Homeopathic medicines in menopause: how to take the medication at menopause


  1. Features and indications for use of homeopathy in menopause
  2. The mechanism of action of plant assets in menopause
  3. Advantages and some disadvantages
  4. Antiklimaktericheskie homeopathic remedies
  5. Reviews professionals and patients

Climax - a natural process that sooner or later comes to life of every woman. Average menopause occurs after 45 years. He marks the extinction of fertility, and this entails a lot of changes in the body, its systems and processes. First and foremost, this means the period beginning of hormonal changes the body. And as you know, hormones play a role in virtually all life processes. Therefore, a lack or overabundance of certain hormones may falter in the body, and it is always accompanied by the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms and discomforts.

Often, in order to minimize the unpleasant symptoms of used medicines based on natural and homeopathic remedies. On the effectiveness of the latter has been controversial for many years come. But judging by how many homeopathic antiklimaktericheskih funds represented by the domestic and foreign market, and how they use the enormous demand - we can safely assume that they are truly improve the quality of life during menopause.

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Features and indications for use of homeopathy in menopause

Homeopathy began to be used in medicine and the pharmaceutical industry with about 400 g before. BC and nowadays very popular among physicians. The bottom line is that of the input means such substances in the microscopic content, which in large doses provoke a certain disease. Thus the organism to obtain a microparticle substances succeeds adapt to it and can then have to be prepared and develop immunity to the disease. Those. the main feature of homeopathic medicines is mikrosoderzhanie basic active substances. In general, these substances are natural.

Homeopathic medicines in menopause do not have a drug action, and as a climax, as such, is not a disease. These agents act on the whole body, helping it to run and support the weakened system kupiruya unpleasant symptoms and discomfort, as well as providing profilaktiruet act.

Adherents of traditional medicine are of the opinion that homeopathy in menopause - it's more than a placebo effect than the effect of drugs. Those. when menopausal women have emotional disorders and feelings of impending old age, fear of painful sensations and discomfort, which they hear a child from senior representatives of the women's floor. Therefore, against the background of psychosomatic medicine can really develop painful and uncomfortable feelings, from which, according to representatives of the traditional school, and you can get rid of self-hypnosis by applying supposedly useless homeopathy. But comments from the experts and the patients really are talking about improving the state of health at menopause and therefore, homeopathy is a great way out for those who are refused for any reason from hormones.

Such means are assigned with irritability, insomnia, neuroses in menopause, Loss of strength, reduced working capacity, flushing, dizziness, blood pressure jumps, pain of varying locations for women in menopause.

The mechanism of action of plant assets in menopause

This kind of products are completely natural basis and do not contain hormones. Their principal active substances are plant extracts, minerals, animals, and insects secretions that contain phytohormones. They simulate the action of hormones, mainly estrogen-like effect of rendering, so the body is no longer a shortage of female hormones and starts working normally again. Also, these medicines contain a complex of vitamins and minerals that support the body at this time difficult for him and helps to strengthen immunity, improve metabolism and profilaktirovat the development of cardiovascular and bone diseases. Those. homeopathy does not just eliminate the symptoms and softens, it acts on the problem at its roots, as getting in body, it exerts on the action alternative hormones, and nutrients due to its supports work.

Advantages and some disadvantages

Whatever treatment you choose, it will always have its pros and cons. Homeopathy and menopause has two sides.

Benefits include:

  • Natural base, whereby the effect is gentle and gentle action on the body.
  • The absence of contraindications. This can be attributed, perhaps, allergic reactions, and individual intolerance to some components.
  • Most plant components has a complex effect on the body: waiting for the solution of a problem, you eliminate more and more, and get a tonic effect.
  • One of the first to the action of such means responds psycho-emotional system, coming into balance. This helps avoid the symptoms on a background of psychosomatic medicine.
  • No side effects. And most importantly, unlike hormones, this kind of drugs do not cause the development of hormone-dependent tumors.
  • Affordable pricing.

Still, there are non-essential disadvantages of these drugs, which include:

  • Insignificant efficacy in distinct pathologies.
  • Incompatibility with certain types of therapy.
  • Problematic in independent application means. Simply stated, the correct rate of application of homeopathy, only an expert can determine when menopause, otherwise - use it pass in vain and ineffective.

Antiklimaktericheskie homeopathic remedies

Despite the distrust of some experts to these drugs, increasing their number appears on the pharmaceutical market, and they are in great demand.

Among the most popular can be identified such drugs:

  1. Remens. The main active ingredient is an extract of the rhizome tsimifugi. This is a powerful phytoestrogen, which is used in almost all antiklimaktericheskih preparations. This is a great alternative to a hormone that has on the body exactly the same effect. Therefore, the female body, receiving plant hormones and not feeling much of a difference, continues to work in the usual mode, which saves us from the painful symptoms. Still other effective components are substances Lachesis - snake venom Sanguinar, ratsimozy, sepia, pilocarpus. It is produced in the form of drops and tablets.
  2. Chi-Klim. A series of homeopathic remedies submitted pills and anti-aging creams. Antiklimakterichesky have effect both in the complex and in the case of independent use. The main active ingredient is tsimifuga. And in a complex vitamins for women 45+ picked up an invaluable mix of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Many of the fairer sex even notice the anti-aging effect of this series.
  3. Klimaksan. Also it based on tsimifuge. Aimed at restoring the balance of the psycho-emotional system. Klimaksan at menopause It eliminates hot flashes, pain, improve overall health.
  4. Estrovel. Same tsimifuga, wild yam, soy extract, nettle leaf. Estrovel in menopause It improves blood circulation, the cardiovascular system, normalizes thermoregulation.

Wedge Point or BEAUTIFUL Life, also used by women to restore the hormone estrogen, since it is contained in these herbal balls. Reviews of Chinese tampons You can read the link in one of our articles.

This list is not exhaustive, it is only for 2016 in the domestic market has added more than 15 new homeopathic medicines in menopause. According to social surveys, our women are also a big fan of the German manufacturer Homeopathy Heel - Klimakt Khel, The active ingredient of which is Sanguinar extract, Lachesis, Sepia, Ignatia and many other miraculous substances.

Reviews professionals and patients

Experts who welcome alternative medicine, in one voice say that homeopathy is excellent therapy for menopause, because it has almost no contraindications and is suitable for most patients.

It is not prescribed for a particular expression pathologies or progressive illnesses, especially with uterine myoma in menopause and other tumor diseases. Homeopathic remedies are recommended to take for a long time (two months or longer) because they are cumulative and long-term effect. It has a sparing effect on the body, while showing favorable results are quite high.

Women who, for professional recommendation has been assigned such therapy, in 83% of cases get rid of hot flashes, irritability, pain and other discomforts during menopause. In this case they point bracing effect, and improvement of the body both from inside and outside.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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