Klimaksan instructions for use: reviews of homeopathic preparation


  1. Application and particularly homeopathic remedy
  2. the effectiveness of
  3. Structure and mechanism of drug action
  4. Tsimifuga
  5. Lachesis
  6. Apis Mellifika
  7. additional substances
  8. Release forms and methods of using Klimaksan
  9. Pills
  10. granules
  11. Contraindications and side effects of medications
  12. analogs Klimaksan
  13. Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug
  14. According to doctors
  15. opinion of patients
  16. Output

For 45 years the majority of women comes the inevitable menopause. Begin to show characteristic symptoms such as mood swings, insomnia, lethargy, rapid fatigue, hot flashes, the occurrence of chills, pain in different parts of the different nature of the body, heart palpitations. All these manifestations have an effect on the background of hormonal changes caused by the extinction of reproductive function.

At this point, the body hard to handle alone, so come to the aid antiklimaktericheskie drugs that facilitate the quality of life, kupiruya symptoms of menopause. Increasingly gaining popularity of homeopathy, which is representative Klimaksan. Features Klimaksan drug instructions for its use and all you need to know about it a modern woman, described in detail below.

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Application and particularly homeopathic remedy

Klimaksan homeopathic - drug complex action is based exclusively on natural ingredients.Eliminates the symptoms of menopause and vegetative-vascular disorders in menopause.

Sometimes women are asking: "And what is the feature of homeopathic remedies?". Some equate them to plant drugs, while others believe that they are akin to the hormone. But in fact, the basis homeopathy can be both vegetable and chemical components. A feature of homeopathic medicines is that the content of the main active substance is reduced to a bare minimum.

Since all manifestations of menopause arise as a consequence of the reduction of the hormone - estrogen, it would be logical if antiklimakterichesky therapy would be the appointment of hormonal drugs (including hormone replacement therapy). However, hormone therapy has many contraindications and prescribed far kazhdoma. Therefore, in this case it is appropriate to speak about more benign means - homeopathic and phytoestrogens, to which refers Klimaksan.

the effectiveness of

Often, patients are skeptical about the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies because of the small percentage of content of the active substance. On the basis of studies that were to study the influence on living objects substances in varying concentrations transpired interesting fact. The greatest effect of the substance has on objects or microconcentrations (homeopathic), or large. The average concentration of the active substances is not sufficient to show the efficacy of on living objects.

It can be concluded that Klimaksan has enhanced effect on the elimination of symptoms, and the effect on the body shchadjashche.

It should be used for the correction of psycho-emotional state during this period, with sharp drops mood, tension, causeless anxiety, insomnia, because it has an excellent sedative Effect. This medicine helps to fight and hot flushes, sweating, chills via effects on the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus. Its effectiveness is manifested in eliminating headaches, dizziness, Palpitations.

Also, the drug is prescribed for relief symptoms during artificial menopause.

Structure and mechanism of drug action

Klimaksan Homeopathy is based on three main active ingredients of natural origin:

  • rhizome extract Tsimifugi (at a dilution of 1/200)
  • snake venom - Lachesis (at a dilution of 1/50)
  • bee venom - Apis.


Tsimifugi rhizome (Black cohosh) - herb that is famous for its healing properties. It has long been in the Indian tribes, China and Japan, the extract of this plant are used to facilitate childbirth, painful menstruation. And in our time it is used widely in cardiovascular, skin diseases, as well as a powerful antidote. Such a curative component having estrogen-like activity and performing certain functions hormone action on various tissues and cells of the body. Celebrated its relaxing functions, contributing to a balanced work of psycho-emotional system.

Antispasmodic effect helps to combat pain in the head, discomfort in the pelvic and lumbar region. And most importantly - it has virtually no contraindications and does not cause heart and vascular disease and breast cancer.


The second active ingredient Lachesis - is the largest viper venom of Brazilian origin - Surukuku. In the 19th century this substance caused a sensation in the world of medicine and homeopathy, becoming one of the most effective means for the vascular system. It is this component is actively struggling with headaches, strengthens blood vessels and pressure equalization during menopause.

Apis Mellifika

Bee venom, in turn, is a powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-matter. The main target of its action are the mucous membranes of genito-urinary organs.

The combination of such medicinal active ingredients, though in small dilution enables efficient estrogenozameschayuschee, analgesic and sedative effects of the drug.

additional substances

Additional inactive ingredients are magnesium stearate, lactose, cellulose mikrokristalnaya - tablets. In granular form, these substances only replaces sugar.

Klimaksan drug is completely natural, but at the same time effective in controlling menopausal symptoms.

Many women prefer of vegetable origin and treatment of menopause folk remediesAs herbs are safe for the body.

Release forms and methods of using Klimaksan

At the moment, the medicine produced in such forms: tablets and granules Klimaksan. One often hears about such form as "pellets". However, the drug pellets format is not released, and it - the erroneous name of granules, which have a similar circular shape.


