Red brush in menopause ratings medicinal properties for women


  1. The impact on a woman's body during menopause
  2. The medicinal plants
  3. With what women will help fight diseases red brush?
  4. Restoration of the menstrual cycle with the help of herbs
  5. The list of contraindications and possible side effects
  6. Basic methods of using
  7. What can be replaced?

During klimakterialnogo period fades reproductive function, causing a number of unpleasant symptoms: hot flashes, sweating, headaches, sleep problems, emotional unstable state. All these unpleasant symptoms of menopause can be mitigated, if organize the restoration of the concentration of estrogen.

Traditional medicine is rich in natural recipes, so often used to combat the symptoms of menopause. Quite often, women use various infusions and charges include red brush with menopause, and reviews evidence of its effectiveness can be found in multiple quantities in open spaces Internet. Red brush contains plant hormones, which are able to smooth out the intensity of the symptoms of menopause, to support the body, as well as prevent the occurrence of a number of diseases associated with a change in the hormonal balance of the female body.

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Red brush

The impact on a woman's body during menopause

This herb effectively normalizes hormonal balance. In addition, it helps with the absence of menstruation. It restores and stabilizes the menstrual cycle.

It is important to remember, which is not desirable to take with the red brush other drugs hormone replacement therapy. The exception is the upland uterus, because it enhances the beneficial effects on the body with a brush.

Red brush in menopause affects to several systems of the body.

Nervous system:

  • stabilizing emotional state;
  • improved mood;
  • general irritability disappears;
  • is an increase in activity;
  • insomnia disappears;
  • stop worrying depression;
  • disappears the feeling of fear;
  • disappear panic attacks.

The autonomic nervous system:

  • lost tides;
  • no excessive sweating;
  • lost headache, dizziness;
  • improved efficiency and activity of women.

Metabolic processes:

  • recovery occurs vaginal mucosa;
  • improves the vaginal flora;
  • a woman does not gain weight;
  • stimulates renewal of the epidermis cells.

Additional effect:

  • returns monthly (premenopausal);
  • outputs from the body, toxins;
  • improves the immune system;
  • is an excellent prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • It fights inflammation;
  • blocks tumors in the breast and uterus.

After use the red brush stronger all the protective functions of the female body, and there is an increase in libido. These various beneficial effects of red brush on the body due to the unique composition of the medicinal plants.

The medicinal plants

The plant is a natural hormone, through which you can fill in the missing hormones not only in premenopausal, but menopause and postmenopause. As part of a red brush, you can find a lot of useful substances and elements, each of which has its beneficial properties for the female body.

  • Phenols. Strengthen and protect the circulatory system, block vasoconstriction and prevent cholesterol oxidation.
  • Essential oils. Have antibacterial, soothing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  • Flavonoids. Decrease vascular permeability, stabilize and normalize pressure and heart rate.
  • Organic acids. Responsible for the intake of iron, potassium and magnesium. acid also improve the digestive tract, reduce cholesterol levels, promote lipolysis and withdrawal from the body toxins.
  • Sterols. Uluchay protective barrier of the body and the cardiovascular system.
  • Tannins. Have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.

In addition, the composition includes zinc, manganese, copper, as well as minerals. But most of all during menopause women are interested in the effect of plant hormones red brush, which normalize the balance of estrogen and progesterone.

With what women will help fight diseases red brush?

There is a whole list of diseases, during which it is advisable to take the red brush:

  • endometriosis
  • cervical inflammation
  • hysteromyoma
  • dysbacteriosis
  • adhesions
  • Infertility in women
  • violation of menstruation
  • Problems with hormonal

It is worth noting that the red brush can be used for the prevention of these health problems. But when the disease should always consult with a doctor, and only then begin to use the red brush.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle with the help of herbs

This herb is widely used to restoring menstruation. After all, in the red brush contains phytoestrogens, and active components that improve the hormonal balance in the female body:

  • It improves blood loss;
  • reduced pain during menstruation;
  • normal length of the menstrual cycle;
  • It improves the general condition of the woman.

The plant also can help to restore the monthly allocation due to the normalization of the body's hormones. This improvement does not occur abruptly, but the cycle itself is gradually being established. As regards the possibility of using a red brush during menstruation, it can start to drink any day of the cycle. But if the delay is first necessary to take a pregnancy test

If a woman has started taking medicinal herb with heavy menstrual period, the effect will be no earlier than three to five days. After all, this plant begins to act immediately on the cause of the problem and not its symptoms.

The list of contraindications and possible side effects

Despite the many positive attributes of red brush, nobody cancels a mandatory consultation with a doctor before using the plant. The brush is a relatively strong natural remedy which, when used incorrectly can harm.

There is a list of clear contraindications:

  • disease state of an organism (fever, chills);
  • mental instability and overdriving;
  • high blood pressure;
  • intolerance of female body herb.

In addition, it is impossible to simultaneously receive red brush with medicaments which include:

  • hop,
  • cocklebur.
  • licorice,
  • clover.

As for side effects, they are very rare. After an overdose can occur:

  • weakness,
  • flaccid state,
  • apathy,
  • loss of appetite.

Also, allergic reactions are possible, which are manifested as redness, rashes and itching. Therefore, before taking should consult a doctor to determine the feasibility of using this plant.

Basic methods of using

On the basis of the red brush, you can prepare not only tea or broth, but the tincture. Also in the pharmacies you can buy ready-made facilities.

  1. Tincture. For cooking you will need 50 grams of plant and rubbing alcohol (can be a bottle of vodka). Infuse in a cool, dark place at least 20 days. To use 30 drops three times daily before meals. Course duration - 30 days.
  2. Broth. Make serving a day, drinking a decoction three-four times a day. Prepared on the basis of Art. spoons root and water (fill boiling and boil for 15 minutes, after which the broth infused 45 minutes). Drink the broth for 30 minutes before eating.
  3. Tea. Insist need 10 minutes drinking tea warm. There are limitations - no more than three cups a day.
  4. Pills. Assigned as a source of flavonoids and ascorbic acid. Tablets need to drink in the morning (2-3 pieces). Consumed during meals.
  5. Drops. 20-30 drops diluted in a little water. Taken twice a day with meals, but not more than one month.
  6. Syrups. Take three times a day for one teaspoon. Duration - a month. After a break of ten days you can take the syrup again.
  7. Balms. Represent red brush extraction where there are other components. Used balm one teaspoon three times a day before meals. Application limited balsam 2-6 weeks.
  8. Candles. sold fitosvechi with an extract of red brush in almost any drugstore. suppository form differs from manufacturer to manufacturer.

What can be replaced?

If a woman is contraindicated taking this means, it can be replaced by the following drugs to combat the symptoms of menopause, and support for the body:

  • Kleverol
  • Estrovel
  • Feminal
  • Remens
  • Klimadinon
  • Chi-klim

Often women use herbal tampons to reduce menopause symptoms. In most cases this balls Beautiful Life or Clean Point. Reviews gynecologists about Chinese tampons mostly positive views of women and support the action of these tampons.

The list of drugs is not over, but in any case, the choice of hormonal drugs should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician and passing the corresponding exam.

Red brush - a unique phytoestrogen, which not only restores the hormonal balance of the body, but also supports other systems of the female body. That is why this plant receives positive feedback from women during menopause, who are struggling with unpleasant using this tool symptoms of menopauseMaintaining youth body.

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 88
  • 145