause begins enhanced effect on hypothalamus receptors, and those in turn give an answer in the form of reduced production of GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone). Thereafter pituitary luteinizing hormone synthesis decreases and its concentration in the blood, while ovaries decrease synthesis of hormones-estrogen and their content in the body. This relationship is a so-called triangle and contributes to the destabilization of the psycho-emotional state, and autonomic disturbances.

The symptomatology of this process is expressed irritability, nervousness, loss of strength, tides, sharp irregular body temperature and blood pressure, heart palpitations, aches, dizziness.

How to help the drug?

At this point, the rescue comes the tool that aligns the hormone balance and eliminates menopausal symptoms or markedly reduces their manifestation. Most of its efficiency is expressed as a sedative effect and relief of neurovegetative disorders.

Klimadinon Uno allows you to maintain hormonal balance during menopause, and helps prevent it from surges, which cause the symptoms of this difficult period.

A quarter-century foreign and domestic experts with great success the drug is used not only for relief of menopausal manifestationsBut also for disease prevention and to adapt the body after medical menopause or removal of the ovaries.

What is the composition?

Klimadinon DNA is completely natural product of plant origin, as well as all the representatives of this line.

The main active drug substance - the rhizome tsimifugi. The main difference between the means of Klimadinon is the concentration of this component. In this case, its content per tablet of 6.5 mg.

Components rhizomes tsimifugi act via estrogen receptors and they are modulators, while not affecting vaginal epithelium and endometrium, unlike hormonal drugs does not cause the development of hormone-dependent neoplasms.

This extract is widely used for a long time in the fight against women's ailments, easing menstrual pain and hormonal imbalance settlement, as he successfully demonstrates estrogenic effect.

An important feature is not only symptomatic relief, but also to solve the problem in the bud. The drug has on the hormone-like action, without causing the side effects which are known for synthetic hormones.

And tsimifuga known for its anti-aging effect, which may be noted the woman, both inside and outside.

Composition of medicine has perfectly matched proportions and concentrations of plant component, however, along with efficiency, it has a sparing effect on the organism.

Instructions for use Klimadinon DNA and the form of

Klimadinon line represented tablets and drops but Klimadinon OOE - solely in the form of tablets. The first tablet packages are produced in amounts of 60 and 90 pieces of the convex rounded shape of pink color, the second - 30, 60 and 90 of the same shape and color with the mark on one side. The difference between them is in a concentration of the main active substance.

Frequency of use and the correct dosage can only assign a specialist, given the characteristics and manifested during menopause symptoms.

The use of assets - 1 tablet once a day in the identical time.

rate of application is at least 3 months.

Analyzing the responses, we can say that the effect of the drug is already noticeable after 5 days of application tools.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

This medicine has no significant contraindications, as made on a natural basis.

However, his caution is recommended to take people with allergic reactions to components of the funds or with suspected tumors. In this case, its reception is performed only under the supervision of doctors.

Not prohibited the use of medication for diabetics, as it contains a minimal amount of sugar and bread units - 0.01 BU.

Pregnant women and lactating medication contraindicated as epileptic, endometriosis, diseases of the liver. Availability uterine fibroids during menopause It is also a reason for the replacement of tools.

It does not affect the concentration and the ability to operate machinery.

Not recommended for concurrent use with estrogenosoderzhaschimi drugs.

Side effects of the homeopathic remedy may appear stomach pain, indigestion, diarrhea, flatulence, uncharacteristic menstrual bleeding (often with overdose), all possible allergic reactions, addition of a weight of body. At the beginning of 2017 the side effects of these agents revealed the line in 4% of the female, while Klimadinon DNA - only 2%.

drug analogues

These pills have a number of unique domestic and foreign production. Orientation of their actions - cupping manifestations of menopause.
These include Gormopleks, Klimakt Hel, Klimaktoplan, Klimov drug, Klimodien, Menopace. As well as Klimalanin instruction manual which is described in one of our articles.

By active substance - extract tsimifugi such analogs can be identified as Chi-Klim tablets Estrovel, Feminal and others.

Reviews of Klimadinon Uno (Klimadinon Uno) physicians and women

Increasingly, representatives of the classical school - domestic experts recommend homeopathic remedies is to deal with violations of the female body and the symptoms of menopause. The reason is that, thanks to well-chosen composition in combination with microconcentrations substances, these drugs produce an effect similar to hormonal agents.

And Klimadinon DNA is not simply blocking the symptoms, but also acts on the problem itself.

This is due to the fact that principal component - extract tsimifugi is a kind of phytohormone action is alternatively female hormones - estrogens.

Therefore, after carrying out a diagnostic check and hormonal levels, when estrogen deficiency is detected, experts often resort to drugs such as this. After all, their effect is similar to hormone replacement therapy, only contraindications, unlike her, are minimized, and the base - completely natural.

Patients also leaving their feedback, point out that the homeopathic medicine in 79% of cases, the use of coping with emotional disorders, returns for work, eliminating panic attacks and apathy, insomnia, irritability. Normalizes thermoregulation, making possible in most cases to get rid of hot flashes, sensations, chills, sweating and heart palpitations in menopause. And the drug relieves muscle pain, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Marked strengthening of the cardiovascular system and improve metabolism. Virtually no cases of addiction to these pills were found.

This tool is widely used as a standalone preparation and in combination therapy.

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 86
  • 143