Klimaksan - lozenges, so no need to split or chew them before use. It is with this method of use the active substance into the body gradually, reaching the desired effect. They need to use 2 pieces per day, morning and evening, for at least 15 minutes before eating, not drinking water. It is not recommended to use the tablet with a meal. If the drug effect was not seen after one week, you can increase the dose to 4 tablets per day, but only by order of a specialist. The course of the use of medicines - 6 months.

Remember that before using any medicine before should consult a doctor. Only he will be able to determine the correct dosage for you, taking into account the characteristics of the organism and to appoint a productive therapy.

Tablets are flat on both sides of a cylindrical shape, white color. No odor. Produced in boxes of 20, 30, 40 or 50 pieces.


Klimaksan granules are not only useful, but also pleasant to use. They need to take 5 pieces at a time to 2 times a day - morning and evening. Resorbed in the same manner as tablets, until complete dissolution is not squeezed water is not liquid.

Taken at least 15 minutes before meals or 2 hours - after. The granules have a smooth round shape and white color. No odor.

If the effect does not occur after a week, you should increase the amount of consumption of times a day to 4. application rate should not exceed 2 months without a break.

Important! Studies have shown that jamming, zapivanie, chewing and dissolving in water, reduce the effectiveness of the drug to a minimum.

Contraindications and side effects of medications

Contra drug Klimaksan minimized. Yet it should be noted that it contains lactose, therefore its use should be treated with care to people with galactosemia or hereditary lactase deficiency, as well as malabsorption of glucose and galactose.

Given that the funds in the granules are in the sugar in its composition, its use should be discussed with your doctor for diabetics.

Strongly recommended medication pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who have a pronounced allergy to its components.

Side effects were found only in 2% of patients. This mild allergic reactions such as itching and redness

It was not incompatible with the other drugs revealed.
Despite the fact that the drug has a mild sedative effect, it absolutely does not affect the concentration.

Since the drug is a non-hormonal, it is not in any way affect the development of tumors, including for the development and uterine fibroids in menopausal women.

Overdose has been revealed only in tablet form in the form of nausea and stomach disorders.

analogs Klimaksan

Domestic and foreign market is replete antiklimaktericheskimi means of various shapes and compositions. It Gormopleks, Klimathel, Remens, Klimodein, Proginova, Femistal, Estrozhel and several other synthetic and herbal remedies.
But if we take as a basis the main active ingredient - extract Tsimifugi, the analogues Klimaksan few - it Klimadinon and Chi-Klim, the latter refers to the Badam, in contrast to the described homeopathic remedy.

Follow the link to read the a list of homeopathic medicines in menopause.

Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug

Klimaksan reviews collects many and varied, both among professionals and among patients. This is due to the fact that the pharmacological effect of it - a homeopathic.

According to doctors

Studies that are based on the approved global standards, do not always show the effectiveness of homeopathy, so the experts, which are based only on solid facts, talk about the ineffectiveness Klimaksan. However, this drug is still a part of symptomatic treatment, and the effectiveness of such tools in the world studies have not tested one as such. So there scientific facts are powerless. And come into force numerous testimonials of patients and their physicians, which in 88% of cases, there is effectiveness in alleviating symptoms of menopause.

A minor part of the doctors are ardent fans of hormone replacement therapy. And if the patient is contraindicated hormones, they reject and exclude any alternative therapy, offering women only tolerate and accept all the manifestations of menopause, for granted.

Others are professionals, for whom the result is important, not the means of achieving it, are actively used in the practice of homeopathy, and that shows in most beneficial and effective outcome.

opinion of patients

The situation is similar with the female. Some of them, fluent reading the instructions, asks the question: "And whether Klimaksan composition capable to deliver me from the discomfort during menopause?". It is understood that the climax - is not a disease, and it can not be cured. One can only alleviate the symptoms, together with the specialist choose the desired drug or complex.

Since the majority of women report the beneficial effectiveness of this tool, you should still be based on positive reviews. Quite often the fairer sex to self-medicate, not excluding pre diseases of various kinds, in which this kind of preparations do not have any result.

Adherents Klimaksan noted a significant beneficial effect on the second week of its application. He significantly reduces the frequency of hot flashes, sometimes even completely eliminating them. Disappears sweating, headaches, heaviness in the lower back and abdomen, comes the pressure to normal. Significantly improves mood, once again unable to control their emotions and sleep. Since the drug components have an extended spectrum of activity, many note the improvement of the cardiovascular system, the decline in heart palpitations, lack of headaches. And most importantly, thanks to this drug even improves metabolism, which is important for all human organs and systems.


Klimaksan homeopathic remedy will be a great solution in menopause for those who exclude hormonal therapy, or as an effective complement to it. Unique active ingredients it has long been established in the fight against many diseases. Therefore, the drug will be an excellent homeopathic alternative in the fight against manifestations of menopause, as well as prevention in all its phases.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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