- Application and features Inoklima
- Structure and mechanism of drug action
- Release forms and methods of using funds
- Contraindications and side effects of BUD
- analogs Inoklima
- Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug
When it begins to fade reproductive function, quality of life of women is much worse. Climax due to hormonal changes, A decrease in production of female hormones, which are responsible for the smooth and proper operation of the whole organism. When this happens, everyone suffers the system: disturbed psycho-emotional state, thermoregulation processes exposed to the risk of cardio-vascular system. Females note soreness different location, sleep disturbances, mood swings, body temperature and blood pressure. They were overwhelmed by the tides, on change which dramatically comes chills, increased sweating during menopauseReduced libido, manifested dryness of mucous and skin. Noticeable changes in appearance: wrinkles, especially facial, prominent vascular mesh.
Menopausal process is irreversible but slow aging and get rid of the uncomfortable sensations in this period is possible. This medication helps that modern pharmaceuticals is a large number. Very popular hormone replacement therapy, but because of numerous contraindications, they are not suitable for everyone. In this situation, come to the aid
plant hormones and dietary supplements. One of the representatives of such funds is Inoklym, with instructions for use, guest reviews and features which can be found later in this article.Application and features Inoklima
Inoklym relates to biologically active additives which exhibit phytohormone effect. It is a completely natural remedy and has no contraindications, but has a very effective action. phytoestrogensMembers of the preparation model action of estrogen synthesis is markedly menopause reduced, thereby preventing manifest hormonal "hills" and kupiruya most unpleasant symptoms and disorders in body.
Due Inoklimu avoided irritability, unreasonable mood swings and feelings, stress, insomnia and menopausal neurosis. Can normalize thermoregulatory processes, thereby eliminating hot flushes, chills, sweating, tremors and changes in temperature. Tool does not appear headache and muscle aches, pain in the abdomen and lower back. You do not feel the blood pressure surges and complications in the cardiovascular system. You will be able to prolong youth, both inside and outside.
Structure and mechanism of drug action
Inoklima active substance preparation is an extract of a family of soybean Novasoy, which are known for isoflavone content such as genistein and daidzin. Isoflavones - are natural substances of phytohormones, since their structure and operation are similar to the maximum female hormones - estrogens. Therefore, entering into the body, they act on the beta estrogen receptors, which are located in the brain, vascular, breast, various tissues, in particular - the muscle and bone. Those. entering the body from the outside, these substances simulate the action of hormones, and the body without noticing and the difference is almost not feeling the shortage of its own estrogen, it continues to operate in the usual mode.
In addition, the active substances have a preventive effect, preventing the development of many diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as osteoporosis. Also, soy isoflavones help reduce blood cholesterol levels.
Unlike their counterparts antiklimaktericheskih natural origin, this dietary supplement contains vitamins and minerals complex. Its action is due to be the main active substance - soy isoflavones.
Release forms and methods of using funds
Inoklym represented as pink capsules. Is administered orally one capsule once a day at the same time. In severe climacteric symptoms the dose can be increased to two capsules a day, after having discussed it with the specialist. admission rate - 3 months.
Contraindications and side effects of BUD
Inoklym has virtually no contraindications due to the natural composition and gentle action. This can be attributed, perhaps, individual intolerance components agents, pregnancy and lactation.
Side effects also minimized. They were identified only in 1.55% of cases of abuse, and allergic reactions are presented in the form of skin irritation.
It should be noted that unlike hormonal agents, it - does not cause side effects in the form of tumors of the endometrium or hormone-dependent tumors.
analogs Inoklima
By their pharmacological group drug is a biologically active additive or a drug. According to the content of phytoestrogens with him can be supplied in a number of tools such as Klimodien, Femivell, Kama-Veda, Chi-Klim.
Along with this, in Inoklime not contain vitamins and other trace elements. Therefore, by the presence of the main active substance BAA it is unique.
Reviews of physicians and patients about the drug
The drug is produced by the French pharmaceutical company, and domestic experts and representatives of the female sex tend to trust the French medicine. Therefore Inoklym is very popular among those and others due to its effectiveness and at the same time sparing effect on the organism.
Experts confidently prescribe dietary supplements because it has virtually no contraindications and side effects that are not triggers, unlike hormonal agents, various tumors, has no effect on the concentration of attention and does not cause addiction.
About vehicle Inoklym reviews women talk about his notable effectiveness after only a week of reception. Moreover, the effect is noticeable at all stages of menopause. Many say not only get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, but also significant changes in appearance for the better.